F4S: When on-fire fathers, mothers, and families together worship the Jesus of the Bible, as well as help others in need guess what.. this is well pleasing to God.

Friday, November 5, 2021

When on-fire fathers, mothers, and families together worship the Jesus of the Bible, as well as help others in need guess what.. this is well pleasing to God.

Smart dads working together with the moma-bears (and don't mess with them foolish state legislatures and others), they're a powerful team!

It's what we just saw happen in Virginia -- their teamwork.
Prayerful teamwork with the moms and dads pushing back the evil in the Land, and in schools... is powerful. The Restrainer here, and the salt of the earth people, are still working together (with their families in mind).
BTW: Here's a challenge for you. Men, go through the book of Proverbs each month, (one chapter per day). And through the Psalms too, (5 per day).. not excluding the other books. The Psalms of course help you go vertical in worship, and the proverbs help you know how to wisely act on the horizontal plane.. with other people.
Think and "act like men".. men (God said that). Choose to fear God, to know, and fully trust in Him too. In connection with a healthy Bible teaching church and small group. After these Covid days people will see how radically important Christ centered small groups really are.
Am grateful for my parents and all the good things they've taught. Listen, teach your kids and grandkids to fear and walk close with the Lord as well (like the great men of all history did, like if your kids don't or won't with their kids), and to lean into Him, rather than "unto their own understanding" apart from the word." To prayerfully fill their minds with Bible truth and wise applications cuz it goes the distance forever. They're each just one phone chick away from hellish-weirdness today.
"Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding." Proverbs 3:5

When spiritual, no-spiritual-compromise born again fathers, mothers, and families together worship the Jesus of the Bible, as well as help others in need guess what.. this is well pleasing to God.

“Therefore, let us offer through Jesus a continual sacrifice of praise to .And don’t forget to do good and to share with those in need. These are the sacrifices that please God” Hebrews 13:15

"We must obey God rather than men." ~ Peter, Acts 5:29 
Fact: Fools don't and won't see things from God's perspective (that's what God's wisdom is all about juxtaposed to the wisdom of the world), but you indeed can see from his perspective if you want to!
I believe this.. As the men see and go, so goes this nation. And as America goes, so goes the world. And I'm not talkin' about the world's corrupt system here, which will never go as wise people go. So listen up to your Father, think and say and do as He did and is doing...four fingers pointing back at me.

My parents love to talk about how they surrendered their lives to, and by faith came to know Christ after decades of partying. They've both been helping and ministering to former drunks ever since this time.

I was chatting with my mom today and I asked her (Elizabeth Ellen aka Betty) a good question.. "Mom, do you call yourself an alcoholic just so you can go to the AA meetings with dad and speak? Is this your preventative medicine of sorts, and way to share your faith?" 

She responded ..at what point does the cucumber become the pickle?.. and after it's a pickle it can't go back to becoming a cucumber again. She said she probably did cross the line with her drinking too much with my dad into becoming an alcoholic but she isn't 100% sure. She likes to be with him at the meetings. 

She said that her own dad John F. Beck was one of nine wealthy kids and five of them died from alcoholism. They all as adults had beautiful homes fancy exotic cars, beautiful spouses and kids ..and then lost it all because of drinking.

Her uncle Bill got sober though, but Bob, Fred, Kate, and her aunt Betty died from it. 

Yeah, Kate at age 50-something died too. Bob drove off a cliff in Wisconsin accidentally. My mom says that her aunt Kate was a lot like her when she was young, "always raising hell."  

Their mom was 100% Irish from the Cudahy family, very rich, but sadly drinking was socially acceptable with the family.. too much to their family's lasting hurt.

Life here seems so brief to me, it goes by so quick and fleeting to me. Listen, please savor every moment with Jesus as your Lord.. in practice not just in theory or religiously like (it's a lifetime and daily goal for each of us). There's so much for me to learn. He will use you to share the Gospel and your own story of faith with others. 

Dads, moms, parents.. live for the Lord. Drive far around and away from the bars and drinking parties. Get rid of the stored bottles -- those with the drinking and all haven't helped anyone. Man, personal convictions from the Lord, and daily decisions and habits, and prayers of faith said together with ..and over the kids, and choices of who the close friends will be (with their influence and all their habits too that can influence).. are all so important to take into account.