F4S: “For I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God that brings salvation to everyone who believes.” —Romans 1:16

Wednesday, October 21, 2020

“For I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God that brings salvation to everyone who believes.” —Romans 1:16

Have you prayed for your family, foes and friends today? Have you prayed for your local church, the pastors, your town, city, state, nation and leaders today

Good plan -- let's pause and pray. 

Let's love Jesus, trust His timing, follow Jesus where He leads you, boldly share Jesus -- people need Him and His Gospel, repeat. How simple is that? I didn’t say it’s always easy. There are trials of course.   

Here’s why it’s good for you to do. There is no one, I mean no one, who can tell your kids, your family including relatives, and friends about the love of Jesus like you can. 

Why? Because you have a unique, intimate relationship with them that no one else in the world has. God has placed you right where you are, during this time in history, for a specific purpose. And He delights to use common every folk like you and me.. to glorify Christ.

Pray, Trust, Study the Bible, Go Tactfully Share Your Own Story And The Truth God Illuminates To You, Repeat. 

Lord, we need an outpouring again. Please send another biblical revival for your Church, and an authentic spiritual awakening in our Land. With You, we want to be apart of that. 

Let's pray that people come to Christ.. that many come back to Christ as well
