F4S: Stress, distress and no rest. Still!.. and for so many people.

Wednesday, December 23, 2020

Stress, distress and no rest. Still!.. and for so many people.

Why has God allowed such interference from China etc? Why are so many people living with fear, confusion, misinformation, emptiness, loneliness and pain? Why have so many people lost their jobs and now can't find other work? Why are so many businesses still closed down and going away? Why has God allowed Covid 19 and all the other junk during 2020? Have ya been through some trouble and distress lately?  

Times have been pretty weird huh. Reminds me of this verse... “They were broken in pieces, nation against nation, and city against city; for God troubled them with all adversity.” 2 Chronicles 15:6 (See the whole context). 

“…city by city, for God troubled them with every possible distress.”

That does sound kind of like our day huh. What's it been like in your part of the world.. lots of distress, disruption, no peace, chaos, lots of lies flying at the masses?  

"These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.” ~ Jesus, John 16:33

The false teachers here today, and there are many of them even inside some so called Christian churches..would never tell you that. They'd say if you have enough faith, you'll never have any trials or hardships. 

But Jesus, Paul, all the other disciples, and many saints today have experienced such. Remember not long ago seeing all those Christians beheaded on the beaches?    

Hey, God hasn't sinned any and sin is why viruses and suffering are here. 

Sin is why there is distress, sorrow, depression, chaos, death, disease and illnesses are in our world today (I'm not saying that your own personal sins always cause you such trouble now). 

God does love you and has a good plan for your life for sure -- that hasn't changed any. He does allows this stuff to happen in our world so that we will ditch all idols, wrong-doin's and simply come close to him. Let’s make this Christmas more about His presence than anything else. Yeah, more so than about temporal presents that soon wear out, rust, break or become obsolete. Come to.. come back to God. Have you never come to Christ as you are? Have you somehow drifted away? 

“My eyes are dry
My faith is old
My heart is hard
My prayers are cold
And I know how I ought to be
Alive to You and dead to me
But what can be done
For an old heart like mine
Soften it up
With oil and wine
The oil is You, Your Spirit of love
Please wash me anew
With the wine of Your Blood “ ~ Keith Gordon Green (Lyrics) 

So much stress and distress here, but you can enter His rest. Walk with Jesus today

How can I trust God's word? Aren't there contradictions in the Bible.. in following Jesus the living word. Nope, not one. 

One Gospel account has two thieves on crosses mocking Jesus on his cross.

Another account has one Center mocking Christ on the cross while the other one believes in Jesus.

Hah, a contradiction in the Bible? Nope, a conversion. It was a deathbed conversion ...or rather a death cross conversion.

You too can gain an assurance of your salvation in just a moment as well. What would prevent you from coming to Christ as you are.. right here and now? He's only a simple prayer away.