F4S: Deep Satisfaction Can Be Yours!

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Deep Satisfaction Can Be Yours!

How are you doing today? Ya got an inner void to fill or are you satisfied yet?

The Bible says, "God blesses you who are hungry now, for you will be satisfied. God blesses you who weep now, for the time will come when you will laugh with joy" (Lk. 6:21, nlt).

The Lord is radically glorified in us when we're most satisfied in Him, but second to such huge joy of abiding ..is when we from that personal worship experience, seek to help our buds also discover this deep satisfaction!

We are called to seek Jesus more and more! Hey, we have a lifetime to learn of Him and to help others discover what I'm talking about.. to discover it, to rediscover it and to really discover it (you know, abundant life in Jesus Christ) ..yes, as He increasingly becomes our all in all!

But why can this truth be liberatingly devastating for us?

Well, it starts to free us by acknowledging our inborn desire for pure joy that's been there all along.. where to find it as well as where not to find it. But it can be devastating when it reveals how much we don't desire the closeness of Christ, God's imperial rule, or even give a flip about our unregenerate or backslidden neighbors.  

What did Philip say to Jesus.. "Lord, show us the Father and we will be satisfied" (Jn. 14:8). So where have you wasted time looking for fulfillment? I used to look in many places.. in surfing, in the pleasure of partying, in having the right job, car, house, friends etc. It's really in just knowing Christ personally. With some cooperation on your part, He can deal with all the junk that might get in your way, and He can also use you to infect others with constant J-O-Y! 

"What then is my pay? It is the satisfaction I get from preaching the Good News without expense to anyone, never demanding my rights as a preacher." ~Paul, 1 Corinthians 9:18, nlt

"The generous prosper and are satisfied; those who refresh others will themselves be refreshed." ~ Proverbs 11:25

Listen, you can know Christ's warm accepting embrace.. not of your sin.. but of you. And you can share the Gospel without fear to see others refreshed in His agape Love! Are you willing to be made willing. Then tell Him so.  

"Words satisfy the soul as food satisfies the stomach; the right words on a person's lips bring satisfaction." ~Proverbs 18:20, nlt

"He has satisfied the hungry with good things and sent the rich away with empty hands." ~Jesus, Luke 1:53, nlt

Are you away from Christ and think you know real satisfaction or wealth? Sadly, you do not. We are discovering what it's really all about according to His changeless Word. Why don't you join us today?

And one day believers from around the world will be even more satisfied than right now for the Bible says, "And I—in righteousness I will see your face; when I awake, I will be satisfied with seeing your likeness" (Ps. 17:15). Don't you want to eventually look into His calming countenance and see a big welcoming smile as you enter eternity? Sure you do!