F4S: May 2024

Thursday, May 9, 2024

Can the friendship be maintained all the way through? Yep, there's indeed a Way! “Look, you are beautiful, my beloved. Look, you are beautiful. Your eyes are doves. Look. you are beautiful. my beloved. Truly pleasant.” – S. of S. 1:15–16

Above all we each need to stay close friends with our first love, Jesus (the groom of His Church / His beloved Bride). We each need worshipful fellowship upwards first-off (prioritize Him ahead of everything),  and then outwards with those in the Body of Christ. And then go win some more people to Him so they can be blessed as well! How fun is that!   

Men, we need to diligently cultivate, to carefully nurture, to lovely protect (guard), to gently guide (lead), and to stay real close friends with our one precious wife that God gave to us, husbands. Seek the Lord and no excuses, bro. Become closer friends with nobody else other than your wife here, except with Christ. Married people, the more we seek and get close to God, the closer we will walk together!  

Q: How fervently and often do you pray for her? How often do you read with the word with, fellowship with, and pray with each other? Fellowship at a healthy local Christian church as well. 

Friendship can only exist where there is a response from the person, it always needs to be reciprocal. 

- True friends show genuine love towards each other, they really do care and don't abuse in any way! David and Jonathan were friends and they King David had his a wife as his close friend. Hey guys, allow none on earth to become a closer friend to you than your wife! That calls for an investment of a lot of time etc. 

See 1 Samuel 18 verses 1 to 3 where it says, "After David had finished talking with Saul he met Jonathan, the king's son. There was an immediate friendship bond between them for Jonathan loved David and Jonathan made a solemn pact with David because he loved him as he loved himself". Study the different types of love in Greek. They were close friends in a normal sort of way. 

There's no closer dude-friendship in the Bible than that of David and Jonathan and what a pair they were for God's glory. David, the unknown shepherd boy from the country, friends with Jonathan, the son of royalty.. yes, from King Saul. Jonathan was the prince. So, royalty and a common man became fellowship friends.

We all need godly friendships. We all need to edify and encourage each other in the Lord. 

"In the first stage of your life, you're shaped mostly by your family." My pastors Chuck Smith, Greg Laurie and Jack Graham here in Dallas teach this: "In the second stage of it, or the rest of your life, you're shaped largely by your friends." It's peer level uplift. You become most like the close people you spend much time with. Spend much time with Jesus, and much time with your wife. It's so needful. Duh!

Hey, "Show me your friends and I'll show you your future". Close friends will influence you for better or for worse. All friendships can influence. They'll either bring you up or they'll take you down. Some people bring joy wherever they go, others bring joy whenever they go. Which one are you? Are you Bobby Buzzkill or Debbie Downer? Are you the one that lights up a room or turns the lights off? Are you the one that builds others up, or you're always dragging them down?

The Bible says in Proverbs 18:24, "There are friends that destroy each other, but a real friend sticks closer than a brother".

Proverbs 22:24 says, "Don't befriend angry people or associate with hot tempered people". 

That's why godly friendships in any land are so very important. There's an old saying, quote, "Fear that (so called friend, that) person who fears not God". 

It's also been said, "He is your friend that helps get you closer to God". 

He is your friend that earnestly prays, that tactfully appeals, that all out admonishes you closer to God. 

He or she is not your friend who negatively influences you away.. and pulls you down and away from God. 

In Psalm 1 it says, "Happy as the man that does not walk in the council of the ungodly or stand in the way of sinners or sit in the seat of the scornful. But his delight is in God's law (Word) and in it he meditates day and night". 

But notice how, they doesn't ever let ungodly people influence them away from their first love relationship. Muse on Psalm 1 in different translations and memorize these words.  

- True friends support each other through all the rough patches -- through thick and thin. 

True friends support each other through thick and thin. They're consistent. 

Proverbs 17:17 says, "A friend loves at all times and a brother is born for a time of adversity"

A friend can help you through hard times. 

Galatians 6:2 says, "Bear one another's burdens and so fulfill the law of Christ". 

You know, because a real friend will attentively listen to you--you can open your heart to them with no fear. They go use it against you like we've all seen happen before. They won't jump down your throat or start judging you. They'll try to hear you out, hear all that you have to say, and try to help you by bearing that burden with you.

James 1:10 says, Hey, "Be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to get angry". 

But sometimes we're the opposite, we're slow to listen and quick to get angry. And but two friends can share their burdens with one another. 

Ecclesiastes 4:9 says, "Two people are better off than one, they can help each other succeed. If one person falls, the other can reach out and help, but someone who falls alone is in real trouble". 

Back in the day, did you ever hear that song by Carol King? She sang, "You just call out my name, and you know wherever I am, I'll come running to see you again. Winter, spring, summer or fall, all you gotta do is call and I'll be there. Yes, I will, you've got a friend".

I used to listen to it while landscaping in SoCal. 

Well, your friend Jesus, does exactly that. He's the BFF that sticks closer than a brother. If you've got another friend like that as well, wow. How great! Cherish that person and try to be that friend for someone else, because a true friend can suffer with you. 

The Bible says "Weep with those that weep"

Like many have (after those Covid years), Liney and I lost a son (Nathan Michael) and it helps a lot to have a friend to weep with. Jesus wept. So you too.. go weep with those that weep.

- True friends tell each other the truth

True friends wait for the best timing and tell each other the truth. How do you know the difference between an acquaintance and a friend? Friends are the ones you call on the phone and tell them what you're going through, you share a joy with them, you share a burden with them, you let them into your life. 

Proverbs 27:10 says, "The heartfelt council of a friend is as sweet as perfume". 

And a true friend will tell you, Sup? You can share with and bounce things off of them. You have certain friends that always say, "Wonderful, it's really wonderful, how great is that!"

Live honest and wise at the same time. Proverbs 27:6 says, "Faithful are the wounds of a friend, but the kisses of an enemy are deceitful. Open rebuke is better than secret love". 

Loyal to the max as well. Faithful are the wounds of a friend but we try never to hurt someone with our words. It just means they tell you the truth. 

"A true friend stabs you in the front." Oscar Wild  

But really go stab no one. See, it's not in the back with words etc, it's in the front. A true friend will tell you right to your face (be tactful and tender). Because listen, sometimes friendships can fracture, sometimes problems develop too.

- True friends resolve their conflicts and I'm gonna update that point

Yes, real friends attempt to resolve all their conflicts because in Christ conflicts can be resolved. 

Some people cannot be reconciled with others. They refuse to be. This is why the Bible says, "As much as it is possible, live at peace with all men". Aren't you glad the Bible says, "As much as it is possible". 

I pray for people who do and don't want to be reconciled. Don't be that person who won't. Go talk with them and pray together if they will. Why talk about them instead of talking to them? Go to them. 

What does God in the Bible say? Ephesians 4:26 says, "Don't let the sun go down on your anger". 

So don't go to sleep mad at each other, listen to this, fight to resolve not to win. Fight to resolve not to win. If you go in it to win, you lose even if you win. One last point, Jesus is the perfect friend, right? 

We have and are flawed friends who need the Lord. 

But Jesus is the perfect friend. See John 15:15, where Jesus says, "I no longer call you slaves because a master doesn't confide in his slaves. You are my friends because I've told you everything the Father has told me". Jesus is your best of all friends and He is your friend that reveals good secrets. Come to Him today! KnowGod.org

Lord, I love to get away to be with You all alone, just to hear your words, to refresh in your presence, to worship and pray. It's so I can really know and walk with You better. Would you pray?: Bless and make me wisely decisive, a real blessing for the people and Church by my words, attitude and good deeds Lord Jesus! Time is limited. Send a ginormous tsunami set of revival and awakening waves to these shores (not for destruction's sake). Yes, to me and through me..or at least let me be a part of that.. if You will. Will You please!?


When God gives you a task, goal, assignment, prioritize check in the Word. Keep your worshipful obedient relationship with Him ahead of the work for Him and follow through until it's with excellences.. completed for His glory. Preserve to the finish line!


Have you somehow gotten distracted away like a workaholic, or preoccupied, or just too busy for Jesus and your loved ones? Are you now busy about nothin'? Ask for help, pause to pray and.. STOP IT.