F4S: The Bible more than any other book is shoplifted..yup, more than any other book. What!? But why? You know there's gotta be some reasons for this.

Monday, December 21, 2020

The Bible more than any other book is shoplifted..yup, more than any other book. What!? But why? You know there's gotta be some reasons for this.

Yup Factoid: The Bible more than any other book is shoplifted..yeah, is jacked more than any other book.

What!? But why? There are a number of reasons hypothesized to explain why people often steal the Book of all books:

  • People feel that the Bible should be free—so they just take it.
  • A high-quality leather bound Bible can be an expensive purchase.
  • In the frenzy of shopping for the holidays, people steal for gifts.
  • Some steal Bibles to later sell them on the Internet or on the streets.

Whatever the reasons people have for stealing copies of the Bible, it still breaks the Eighth Commandment found in the Bible. Go check out God’s Top Ten List. 

Hey Sport, rascal, whatever you go by or consider yourself to be called by..Boris, buckeroo, idiot.. stop it. 

Jacking stuff for self or for others.. ain’t cool. Here in the States we just had an election season with lots of evidence of stealing going on (I've seen the videos, lots of surveillance in those voting places. If you cheated, just repent and turn yourself in) -- it ain't over yet. The looting and stealing needs to stop to see your town, city and nation become what you really want it to be like. In heaven there's zero stealing, and we'll all appear before God regarding God's Son and that awesome destination. Digital Bibles are always free for all people. Duh. You know that

People are hungry for solid truth today. The prophet Amos wrote of a time when there would be “a famine … of hearing the words of the LORD” (Amos 8:11).

The Bible is also being removed, legally unfortunately, from many places it used to freely occupy.Is the Bible being respected and faithfully taught in our culture today? Or is it being removed from everyday life—both literally and figuratively? Could it be that the Bible is being shoplifted from more than bookstore shelves? Has it been stolen from its proper place in our lives by forces that hate it and its message?

Bibles are not free, but the truth and forgiveness of the word are free. The agape love, joy, peace and grace of God’s living word are always available for free. 

What are you waiting for. Go for God and what He has for you. Receive God’s free gift of eternal life. It’s the time of His birthday, so give Him a gift He values--you. Yep, your heart and life. Turn, trust, believe. Yeah, where can we all find hope and what’s good? In a relationship with Christ. The Bible says...

"Every good thing given and every perfect gift is from above; it comes down from the Father of lights the Creator and Sustainer of the heavens, in whom there is no variation no rising or setting or shadow cast by His turning for He is perfect and never changes." James 1:17

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