F4S: The Gospel Message Remains The Same

Sunday, November 4, 2012

The Gospel Message Remains The Same

The Message never changes—how it's delivered will. Methods and culture change and that's ok, but be faithful still .."til your work is fulfilled. If you’ve always done that..which has generally been needed..in the same exact way as you've done before, then it is probably the wrong way to do it...today. Yeah, times and methods change, but truth and it’s principles never do. They'll stay. Need a fresh application today..to obey? [I just made a song]

Oh is it not a magnificent thing to be privileged thus... to spread the glorious Tidings of our Blessed Lord! ~ Amy Charmichael

"Preach the Word! Be ready in season and out of season.. Do the work of an evangelist." 4:2,5twotim.

Perhaps you'd like some help.. or to open your home to win some people to Christ? You might pray about it.