F4S: Four things ya gotta know ‘bout em.

Monday, June 14, 2021

Four things ya gotta know ‘bout em.

 I mean about those around you, where you live.  


You can go from hopelessness to lasting hope, from guilt to forgiveness, from emptiness to fulfillment, from a bad mess to a good message. Yes, you! 


So many people feel miserable and needy today, but the Lord understands and can meet every need they have. How do you feel inside? 

People feel empty, lonely, guilty (cuz they’re guilty. Hey, we’ve all blown it in some areas) and they feel afraid.

Just know that about them and be tactful, attentive, respectful and sensitive to all this. Lord, help me listen well, really hear and be a real friend. Like you are for us. 

People want to make an impact with their lives, and yet so many feel so insignificant, rejected, unloved, forgotten, taken for granted, overlooked and passed on by. God sees. He loves you so much he can't take his eyes off of you. He loves you just as much as he loves his own sinless Son. It's true. 

So many religious preachers today are answering questions that are not.. or are no longer being asked (never wanna be like that). 

But Your word is the Answer and has viable answers for anyone. Your word is the ultimate Solution no matter the need! 

And there’s no spiritual growth ..zero.. apart from him (Jesus). 

Guess what.. HOPE has a name, and it’s Jesus Christ. He is our living hope!

“He has planted eternity in the human heart.“  Ecclesiastes 3:11

Life messed up for ya? Hiding that fact ain’t going to address it -- it won't fix it. Getting honest about it he's a good start. First upwards and then wisely with a few friends who know how to pray in Jesus’ name. That’s wonderful. What are friends for? We pray for them, and some pray for us too. Have you experienced a relationship with God through Christ.. firsthand? You can. How? Here’s how.

Admit you're a sinner, simply turn from your sin and put your faith in Jesus Christ. Then choose to closely follow him all the way home from this point on.

Our world and nation really need Him today. I pray for an authentic Biblical revival in the Church here, and for a fifth great awakening too. Sure, cuz politicians aren’t going to fix this massive mess here. Did ya know...

Non-married households now out number married households in America. Out of wedlock birth rates have reached 40% now. And more and more people are not having any children at all.

The radical redefinition of the family that our nation is build upon, and of marriage are also still radically changing things for the worse.

God has sent multiple remedial judgments here, and still so many people have not repented or believed in His only Son, Jesus.

Man, what if God starts sending Old testament style judgments our way.. will Americans return to and trust Him then? Not sure, but seven years of Great Tribulation will soon be here. Are you ready for that?

I’d rather get caught away, get snatched up and out of here really. That’ll happen for believers. Until then, we’ve got some good work to go do. We can pray for our friends, family and nation.. for other nations too. We can go tell. I mean tell them about what they need to hear most. 

It's amazing how many churches have been taking down their crosses so as not to offend any Muslim people as they and other strangers keep flood across our borders. It’s still happening in other western Lands as well. So many churches have been burned to the ground in Europe, and yet we don’t even see that in the news. They lie.

We've been watching the collapse of Western Civilization. I don't want to scare anyone. I never want you to live in fear, but I do want the opposite! I want you to live faith filled. Yes, by faith and to put it in the right place.

I say turn and put your trust in the Lord. Seems like history is repeating itself huh.. perhaps it’s because no one was really listening the first time around.

Dare ya if I may.. to remember four things about Westerners, and about other people as well. 

One, there is an essential emptiness in every person who hasn’t yet come to Christ. 

Everyone is essentially empty. No matter how much money or prestige someone has, he or she has to deal with that emptiness. Scripture says that God made His creation subject to vanity, or emptiness, meaning there is a void, a hole if you will, inside every man, woman, and child.

Two, people are lonely. 

We can assume there is a sense of loneliness in every individual. Albert Einstein once wrote, "It is strange to be known so universally and yet to be so lonely." People feel so lonely today. So many people often do and we need to know that about them.

Three, people have a sense of guilt. 

They may try to mask it with alcohol or have a psychologist or psychiatrist tell them it is not there. But they have to deal with their guilt over the things they have done wrong. The head of a mental institution in London said, "I could release half of my patients if I could find a way to relieve them of their sense of guilt."

Four, people are afraid -- so many of them are afraid to die. 

Some may strut around like a cock before a fight and say, "Nope. Not me. I’m not afraid to die." But they are. Many live like that and need a break from it. 

No matter how successful or unsuccessful people may look or really are, no matter how famous or obscure they are, or how attractive or unattractive they may be, everyone at times shares these four things. 

Remember, you used to be one of those people, believer. I used to be one of those people too. We responded to the gospel. And so will many others if we go share the Gospel with them. Come to God today.. just as you are yet willing to be changed by Him. From the inside out. That’s how He does it. The great Fisherman catches his fish so to speak and then he cleans em up. Is happening with me, and can happen with you too.  Fish4souls.org
