F4S: Dream, discover, disciple. Parents go the way of faith and they show the way of faith. Your kids will learn to care and share when they watch you doing that for people of the same, or of a different culture!

Thursday, February 15, 2024

Dream, discover, disciple. Parents go the way of faith and they show the way of faith. Your kids will learn to care and share when they watch you doing that for people of the same, or of a different culture!

Want to win some (like starting at home)? Then live winsome.

Do we win some? Jesus alone saves people.

Doin’ our best, we commit the rest (in prayer). We can shine His light and influence. Will all follow Him? No, but we can win some to the Lord just the same. God delights to use people, and parents too. That’s a no-brainer!

I am feelin’ blessed that our sons still choose to come home to see us. Thanks Lord.

Not all sons do that (and I’m not blaming all their parents. How could I know why?). But I am here to encourage Christian parents to be all-in with Jesus. Yes, in Christ and pass It on–their biblical faith to the next generation.

I exhort parents all over to live the life starting at home and then into the places God will lead them as a family to go. Your kids can learn how to pray and care about others as they watch you parents care for others. Whether living her or there is neither here nor there. You know what I mean. For various reasons, the mission fields of the world keep streaming on into our Land and neighborhoods now, Christians. We are hearing new variations of Spanish and even Iranian speak like never before in North Texas now.

Many believers know why it’s being allowed to happen. Many nationalists are doing what they can to stop the crimes committed. Glad. Approximately 17 million have flooded into my Land (the USA).

None of us have to sit home on our blessed assurance doing nothin' or have to agree with the reasons why things happen as they do, but we do need to agree with the Bible and our own respective personal callings in these last days. If you are a real believer, then you have an important calling and the Great Commission didn’t just go away.

Be different than those of this world -- be transformed in your mind! Travel legally and on purpose! Many families do already -- I visit with and hear them often.

The need is great and there are more ways to go tell than ever before. The opportunities and God's love abound!

Listen, if you can’t personally cross a sea to be a witness, to give witness or teach, then cross a sidewalk to.. or cross a hallway to.. or cross into a different department (like at the right time with the right demeanor and all). Believers are like seeds and God spreads them around. He has since the upper room.

“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover!” ― Mark Twain

In the Word prayin' you and I can be absolutely sure of all the things we are to do, and not do.

You and I can befriend.

One tiny human (me) with a real big God who hears all.. and with His powerful Message in this unfamiliar city. Countless expressions on foreign faces of this massive nation (Jesus knows the number of hairs on each of their heads)! This place, it's where you've perhaps written to but never visited before. Expect great things! Ask big for them, and for your fam too.

“Travel makes one modest. You see what a tiny place you occupy in the world.” ― Gustav Flaubert

Let it humble you. In His will, parents need to go the way of faith and (by example with much listening, some speaking and serving) show the way of faith to their kids and to their kid’s friends if possible. You can kindly do that in any Land while in His will.

Caring means eventually sharing, doesn’t it? Sure it does. Tell at home and then go tell It where you can!

To a watching world (I mean those open and willing to listen to His Message of truth (BTW you can tell if they’re open when they actually do listen). It’s important! Let your life and attitude correspond with your words (biblically. You don’t allow your words and body to speak differently, two messages) do you?

Me traveling on purpose and making a difference? How does that even start? It starts with a pinch of faith in taking one step after another. (Here are 4 simple steps). Read more....

It is our responsibility to be and give consistent witness as parents – to raise up our children in the wholesome way of the Lord. The Bible says…

“Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it.” Prov. 22:6 niv

“Direct your children onto the right path, and when they are older, they will not leave it.” nlt

Can you travel modestly and respectfully? Even towards your kids or grandkids (wherever you go)? Please do.

Man, what a tiny little place (I at any given time) occupy in this huge world.. but am not all alone. Pray and obey.. go big and expect big things -- for a BIG God goes with you, believer! Pray in some miracles even cuz you and your friends or family might need some.

It’s not the government’s or their school's job to do this. It’s not some overseer-bishop or even Sunday School's duty to do this. It's our job as parents to gently teach these things of God’s Word to our children. Do we take it seriously enough without acting overly serious? Can we have fun in this? YES! What do we do, or not do?

We never take our young children to a department store or to a shoe shop so they can learn how to tie their shoelaces. We never take our children to the dentist so they can learn how to brush and floss their teeth. We never take them to a nutritionist so they can learn how to eat their fruits and vegetables. Nope, but there are certain things that parents are to do, like teach their children with patience. It's the duty of us parents today to pass along our faith. Yes, to do what we can to win some, to train the children up in the way of the Lord and to disciple them.

What if they’ve grown and moved out already? Pray. God might still give you some opportunities to make an impact.. to witness.