F4S: One with One.. on one. It's a type of world changing that is lasting and far more than exhilarating! Listen, if you're still suckin' air here, you can be won by One and then used of this One (God) to bless another one!

Thursday, April 22, 2021

One with One.. on one. It's a type of world changing that is lasting and far more than exhilarating! Listen, if you're still suckin' air here, you can be won by One and then used of this One (God) to bless another one!

I'd rather be a praying realist helpin' at least one other person, than just another pessimist. How about you? You can do this.. be used to change the world around you one person at a time!

Our society has been arching downwards spiritually, morally, educationally, politically (etc.) pretty fast over the last decades, but lately it seems like it's been on steroids in a freefall downwards. Look around, does it seem like that to you too? Personally, I believe that an authentic revival in the Church and a fifth, a sixth, or (if there's time in these last days) a seventh great awakening in the USA is what is needed to turn things around. 

You have a part to play in world-changing, and God of course does too. The Father, Jesus and the Holy Spirit were and still are greatest evangelists in all of history. And God has used several effective believers to evangelize -- He still delights to use ordinary people to evangelize! You don't have to be called as an evangelist or missionary to do this -- God calls all believers to be Spirit-led witnesses for His glory. 

Hey, I respectfully challenge you today. If you can't really believe God for a reviving city-wide or nation-changing awakening, then daily pray and believe him to revive or awaken you personally. Let's not be overly concerned with the prominent leaders of our day that God can (and will) use in this respect, but more focused on Christ simply doing this much needed work here. Let's concern ourselves with our part and the obedience of faith to Him. Listen, if He can get it to you, He can get it through you.. to those in this world. Believers in biblical times effectively turned their world upside down for the Lord (or perhaps we should say right-side up). Pastor Greg Laurie says we, too, can change OUR world.

Ultimately you and I were won by One, believer, but God used people in this great happening too. And you can also be used to win people to the Lord. (Here's part one of.. one with One on one world-changing)

May I ask? As you prayerfully go about your daily life wisely applying God's word in your part of the world, are you by faith making more of an impact on the world than the world has been making on you? In God's will it's time for you and me to become red-hot, effective, praying “world-changers”. Yes, soul-winners and disciple-makers with fruit that abides. It's time to closely follow Christ and in the footsteps of the early Disciples and tactfully put our faith to work for revival and awakening here. It doesn't matter your town, city, Land, color, background or nationality! God loves you and has a good plan for you!

The Bible is filled with stories of God using regular ordinary people in non-reg, extraordinary sorta ways to change this world gone astray. Yes, one by one by one by One! I'm talking about the imperative of a first-love intimacy of relationship that literally compels believers like you and me to go share both the bad news and the Good News of the Gospel ..for the purpose of seeing God save religious and irreligious people.
Paul the Apostle was on-fire and explained how he'd entered people's lives to better witness. Yes, becoming all things to all men in order to win some of em. He said, "For the love of Christ controls and compels us, because we have concluded this, that One died for all, therefore all died; and He died for all, so that all those who live would no longer live for themselves, but for Him who died and was raised for their sake." 2 Corinthians 5:14-15 amp

He said, "For though I am free from all men, I have made myself a servant to all, that I might win the more; and to the Jews I became as a Jew, that I might win Jews; to those who are under the law, as under the law, that I might win those who are under the law; to those who are without law, as without law (not being without law toward God, but under law toward Christ), that I might win those who are without law; to the weak I became as weak, that I might win the weak. I have become all things to all men, that I might by all means save some. Now this I do for the gospel’s sake, that I may be partaker of it with you." 1 Corinthians 9:19-23 nkjv
God is still in the business of freely regenerating dead people to Life. And He's into transforming his followers into world changers, and this includes you. He may be calling you to something big careerwise, like moving to Europe to start a local church or para-church evangelistic ministry. Or he may be asking you to start out small, like simply leaving your local comfort zone and stretching your faith in prayer to try something that you haven't before. In either case, crossing the street or an ocean to share your biblical faith, it's His power working through you that will first impact you and then impact everyone around you. Such a JOY! His love and truth will revive the reborn living (saved sinners, saints), or awaken the walking dead (the lost, those not yet saved). 

Pray for revival and freely receive!
1. What is a biblical Christian revival? Have all so-called revival meetings been biblical? Nope. What does the Bible say about real revival?
3. What was the Azusa Street Revival? Was the Azusa Street Revival the origin of Pentecostalism? Who was William Seymour?
4. What is revivalism -- how is it related to repentance, prayer and being a real world-changer? What is the history of revivalism and world changers for God's churches? (You know how awakening is for those of this world who are spiritually dead and revival is for believers). Is a revival meeting truly an effective method of evangelizing the lost? Can a local church really schedule a "healing revival" or a time for God to do this.. as they often try to do? They can schedule meetings called whatever, but really can't make God do what they want when He's scheduled by them. 
5. In the Old Testament with Jonah, was that a biblical revival? Who even wrote Jonah? What is the Book of Jonah all about?
6. What is the Assemblies of God Church, and what do they believe regarding revival? Is the Assemblies of God considered an evangelical church? When the UPC (United Pentecostal Church now headquartered in Weldon Spring, Missouri) broke away from them (the AG) talking about revival and became a full cult over a so-called revelation, did real revivals come from them? Nope. 
9. Who was Jonathan Edwards? What is Jonathan Edwards most known for? What impact did Jonathan Edwards have on early American Christianity?
10. What is a laughing revival and "holy laughter?" With so many animal sounds from so called Chritians and seeing them "giving spiritual interpretations" to these crazy sounds. Yeah, it's too weird. Is laughing uncontrollably a gift of the Spirit? Nope. How is holy laughter an example of self-control a fruit of the Spirit?
11. What is the Latter Rain Movement? Will there be an outpouring of miraculous spiritual gifts as the end times approach?
12. What is Jesus Culture? Is Jesus Culture biblical? Who is the founder of the Jesus Culture movement?
14. Does 2 Chronicles 5:14 teach slaying in the Spirit? What happened to the people in 2 Chronicles 5:14?
16.  Can an  individual lukewarm, nominal, immature, weak or worldly born again Christian become revived by the Holy Spirit and then be used of God as a spiritually red-hot witnessing believer? Yes! And God can use you with His Message, with (your own story and natural or spiritual) gifts to share His Gospel to win souls to Christ, and to spread biblical revival. Could this happen as a result of a fresh outpouring or great awakening? There have been 4 already, but could God cause an authentic great awakening as a result of praying believers obeying His Great Commission? Yes, and yes! Can the Life-giver (Jesus) have His rivers of living water flow out from within any believer to revive other people? Yes! After making the offer of life-giving water, Christ added that rivers of living water would flow out from the heart of the believer (John 7:38). And He alluded to the Isaiah 55:1 and Isaiah 58:11—passages that similarly present the Messianic hope in terms of life-giving water (cf. Exodus 17:1–6Psalm 78:15–16105:40–41Proverbs 18:4Isaiah 12:3Ezekiel 47:1–11; and Zechariah 14:8). 
17. What was the First Great Awakening? What was the Second Great Awakening? What was the Second Great Awakening? What did the First Great Awakening accomplish? What happened as a result of the Second Great Awakening?
18. What is the “Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God” sermon? What impact did the “Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God” sermon of Jonathan Edwards h...
19. What is a spiritual awakening? How can one lost person experience a true spiritual awakening? Turn from sin, trust Christ, earnestly pray and believe for this! 
20. Who was Jonathan Edwards? What is Jonathan Edwards most known for? What impact did Jonathan Edwards have on early American Christianity?
21. Who was Charles Finney? How was Charles Finney involved in the Second Great Awakening? Were the teachings of Charles Finney biblically sound?
22. What is a biblical revival and can this still happen in our day? Yes, believe God for this! Are all so-called revival meetings biblical? No. What does the Bible really say about revival?
23. What about Church History and revival? What is the history of Christianity? What is the origin of the Christian church?
24. Who was George Whitefield? What is George Whitefield most known for? What impact did George Whitefield have on early American Christianity?
25. Who was D. L. Moody? What is D.L. Moody most known for? How did D. L. Moody become such a fruitful, successful evangelist?
26. What was the era of Reason and Enlightenment and how was this reviving?
27. Who was Billy Sunday? What is Billy Sunday most known for? Was he used of God to bring revival? How did Billy Sunday become such a successful evangelist?
28. Who was Charles Wesley? What is Charles Wesley most known for in church history? What are some of the hymns that Charles Wesley wrote?
29. What is the Holiness movement or one of their churches like? What are the origins of the Holiness movement? What do Holiness churches believe?
30. HIs "saved" a Bible term.. for real? How can I be saved? What does it mean to be saved? How can I be saved? How is one saved?
31. Are Catholics saved? Do Catholics go to heaven? If a person adheres to Roman Catholic beliefs and practices, is he or she saved? Can others from other religions be saved? Yep! 
32. Why do I even need to be saved? What is the need for salvation? How can I convince someone of their need to be saved when I can save nobody? Only Jesus saves people. 
33. Is once saved, always saved biblical? You and I are secure in Christ. Is there any way that salvation can be lost? Once I am saved, is that salvation assured and secured? Ever heard of OSAS?