F4S: What Or Who Do You Love Most.. And Why?

Thursday, December 1, 2022

What Or Who Do You Love Most.. And Why?

I The Church.. And The Head Of It Even More!  Yeah, And He's Really Into Building.

Got 10 Reasons Why I Love The Church.

Been asked.. Kurt, do you ever seek to, or have a desire to build the church? 

Not really, I indeed want to be a blessing to all the saints and sinners in and around the church for sure. Want to be in the will of God and doing His will. 

I want to help believers to grow as I too am growing in the Word.. but Jesus Christ said that He’ll build His church, therefore I aim never to compete with Him, or with any believer in His body. Why do that? That’s not really our place to do that. It is our place to live and give witness for Him. I also like to invite people, or I go get them. Christ saves and adds to His church. 

Jesus is building His church today and He doesn’t need me — doesn’t need any of us really.

I remember being an altar-boy in the Roman Church system as a child and didn’t consider any sort of building of any kind back then. 

Has my flesh ever been tempted to build it as I grew up? Not sure, don’t think so.. I’m trying to recall a time when I thought I could build the church for the Lord.

I would love for Jesus to use me in my teens after I came to know Jesus. I still pray that he would use how I live, how I think, walk and speak. That's why I try my best to follow Him. I want His words in my mouth and in my shoe-leather so to speak 24/7/365. 

Don't want to presumptuously get in the Builder's way--it's so easy to do. I pray that as He builds His church that some of that constructing will happen through my life though. 

I never want to get to the end of my life, look back and try to determine what God did, what I did, what He did through me, or what He wanted to do through me ..that I did not do. I want my all to be for Him cuz He’s my first-love--do what You will, Lord. Am available. 

We all want to be used of God if we are normal believers right? You too huh? Sure. 

Start in His Word. Meditate upon what Jesus said, “And I say to you that you are Peter (Petros meaning small stone. See g4074), and on this rock (Petra, Rock. See g4073-strongs..) I will build My church, and the gates of Hades (meaning death) shall not prevail against it. And I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven, and whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.” Matthew 16:18–19 nkjv #emph-mine 

(I've got at least ten reasons why I love the church. Read more.. blog)