F4S: Common to find today.. a he-man with a she-weakness

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Common to find today.. a he-man with a she-weakness

Been reviewing that familiar old story of Samson, the he-man with a she-weakness. Good to be reminded! Man, they didn't even have the web back then ..like a spider has to catch creatures getting a bit too close. Really don't know if Samson was big, small, fat or skinny. The Bible doesn't tell us about that, but God's anointing indeed made him real strong no matter what he looked like. Guess you could say he was a gifted child. And God's anointing can strengthen anyone willing ..like God wants..... if we'll only allow Him to lead and be in charge. Have you turned to Christ inviting Him in to be your Lord?

"Then Delilah said to Samson, 'You have made a fool of me; you lied to me. Come now, tell me how you can be tied.'" That "tied" aspect should have kinda been a tip off for Samsseepoo huh.

"With men hidden in the room, she called to him, 'Samson, the Philistines are upon you!' But he snapped the thongs as easily as a piece of string snaps when it comes close to a flame. So the secret of his strength was not discovered." ..not yet at least, but Satan's bait must have looked O so fine and little by little, Samson's compromise and dabbling in the world would soon get him.. blind!
So SO sad how Samson squandered his resources, wasted his potential, and thrashed his vision and ability ..through willful disobedience! I think my youngest son might say that Samson was a good candidate for a twelve step program.. for guys who had a weakness for naughty women. LOL! But perhaps he merely needed a three step program: repent, believe, and then act like you believe in the Lord ...until you see Him face to face. 

Don't you just hate to see young bucks all self confident and full of themselves as they go blow it over and over again.. until the lights go out early? I sure do! Hate to see em get ripped off. That's why I'm not going to stop praying for them. Sure, someone prayed for me when I had stinking thinking. Samson threw it all away as, "The Philistines took him and put out his eyes, and brought him down to Gaza. They bound him with bronze fetters, and he became a grinder in the prison" (Judg. 16:21, nkjv). What an example in how not to live. We can learn from those who apply the Word and from those who don't. They don't trust the warnings from those around them, because people simply "don't understand this special situation." But you remember how..sin blinds you after it finds you. It confines you and then it grinds you! Believer, you too are a witness for the Lord right now. You are either an impacting witness or a bad witness, but each and every saint is a witness of some sort. It's our choice.. each and every day. I'd rather please the Lord!

Sin causes anyone committing it ..to do completely irrational things. Don't you agree? Are you addicted to something or is Christ first in your life? Are you lying, stealing, cheating just to get what you want out of life feeling that Christ alone is not enough? Why settle for second best when there really is no second best.. you know what I mean, settling for being an idolater? Perhaps you can relate and have also blown it in a similar way before. Are you to remain hopeless and give up on a life in the Spirit? No way! I've blown it in many ways before, but Jesus said He is the Way. Listen, Samson's story also speaks of merciful second chances and our longsuffering God of grace. You can know and be empowered to serve God right, yup, no matter what you've done or where you are coming from. Are you willing to pray and receive a new start right now?

Instead of Samson becoming a world-changer for good (an effective witness) as God wants all of us to become, Samson compromised over and over allowing the world to change him for bad. Are you a world-changer today overcoming evil with good? Please don't let the enemy via the lust of the flesh, the lusts of the eyes or the pride of life destroy you (1 Jn. 2:16, Gal. 5:16, 2 Pet. 2:10)! Please don't be conformed to this world's system like so many people around you (Rom. 1:2), but instead take a stand for what is right. Be transformed by the renewing of your mind ..in the Bible!

Anyways, enough jabber from me ...I'm going to dive back in the Book in order to finish this interesting story! facebook.com/shareJesus