F4S: May 2019

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Today we hear so much from those who are woke. Man, I just feel glad so many want to walk woke. It’s the way to go -- no sleep walkin’. Revived.. awakened.. woke in the fullest sense of the term.

So many "woke" people keep tellin' us what to think, what to do, how to behave.. daily.. what to say and not to say. 

Are we, are they.. really woke? Awakened? Are you?.. ya can be. We all can walk while not sleeping. Me thinks it's really a better way to go.  

“We are not going to move this world by criticism of it nor conformity to it, but by the combustion within it of lives ignited by the Spirit of God.” ~ Vance Havner

"But when they did not find them, they dragged Jason and some brethren to the rulers of the city, crying out, 'These who have turned the world upside down have come here too.'" ~ Acts 17:6

Want to look at woke? The early church wasn't all concerned about lookin' vogue, or relevant, or cool so as to get accepted. They weren't acting all weird either, but they were woke in the best kinda way. They turned their world upside down (or should I say right side up? So the sleeping would arise like from an effective alarm clock). And in this crazy, topsy-turvy world today where wrong is considered right and right is considered wrong, we need to do the same...the way they did it.

Pray and preach the Gospel winning people to Jesus. Watch and pray. Remember this.. we aren't going to awaken this world on our own or by self-righteous criticism. I don't want to be known by them more for all that I'm against pointing a finger of accusation, than what I am for. I'm for knowing the Lord well and for them too, and for making Him well known..and for them doing the same thing. I want to be so in love with my first-love Jesus, so filled with His JOY and Spirit of love and the truth of His word ...that they get thirsty when I simply brag on Christ! Lord, please revive -- give us renewed passion inside! Send another awakening. People want to walk woke!

R.A. Torrey gave us a prescription for biblical revival during a February 1917 address at the Moody Bible Institute: 

"Let a few of God's people, they don't need to be many, get thoroughly right with God themselves—the rest will count for nothing unless you start right there; then let them band themselves together to pray for a revival until God opens the heavens and comes down. Then let them put themselves at God's disposal to use them as He sees fit. That will bring a revival to any church, any community."

Again, let’s..: 1) Get right with God, 2) get together with other Christians and pray for revival and 3) make yourself available to God, especially in winning souls.Spiritual awakening, that outpouring of the Spirit, is up to God. We can't organize it, but we can agonize for it in prayer and call upon God to send it.
On TV I used to hear these words so often, but had to ask.. was it really happening as they said it was? Nope. It can happen--let’s agree together in prayer. What does our nation... what do the nations need more? 
You know the words "revival" and "awakening" are often used interchangeably, but there is a distinction. An awakening takes place when God sovereignly pours out his Spirit, and it impacts a culture. 
Do you know the three “R”s of recommitment? Has your walk with the Lord closer, tighter, better before.. has your faith in Jesus been stronger in days gone by? First, remember how it was and how you obeyed Him? Write it down. Second, repent -- yes really turn in repentance. Hang a U-Turn, change your direction. Why keep going in the same lame direction? And three, repeat. Do those things you used to do. Remember from where you have fallen. 
Have you taken a stride from the Master's side? Got distracted, taken a glide..away? Man, do like ..in those words of John Lennon... 
“Get back, get back, back to where you once belonged
Get back, get back, BACK to where you once belonged
Get back Jo!”
Morning has broken, is fully awoken, kinda like the first morning.. Blackbird has spoken, really? Like the first bird... Praise Him with singing -- yes, the Lord in the morning.. Praise God for you springing.. fresh from the Word! No mo broke inside, but woke!
Morning has awoken so to speak -- it's time to walk that way. Real revival and awakening starts with me, it starts with you. God sends it, but we can do some revival things ..in sowing to this. We can ask, we can sing, we can inquire and pray in faith. 
Remember when Jesus said to the local church of Ephesus, "But I have something against you, that you have abandoned the love you had at first. Remember therefore from where you have fallen. Repent, and do the works you did at first, or else I will come to you quickly and remove your candlestick from its place, unless you repent" (Rev. 2:4-5).
If you are really walking awake, then you are to love all people and use sanctified common sense for your community. 

Know therefore that the Lord your God is God; he is the 100% faithful, the super loyal God, keeping his covenant of love…even when others do not.


Sunday, May 26, 2019

Today It's All About Gaining Freedom And You Staying Free!

Image may contain: outdoor and water
Freedom is more than just a dream; it’s lasting love and life for all who believe… for all who receive (Christ by faith). It’s not given to us by small Gov and indeed not by big Government.. not by greedy capitalism (and not all is..) or by greedy-increasingly-popular Socialism (legislated stealing – taking from one to give to another). 
Bottom line – Freedom is a gift to people by God Almighty. It was his original idea. 
Heard it said, something like this.. "If you’re not some form of Socialist by age of 20, you haven’t got a heart. If you’re still a Socialist by age 30, you haven’t got a brain. Not to be a real Conservative at 20 is proof of want of heart; but to be one at 30 is proof of want of real understanding ..of what's so." Remember this...
Socialism is at odds with Biblical Christianity and against real Christians (this is a non-partisan comment if you study the word). Bible-believing Born again Christians are lost in a spiritual battle today, and some sad Lee sin by silence. it's been said that silence is golden but sometimes it's just flat-out yellow. All it takes for evil to prevail in the land is for righteous people to sit down and say nothing.. to do nothing that glorifies God. Four in ten in America falsely believe that some form of Socialism would be good for America. Wicked 
Off based Karl Marx said that, "Religion is the sigh of the oppressed creature, the heart of a heartless world, and the soul of soulless conditions. It is the opium of the people". God isn't religious and doesn't want you to be -- he simply wants a righteous relationship with individuals through Christ. Think about it, religious people gave Christ a hard time while here. Cuba, North Korea, China, Russia... remember when it was the Soviet Union ..they've been all about hard repression and oppression. Religious places, sure. Even now Russia's been making new laws to stop Christian evangelism. Jesus in the Bible tells real Christians to go spead the Gospel. Are we to start obeying Socialist or merely religious people.. instead of God. Nope! See Matthew 6:33. Red hearts haven't changed much it appears, not too high a percentage of em have in these Socialist and Communist places. Why let their whack-ideas spread in our Land? 
Socialism is has been growing in popularity in the States here (Four in ten, yes 40% of Americans now embrace some form of Socialism and this needs to change a.s.a.p.). What is it really? Socialism is stealing.. plain and simple, it's legislative theft. You know that stealing is addressed in the Ten Commandments. Socialism is taking from one to give to another. Very destructive for a people and nations. Hey, keep watching Venezuela! Here in the States politicians call it, “Democratic Socialism” and American Democrats keep pushing for this daily now.. but it’s no less destructive.
“You cannot legislate the poor into freedom by legislating the wealthy out of freedom. What one person receives without working for, another person must work for without receiving. The government cannot give to anybody anything that the government does not first take from somebody else. When half of the people get the idea that they do not have to work because the other half is going to take care of them, and when the other half gets the idea that it does no good to work because somebody else is going to get what they work for, that my dear friend, is the end of any nation. You cannot multiply wealth by dividing it.” ~ Gerald L.K. Smith
That is so true. The great Adrian Rogers used to quote this often. 
Socialism and Communism, both are at odds with Biblical Christianity. Duh! Both are against the work of real Christians. Healthy normal people do well to honor Christ, to worship God, to obey Him putting the Lord first (Matthew 6:33-34 Have you been born from above yet? You must be, because He said you must be. John 3:3). Sure be reborn spiritually. And we all should work smart even into old age. Our goal isn't to retire and sit on a beach working on a tan. God has a plan for you to glorify Him and be a blessing to others. 
It's okay to own your property (it's not mine, it's yours), yes practically serve people. We all need to love people. Even show forgive and love to your enemies ...by God's wisdom and grace. These sinners also need the Gospel.
You just can never multiply wealth by dividing it.
There is a God, but Socialism and it's big bro, Communism are really at odds with Christ's Great Commission... falsely saying there’s a good life for you without God and there is no God. So false. I prefer to see all the evidence and read Genesis 1:27-28, “So God created man in His own image; in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them. Then God blessed them, and God said to them, “Be fruitful and multiply; fill the earth and subdue it; have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, and over every living thing that moves on the earth.”
People are not the enemy – they are to be served, loved, listened to, reasoned with, and taught what’s really so from the Bible, science and real history. 
Jesus Christ felt genuine compassion for people who were oppressed, harassed and manipulated ..so lost, like sheep without a shepherd. He still loves you and all people. 
The answer to greed with Socialism or in Capitalism is simply to obey God in giving as He leads you.
To many young people today, they haven't seen what Socialism produces or they can't seem to connect the dots. Many have never seen horrible results of Socialism at all, or from its Big brother Communism. Socialism to them seems to be more compassionate than greedy Capitalism. But think about it. Both Socialism and Capitalism can be greedy. We each choose. 
- 3 million people were slaughtered under Vladimir Lenin.  
- 60 million were slaughtered under Joseph Stalin. 
- 40 million people were slaughtered in China under under Mao Zedong. 
- 54 million babies have been killed in the USA. Selfish, lustful people and Planned Parenthood are largely to blame here along with their Socialist founder Margaret Higgins Sanger. 
“The problem with Socialism is that you eventually run out of other people's money.” ~ Margaret Thatcher 
“Socialism is the philosophy of failure…” ~ Winston Churchill  Think about the truth of this. Remember when the Soviet Union completely crashed all at once? It really happened and we can learn from this. You can choose to be selfish, lazy, disobedient, then fail and you keep getting provided for.. a little bit.. but the whole system can fail and then nobody is provided for. Look at once oil rich Venezuela that is now in total chaos. It eventually just collapses like in North Korea where people are starving to death.  

"How do you tell a Communist? Well, it's someone who reads Marx and Lenin. And how do you tell an anti-Communist? It's someone who understands Marx and Lenin." ~ R. Reagan

People in America now tend to be so into Government freebies. Who wants to work for anything?  
Learn from their bad example and opt not to be like them. Instead, do your work as unto the Lord.. for His glory. Know Him, serve Him, and be different.. protect people and be a blessing to them while here. President Trump said that America "will never be a Socialist country" during his Wisconsin rally. Man, I hope and pray that he is right. Together lets pray for a fifth great awakening. Let it start with us Lord. Send a biblical revival -- do it again please. Facebook.com/shareJesus
No exaggeration at all, but in Cuba today, pregnant women, diabetics, and the elderly are forced to stand in line for 4+ hours to get rancid meat for nourishment. 
He knows he’ll get more rich and won’t win. Got huge financial gifts last time too, but this is what Bernie Sander’s ideas always lead to. Freedom is more than some mere pipe-dream. Stay off the smoke and pipe, Socialists. 

Happy Memorial Day weekend!

Image may contain: outdoor and water
Freedom is more than just a dream; it’s lasting love and life for all who believe… for all who receive (Christ by faith). It’s not given to us by small Gov and indeed not by big Government.. not by greedy capitalism (and not all is..) or by greedy-increasingly-popular Socialism (legislated stealing – taking from one to give to another). 
Bottom line – Freedom is a gift to people by God Almighty. It was his original idea. 
Heard it said, something like this.. "If you’re not some form of Socialist by age of 20, you haven’t got a heart. If you’re still a Socialist by age 30, you haven’t got a brain. Not to be a real Conservative at 20 is proof of want of heart; but to be one at 30 is proof of want of real understanding ..of what's so." Remember this...
Socialism is at odds with Biblical Christianity and against real Christians (this is a non-partisan comment if you study the word). 
Socialism is has been growing in popularity in the States here (40% of Americans now embrace some for a Socialism and that needs to change). Socialism is stealing.. plain and simple, it's legislative theft. No stealing is in the Ten Commandments. Taking from one to give to another. Very destructive for people and nations. Keep watching Venezuela! Here they call it, “Democratic Socialism” and the Democrats in the USA keep pushing for this daily.. but it’s no less destructive.
“You cannot legislate the poor into freedom by legislating the wealthy out of freedom. What one person receives without working for, another person must work for without receiving. The government cannot give to anybody anything that the government does not first take from somebody else. When half of the people get the idea that they do not have to work because the other half is going to take care of them, and when the other half gets the idea that it does no good to work because somebody else is going to get what they work for, that my dear friend, is the end of any nation. You cannot multiply wealth by dividing it.” ~ Gerald L.K. Smith
That is so true. The great Adrian Rogers used to quote this often. 
Healthy normal people do well to honor Christ -- worship God putting Him first (Matthew 6:33-34 Have you been born from above yet? You must be, because He said you must be. John 3:3). Sure be reborn spiritually. And we all should work smart even into old age. Our goal isn't to retire and sit on a beach working on a tan. God has a plan for you to glorify Him and be a blessing to others. 
It's okay to own your property (it's not mine, it's yours), yes practically serve people. We all need to love people. Even show forgive and love to your enemies ...by God's wisdom and grace. These sinners also need the Gospel.
You just can never multiply wealth by dividing it.
There is a God, but Socialism is really at odds falsely saying there’s a life without God -- there is no God. I prefer to see all the evidence and read Genesis 1:27-28, “So God created man in His own image; in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them. Then God blessed them, and God said to them, “Be fruitful and multiply; fill the earth and subdue it; have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, and over every living thing that moves on the earth.”
People are not the enemy – they are to be served, loved, listened to, reasoned with, and taught what’s really so from the Bible, science and real history. 
Jesus Christ felt genuine compassion for people who were oppressed, harassed and manipulated ..so lost, like sheep without a shepherd. He still loves you and all people. 
The answer to greed with Socialism or in Capitalism is simply to obey God and giving.
To many young people today, they haven't seen what Socialism produces or they can't seem to connect the dots. Many have never seen horrible results of Socialism at all, or from its Big brother Communism. Socialism to them seems to be more compassionate than greedy Capitalism. But think about it. Both Socialism and Capitalism can be greedy. We each choose. 
- Three million+ people were slaughtered under Vladimir Lenin. 
- 60+ million were slaughtered under Joseph Stalin.- 40+ million people were slaughtered in China under under Mao Zedong.- 54+ million babies have been killed in the USA. Selfish, lustful people and Planned Parenthood are largely to blame here along with their Socialist founder Margaret Higgins Sanger. 
“The problem with Socialism is that you eventually run out of other people's money.” ~ Margaret Thatcher
“Socialism is the philosophy of failure…” ~ Winston Churchill

Again..Capitalism isn't a perfect safeguard. It incentivizes people to be more productive. But it could foster individuals ego and worldly greed (It's so important for all to know and follow the Word of God). But those at the top are usually the most productive today and they create wealth and jobs for those who are poorer. So think about it.. shouldn't they be incentivized to do that helping them?
Think about the truth of this. Remember when the Soviet Union completely crashed all at once? It really happened and we can learn from this.
You can choose to be selfish, lazy, disobedient, then fail and you keep getting provided for.. a little bit.. but the whole system can fail and then nobody is provided for. Look at once oil rich Venezuela that is now in total chaos. It eventually just collapses like in North Korea where people are starving to death.
People in America now tend to be so into Government freebies. Who wants to work for anything? Learn from their bad example and opt not to be like them. Do your work as unto the Lord.. for His glory. Know Him, serve Him, and be different.. protect people and be a blessing to them while here.

Saturday, May 25, 2019

directed service > mere service

Watching dandelions grow.. and give up what was given to them. What is good to give up. Other plants here do that as well. You know, what's appropriate, right and natural. This season they advance around the globe.

A failed dream doesn’t deliver, but also doesn't make you a failure. Failure indicates that you've taken a risk and you now have more valuable data to make your next non-failure-decisions with smart steps.

Some people fail by indecision and lack of love. Do you know and inquire of the Lord in prayer? Some choose not to fail-forward by grace .. a grace that they could take hold of. Do you obey your Lord to go forward with him, not running ahead or lagging behind Him? Ask God in faith. He will rescue, forgive, deliver, save, help, guide..and use you. They become failures because they don't gain needed courage or refuse to gain the knowledge and wisdom for knowin' how to pick up after failing.

Sometimes there's unexpected turbulence, trials, cost in the will of God.. and even beauty in not failing. A givin' up.. that's appropriate. For weeks lately I've felt a warm breeze and seen seeds from the south float by. What's not to love about the spreading of seed? Have you given up your idols? There's a giving up what's not helpful for anyone.. what's unnecessary, or slows you down, or holds you back?

"He (Jesus) told many stories in the form of parables, such as this one: 'Listen! A farmer went out to plant some seeds. As he scattered them across his field, some seeds fell on a footpath, and the birds came and ate them. Other seeds fell on shallow soil with underlying rock. The seeds sprouted quickly because the soil was shallow. But the plants soon wilted under the hot sun, and since they didn’t have deep roots, they died. Other seeds fell among thorns that grew up and choked out the tender plants. Still other seeds fell on fertile soil, and they produced a crop that was thirty, sixty, and even a hundred times as much as had been planted!'" Matthew 13:3-8

Musing over the weeding, over the rainfall onto good soil..to roots, to growth and seeds and the various ways of spreading em. #Reaping. #gen1:11, 8:22 #mrk4:1-20 #ps126:6 #1cor3:6-9, 9:10 lk8:11, 4-18 jam5:7-11 mat13:40 1pet1:23 #Bible

Thursday, May 23, 2019

He was in the beginning... and He is there for you now.

In the beginning was the Word (that's Christ), and the Word was with God, and the Word was God (still is God and Lord).

The same was in the beginning with God (the Father).

All things were made by Him (including you, no accident). #John1Emph.mine

Have you been ripped off, defrauded abused taking for granted. many have been but there is a friend that sticks closer than a brother who is able to restore with the locust and canker worm in the palmer worm have devoured.
Do you feel insignificant, worthless, overlooked, unnecessary, unloved, neglected forgotten or clueless as to your gifts and specific calling in this life.
Has your life been like a barren desert so dry, empty and lonely? You're not alone, many people feel like that. But there is the ultimate solution and he has a name.
Would you like to see Jesus give you beauty for ashes the song of joy and praise instead of a spirit of heaviness? He does that--he delights to do that for you because you are his valuable treasure. Be strong, don't be afraid.
"Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you." James 4:7
In that order because the Lord gives you the wisdom, grace and anointing to do and to keep doing the latter.
This world has been corrupted by the enemy but there is a day coming when God will come and rule and completely take over his earth and purchased possession. The millennial Kingdom will be a glorious place to live with Christ.
"The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit." Psalm 34:18
The Word was in the beginning and He still restores. Jesus heals all the hurts of believers. He will indeed. He can really help the downcast and discouraged. 
Who is more loyal than the most loyal (none love you more -- words can't describe how wonderful Jesus really is!!!) -- who is the One with His kind hand on you, believer? 

Check out Psalm 63:8 and Romans 8:28 on God's faithfulness and sovereign hand over His beloved children!