F4S: I want to value what God values and not value what He doesn't like. And His wisdom can help me on any day of the week, therefore He and what He says has great value to me.

Thursday, February 10, 2022

I want to value what God values and not value what He doesn't like. And His wisdom can help me on any day of the week, therefore He and what He says has great value to me.

The Bible says, "Get wisdom, get understanding: forget it not; neither decline from the words of my mouth. Forsake her not, and she shall preserve thee: love her, and she shall keep thee. Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom: and with all thy getting get understanding. Exalt her, and she shall promote thee: she shall bring thee to honour, when thou dost embrace her." Prov. 4:5-8
1.) The wise person encourages others to hear the Word and find wisdom (Read Prov. 4). The father received wisdom when he was a boy, and he admonished his children to do the same. Live today so that your counsel and example will influence others and help them live wisely. 
2.) The wise person will gain wisdom and will subsequently live secure / have protection (v. 6) and promotion (vv. 8–9) and you will have the freedom to make progress (v. 12). As you obey His Word, the light will get brighter on the path of life (v. 18). But this is not true if you are on the path of the wicked. 
Solomon emphasized having your whole person controlled by God’s Word and wisdom (vv. 20–27).  

“Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom, teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord.” Col. 3:16 nkjv 

3.) The wise person today will enjoy victory and the fruit of the Spirit (i.e., self control). Sorta like back in the day, it's the Holy Spirit who guides the righteous via Scripture ..all the way Home. Yes, He delights to keep, bless, empower, use and directs us on the path of wisdom so that we'll make an impact and avoid the lame detours. The diff? Well, we now have the wise Holy Spirit livin' on the inside!

Remember the 9 fruit? The Bible says, "But when the Holy Spirit controls our lives he will produce this kind of fruit in us: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.." Gal. 5:22-23 tlb

1 Love (Greek: agape)
2 Joy (Grk: chara)
3 Peace (Grk: eirene)
4 Patience (Grk: makrothumia)
5 Kindness (Grk: chrestotes)
6 Goodness (Grk: agathosune)
7 Faithfulness (Grk: pistis)
8 Gentleness (Grk: prautes)
9 Self-control (Grk: enkrateia)

"But the fruit of the Spirit [the result of His presence within us] is love [unselfish concern for others], joy, [inner] peace, patience [not the ability to wait, but how we act while waiting], kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control. Against such things there is no law." Gal. 5:22-23 amp

You, yes you.. can exabit self-control and be fruitful. You can START TO VALUE (the wisdom of the Word) what you never valued when you were out in the world, and you can decide today NOT TO VALUE anything destructive that you used to value before out in the darkness. Why value what hurts people and God dislikes? He can help you with this by His Word and Spirit. Yep, you can loathe what you used to really love (a life of folly and sin), and start to really love what you used to loathe (God's wisdom in Christ, Bible truth, and true righteousness). Notice I didn't say love self-righteousness?

Come and dine more! You see two houses and hear two invitations. Wisdom offers you a banquet of bread, of meat, and of wine; folly offers you stolen bread and water. The world has its own elixir of comfort, but we believers drink deeply of the Holy Spirit (the best Comforter). We have Christ, koinonia fellowship with Family in the Church. They, in the world, have tears in their beers, hangovers, bars and the night club (what I call the church-perverted with their own lame songs and creepy atmosphere). Wisdom promises you life, but if you eat at folly’s table, you will simply die. Which house will you enter? What will you build? (Go through Proverbs 9).
Come and learn more! Scoffers know so much that nobody can teach them anything, but the wise learn from rebuke. You may not enjoy it when somebody reproves you, but it will do you good. (See Ps. 141:5.)
Come and live more! Wisdom multiplies days (Prov. 9:11). Those who abuse their bodies with sin usually cut their lives short, but when you follow wisdom, you can add years to your life—and life to your years! God gives a fullness of experience to those who obey Him.
Jesus said, "Come to Me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me; for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light." Matt. 11:29

God's wisdom can help me gobs on any day of the week, therefore it has great value to me. I value and need Him most. Christ is the wisdom of God and He delights to impart wisdom to all in the family. He's generous and loves us all the same. So we all need to study the truth, pray, gain real knowledge and then know what to do with it for God's glory.

Let's look closer at the value of God's wisdom over folly and sin. How do you respond to the common temptations of this life? You can walk in victory today! (I will elaborate on this more, and on some of these basic Proverbs topics in our time together at Prestonwood).

Samson Sadly Became Foolish For A Time
How did it happen? He got on the wrong path. David backslid spiritually for a time as well and then repented. Samson was a very gifted man who ignored many of the instructions given in Proverbs 1–4. If only he could have had and learned those words early! See Judges 13–16 and note that he did not seek God’s wisdom but went his own rebellious way. He took his eyes off the right path and ended up on the path of darkness and death. He chose the wrong friends and followed folly instead of wisdom. Had he allowed the Word to control his whole person, Samson would have brought blessing to himself and glory to God. Who even was Samson in the Bible? Did he do any good? Yes.

“My son, if sinners entice you, do not consent.” Prov. 1:10 esv

"My son, if (or, when) sinners (or, those reckoned as offenders, those facing condemnation for their actions, those under the wrath and judgment of God) entice (or, deceive, persuade, allure) you, (what) do not consent (or, yield, be willing, acquiescent)." v. 10

Who would never be negatively influenced by close worldly friends?  None -- there’s an appeal to the old inner fleshly nature. 

“Do not be deceived: ‘Evil company corrupts good habits.’“ 1 Corinthians 15:33

“Do not be deceived (or, to be lead astray, to wander, to roam aimlessly, to be lead away from the truth and into error and sin, to mislead, to seduce):  'Evil (or, bad, worthless, wicked, vicious, malicious, cowardly, destructive) company (or, companionship, communion, conversation, speech, talk) corrupts (or, destroys, spoils, waste away, to utterly decay, to corrupt fully, to deprave) good (or, moral, useful, pleasing, virtuous) habits (or, morals, character, one’s manner of life).'”  v. 33

Sexual Sin
Sexual immorality is like walking a path that leads to death (Prov. 2:16–22) and hell (Prov. 5:5); like deliberately burning and wounding yourself (Prov. 6:20–35); like being slaughtered as an animal (Prov. 7:6–27); like closing your eyes and falling into a pit (Prov. 22:14; 23:26–28). Ponder Hebrews 13:4. What makes sexual sin such a big deal?

"..let the marriage bed be undefiled, for God will judge the sexually immoral and adulterous." See Hebrews 13:4 

"Marriage is to be held in honor among all [that is, regarded as something of great value], and the marriage bed undefiled [by immorality or by any sexual sin]; for God will judge the sexually immoral and adulterous." amp

Hey spouses, choose early to be faithful to God and to each other.

God thought up the good idea of sex, but He calls it sin outside of a one spouse type of heterosexual marriage. The sexually immoral person sins against their own body. "Flee from sexual immorality." Read through 1 Corinthians 6:18-20.

The Sluggard (habitually lazy one)
 What is the meaning of “go to the ants you sluggard” in Proverbs 6:6? The sluggard likes to sleep (Prov. 24:30–34) and expects everybody else to serve him (Prov. 12:27; 19:24). He dreams of wealth but ends up poor (Prov. 13:4; 21:25–26). He is good at excuses (Prov. 20:4; 22:13; 26:13–16) but poor at performance (Prov. 10:26). He is not a builder but a destroyer (Prov. 18:9). What even is a sluggard? What does Proverbs teach about sluggards?

"Go to the ant, you sluggard; consider its ways and be wise!" See Prov. 6:6-11

A Rebuke
The way you respond to criticism and rebuke reveals the kind of person you are (Prov. 9:7–9). Scoffers will not listen to rebuke (Prov. 13:1) or love those who rebuke them (Prov. 15:12). The wise person knows that rebuke is evidence of love (Prov. 27:5) and will value it (Prov. 25:12) and gain understanding from it (Prov. 19:25). Ponder Proverbs 27:6. Got questions about sin?

“A wise son heeds his father’s instructions, but a scoffer does not listen to rebuke.” Prov. 13:1

How Do You React?
When is it necessary to rebuke another believer? Proud people are alert to what others say about them and quick to react and retaliate. This keeps the fires burning and robs everybody of peace and joy. Charles Spurgeon advises, “You cannot stop people’s tongues, and therefore the best thing to do is to stop your own ears and never mind what is spoken.” What are some Bible verses about rebuke?

Solomon recommends that you “do not take to heart everything people say” (Eccles. 7:21).

“To consider persons and events and situations only in the light of their effect upon myself is to live on the doorstep of hell.” ~ Thomas Merton
Consider carefully who your closest friends are and why. Do you limit your time with those carnal Christians, and lost people who try to pull you down spiritually (even if they don't really notice how they do that)?

Consider carefully what you talk about the most. What's most on the heart will be most on the tongue. What's down in the well will come up in the bucket.

Consider carefully what you spend money and time on? Got any idols you didn't know were idols? See all of Proverbs chapter 17 as a good basis for taking personal spiritual inventory. God has many ways of testing your heart (v. 3). and we are to watch over our hearts with all diligence.
Consider carefully what you listen to (Prov. 17:4)? Your ears will hear what your heart loves, so guard your inner affections.
Consider carefully what you rejoice in (5)? Are you glad when others suffer? Do you use the plight of others to promote yourself?
Consider carefully what you talk about (9)? Do morsels of gossip bring delight to your heart, and do you enjoy sharing them with others? The best thing is to cover sin and let God deal with it.
Consider carefully what you get angry at (10, 13–14)? What or who gets under your skin and why? How do you handle fair or unfair criticism? Do you respond with anger? Do you think of ways to retaliate, or do you try to stop disagreements at the very beginning?
Consider carefully what do you give in to (23)? “Every man has his price,” claims the world about humans, but it must not be true of believers. Is your conscience for sale? Live as a no-compromise spiritual believer.
The Tongue of the Righteous
Are your words like silver -- wise words? Wise person, your wholesome, gentle tongue is a tree of life! (Prov. 15:4), it's food (Prov. 10:21), refreshing water (Prov. 10:11; 18:4), and medicine (Prov. 12:18). Your words should be seasoned with salt (Col. 4:6) and must not become destructive (James 3:1–12). How do I tactfully share the Gospel Message?

“The tongue of the righteous is choice silver; the heart of the wicked is of little worth. The lips of the righteous feed many, but fools die for lack of sense.” Prov. 10:20-21 esv

Because He is a God of truth, the Lord hates a twisting the the truth. Today it's called puttin' spin on it (Prov. 12:22). With lies, people cover their true feelings (Prov. 10:18) and promote hypocrisy (Prov. 26:23–26). Liars do not last (Prov. 12:19), but lies can go on for years and do great damage. Wealth gained by lies is fleeting (Prov. 21:6), and all liars will one day be punished (Prov. 19:5, 9). If God hates lies, we must hate them, too (Prov. 13:5). Ponder Ephesians 4:17–32. What does it mean that all men are liars (Psalm 116:11)?

The Lord hates haughtiness and “a lying tongue.”  Prov. 6:17

“O God, give us serenity to accept what cannot be changed, courage to change what should be changed, and wisdom to distinguish the one from the other.” ~ Reinhold Niebuhr

Parents can appropriately discipline their kids in different ways. In ways that are fitting for each child and not injuring to any. You've heard, “Spare the rod and spoil the child” which is an old English proverb that was probably based on a similar Latin proverb. The Bible’s version is Proverbs 13:24. When parents discipline their children in love, they follow the example of the Lord Himself. Our Children learn from being with and watching our good exampling in different situations. We all do. (See Prov. 3:11–12; Heb. 12:5–6; Rev. 3:19). The purpose is improvement (Prov. 22:15), it's not to be venting anger at people. Our only desire must be the welfare of the child as we glorify the Lord. As they grow up into adults some still might choose the wrong way, lost close friends (bad company) and opt to remain rude, rebellious, prideful and impudent. But that God's responsibility, ours is simply to prayerfully raise them biblically a.k.a. right (See Prov. 19:18; 23:13–14; 29:15, 17). How should Christians discipline their children? What does the Bible say? Here's another Q: When, how, and why does the Lord God discipline us when we sin? One more: What does the Bible say about church discipline?

“Loneliness is the first thing which God’s eye named not good. (See Gen. 2:18.)” ~ John Milton

Today people feel broken, hopeless, guilty (cuz we've all sinned), empty and afraid to die. So many people feel very lonely today and many of them go out to do foolish things to address this feeling. God has a good solution for them and for you too. Jesus Christ -- and He can meet very need of any person. Know well, and get close to Jesus first. Fellowship with a Friends that sticks closer than a brother. Sure and a friend must show himself friendly. Go be a friend first upwards and then outwards. Go serve and be a friend to hurting people who perhaps don't have any friends.

True Friends
I want to stay friends with my friends, even the ones I had before I became a Christian.  Friendships are so important. A real friend can be trusted (Prov. 11:13; 17:9) and will stay with you when you are in trouble (Prov. 17:17; 25:19). Friends love you too much to pamper you (Prov. 27:6, 17), and their counsel helps you (Prov. 27:9). A real friend is good for generations (Prov. 27:10)! Some people do not make good friends: those who tempt you to sin (Prov. 1:10ff.); gluttons (Prov. 28:7); drunkards (Prov. 23:20–21); gossips (Prov. 20:19); the violent and angry (Prov. 16:29; 22:24–25); and flatterers (Prov. 27:14). Your best friends are those who have Jesus Christ as their Friend and seek to be like Him (John 15:12–15). What does it mean that friendship with the world is enmity with God (James 4:4)?

"Just as lotions and fragrance give sensual delight, a sweet friendship refreshes the soul." Prov. 27:9 msg

"Friendly suggestions are as pleasant as perfume." tlb

“No one can develop freely in this world and find a full life without feeling understood by at least one person.” ~ Paul Tournier

The Poor
Some people become poor because of having wrong values (Prov. 16:16), being lazy (Prov. 10:4; 14:23), following sinful pleasures (Prov. 21:17; 23:21), refusing good counsel (Prov. 13:18), and not planning carefully (Prov. 21:5). But some are poor because they cannot help it. They may be the victims of injustice (Prov. 22:22–23) or have such heavy debts they cannot succeed (Prov. 22:7).  What is true poverty? You should show mercy to the poor (Prov. 14:21, 31; 19:17; 21:13), for the same Lord made us all (Prov. 22:2). Why does Proverbs 6:10 say “a little sleep, a little slumber” will bring poverty? What does Proverbs teach about sluggards?

Lazy People
The book of Proverbs has nothing good to say about laziness. Even the feeble ants are more diligent than the sluggard (6:6–11)! It is shameful to sleep when there is work to do (10:4–5; 24:30–34). One of these days, the lazy person will be forced to work (10:24) to get something to eat (19:15). Lazy people can think up many excuses not to work (20:4; 22:13; 26:13–16), and nothing anybody says will do them any good. What are some Bible verses about laziness?
Rich and poor (see Proverbs 19). It is better to be rich in character and poor in wealth, especially when that wealth is acquired by deception (vv. 1, 22). If friendship is based on wealth, it is not friendship at all (vv. 4, 6–7). True friendship goes much deeper. Be careful how you treat the poor because God is concerned about them (v. 17).
Wise and foolish. Wise people submit to the Lord and walk a straight way, but fools argue with the Lord and twist their way (v. 3). Wealth is no evidence of wisdom (v. 10); in fact, a fool only wastes wealth.
Fathers and sons. Every father wants wise sons who will use their inheritance wisely (vv. 13–14). Lazy sons only bring poverty (v. 15). The father who chastens his son will help him build character (v. 18), but the son who chases his father away will bring shame and reproach (v. 26). Sons who listen to their fathers (and their Father in heaven) will stay on the right path (v. 27). (This paragraph can also be applied to mothers and daughters.)
True Wealth Is Related To Wisdom
You can have a proper view of wealth. The book of Proverbs issues a number of stern warnings about wealth. Wealth cannot give you peace (15:16) or wisdom (16:16), but it can create pride (18:11, 23) and trouble (15:6, 27) and friends who will not last (14:20). You should fear God (22:4) and share with others what God gives to you (11:24–25; 19:17). Watch out when somebody promises to make you rich in a hurry because those schemes backfire and leave you poor (20:21; 28:20, 22). The way to gain wealth is through hard work (10:4, 22) and faithfulness to the Lord. What does the Bible say about wealth? 

“A man is rich in proportion to the number of things he can afford to let alone.” ~ Henry David Thoreau

Respect the Truth
Lot sold the truth for a home in the city (Gen. 13:1–13), and Esau sold the truth for a mess of pottage (Gen. 25:29–34). King Saul sold the truth for the support of the people (1 Sam. 15:24–35). Judas sold the truth for thirty pieces of silver (Matt. 26:14–16), and Pilate sold the truth for the approval of the crowd (Mark 15:15). It is not worth it!  Is there such a thing as absolute truth or universal truth? Buy what's really so -- never sell it. That's basically the advice of Proverbs (See 23:23-25).

"Buy truth—don’t sell it for love or money; buy wisdom, buy education, buy insight. Parents rejoice when their children turn out well; wise children become proud parents." msg

Beware of Strong Drink and Wine -- Gettin' Drunk Helps No One!
I personally don't drink -- used to drink like a goldfish! Yep, got all my drinkin' done before I reached the drinking age. I don't look down on or judge people that do, or even some Christians that don't have a conviction against it. I have my own personal convictions and I don't impose them on other believers. I want to show grace towards all believers and others. I certainly don't believe Christian leaders in any Christian church should drink and I've never seen anything good come from drinking. Some say wine and coffee are good for the body, and some say no they are not. I'm not a doctor but I enjoy my coffee and tea. What are some Bible verses about alcohol? The Bible does not demand total abstinence, but it does magnify it and warn against the sin of drunkenness. Strong drink is a mocker (Prov. 20:1): it promises one thing but gives another. Instead of wealth, it gives poverty (Prov. 21:17; 23:20–21); instead of pleasure, it gives misery (Prov. 23:29–35). For a short time, the drinker feels good, but then things start to change. Alcoholics can be saved and changed by the grace of God (1 Cor. 6:9–11). You must be careful not to cause others to stumble because of the things you do (Rom. 14:14–23). How should a Christian view alcoholics? What does the Bible say about drunkards?

"A man who loves pleasure becomes poor; wine and luxury are not the way to riches!" Prov. 21:17 tlb

Honey was one of the sweetest things in the Jewish diet, and in Proverbs Solomon used it to teach some important lessons like about THE OH SO SWEET WORDS of a harlot (5:3) that would lead only to bitterness. Studying may not be easy for you, but knowledge is like honey, so learn to enjoy it (Prov. 24:13–14). When people praise you, they are feeding you honey (Prov. 25:27), so do not eat too much of it! If you take too much, it will make you sick (Prov. 25:16), so learn to be satisfied without it (Prov. 27:7). You cannot live on honey, and you cannot live on praise. Have some honey. Why was Israel called the land of milk and honey?

"For the lips of a prostitute are as sweet as honey, and smooth flattery is her stock-in-trade." Prov. 5:3 tlb

Handling Disputes
The time to stop a dispute is when it begins (Prov. 30:32–33). As much as possible, do not let arguments get started (Prov. 20:3). Some people contribute to peace (Prov. 12:20); others contribute to war (Prov. 22:10; 26:21); and there are some people that nobody can get along with (Prov. 29:9). God blesses the peacemakers (Matt. 5:9), so let God’s wisdom direct you and use you to make peace (James 3:13–18). How should Christians handle disputes (Matthew 18:15-17)? Is that always as easy as falling off a log? Nope, but God can make it easier. Sup with personal interaction?

"The start of a quarrel is like a leak in a dam, so stop it before it bursts." Prov. 17:14 msg
Leaders (See Proverbs 25:1–7). People in authority must know what is going on. God has the right to conceal things, but nobody should hide things from the leader. However, a wise leader knows how to keep his counsel (v. 3) and share his plans at the right time. The wise leader gets rid of evil associates and does what it right. Verses 6–7 remind us of our Lord’s parable in Luke 14:7–8. Humility leads to honor, but self-promotion leads to shame.

Neighbors (vv. 8–19). Keep problems between you and your neighbor and try to settle them out of court (Matt. 5:21–26). Let your words be appropriate (vv. 11–12) and helpful (v. 13), and keep your promises (v. 14). Do not be a neighborhood pest (v. 17) or troublemaker (v. 18). Be dependable (v. 19)!
Enemies (vv. 21–22). Paul quoted these words in Romans 12:20, and Elisha practiced them (2 Kings 6:8–23) and so did Jesus and the early believers (Luke 22:49–51; Acts 7:59–60).
Jesus taught us to pray for our enemies and He can help us forgive them inside our hearts (we don't really need to tell all them, like every time: Hey man, I forgive you (when they insist that, or don't see that they've done you any wrong). Prayer and forgiving them in your heart is where God's kind of loves in and from us starts. I really don't want to be a cynic. Henry Ward Beecher described a cynic as a person who “never sees a good quality in a man or woman, and never fails to see a bad one in them. He is the human owl, vigilant in darkness, and blind to God's light. He's out mousing for vermin so to speak (that act of watching for or catching em), and never seeing what's "really noble game.” You know vermin -- that's a catch-all term we use for any small animals or insects like cockroaches that we think of as worthless pests.

Don’t Flatter or Even Begin to Fall for Flattery
 What does the Bible say about sincerity? Sincere praise can be an encouragement, but flattery only does harm (Prov. 26:28). Beware the kisses of an enemy (Prov. 27:6; 2 Sam. 20:9–10; Matt. 26:48–50)! There are times when flattery may seem the only way to save a friendship, but afterward, you will regret it (Prov. 28:23). The flatterer is like a hunter who spreads his net (Prov. 29:5), so be on your guard. What does the Bible say about flattery?

"Faithful are the wounds of a friend who corrects out of love and concern, but the kisses of an enemy are deceitful because they serve his hidden agenda." Prov. 27:6 amp

"Flattery is not wise communication; it is manipulation. It's saying to their face what you would never say behind their back, so it's a type of lying. Are excuses to not show up on time as well?" ~ KWvonS

Bribery erodes the very foundation of the law and of the land (Prov. 29:4) and must be hated as an enemy (Prov. 15:27). It perverts justice (Prov. 17:23), provides offices for dishonest people (Prov. 18:16), purchases favors (Prov. 19:6), and pacifies people without solving problems (Prov. 21:14). The person whose integrity is for sale is not fit to govern.  What does the Bible say about bribery or giving or receiving a bribe?

“Nine-tenths of our unhappiness is selfishness and is an insult cast in the face of God.” ~ G. H. Morrison

Some things are so important! Mr. Agur’s reverence for God (See Proverbs 30:2–4) and His Word (vv. 5–6) proves that he was a wise man worth listening to. He had the right attitude toward wealth (vv. 7–9; Phil. 4:10) and the family (v. 17), and he was concerned about a generation that had turned away from God (vv. 11–14). He shares some helpful things with you.
Some things are never satisfied (15–16). The leech wants more blood, the grave wants more dead, the barren mother yearns for children, the earth thirsts for more water, and the fire wants more fuel (Prov. 26:20–21). Dissatisfaction creates many problems in our world.
Some things must never lose their wonder (18–19). Science may explain the flight of birds, the movements of snakes, the currents of the ocean, and human sexuality, but that does not take away their wonder. Life and love are not explained by laboratory experiments or the convenient formulas of the experts. As you go through life, do not lose your sense of wonder.
Some things always seem to cause trouble (21–23). Servants do not always know how to handle the luxury and authority of the throne (Prov. 19:10), so they create problems instead of solve them. Folly and hatred are not changed by food and marriage; if anything, they become worse. Genesis 16 illustrates what happens when a maidservant gets promoted.
Some small things are very big in wisdom (24–28). The ants are wise to prepare, the badgers to protect, the locusts to cooperate, and the spiders to get into the best places and hold on. Good examples for you to follow!
Some things are made for honor (29–33). The lion, greyhound, and male goat are regal because God made them that way. The dog is not a lion and the goat is not a beautiful dog, but each has its own kind of honor. The king is regal because of his office and his official trappings (such as an army). If you exalt yourself (v. 32), you will have only artificial honor. If you let God fulfill in you the purpose for which He made you, you will have true honor.
Respect in the Home
What does the Bible say about respect? Proverbs has much to say about the home. This is where our Christianity starts. When children walk in wisdom, they bring joy to their parents (10:1; 15:20; 17:21, 25; 19:26; 23:24–25). It so is tragic when children do not respect or obey their caring parents (23:22; 30:17), when they speak evil of them (20:20), or waste their money out with the wrong friends (28:7; 29:3), and basically rob their parents (28:24). As a dad my aim was and still is to balance real love and discipline, that wise courtesy and control as the Spirit daily controls me. Self control is a fruit of the Spirit. Early discipline helps a child learn to respect parental authority, direct Authority (God) and to appreciate parental love (13:24; 19:18; 22:15). Please show respect inside the home and outside of the home like on the street, at work, or at school. Yes, towards all people. What does the Bible say about respecting your parents?

"A wise son makes a father glad, but a foolish man despises his mother." Prov 15:20 amp
What does the wise person do? He or she respectfully nourishes, builds up and protects other people while fools just tear down (See Proverbs 24:1–4). He or she is strong for the battles of life (vv. 5–6). There is no need to fear fainting for them (v. 10); but if you fall, you need not stay down, wise person. Stand and walk again (vv. 15–16. Also see Ps. 37:23–24). A wise spiritual pastor will feed and properly lead, while a dead religious, or foolish "shepherd" will selfishly fleece and take advantage of gullible people.
What does the wise person seek? He or she seeks the Lord and His will first. They seek to be used / to deliver people who have been unjustly condemned (Prov. 24:11–12). If you hide your head and fail to help when you can help, God will judge you (James 4:17). At the same time, please be careful not to rejoice when an enemy falls (vv. 17–18), or fret when the wicked prosper (vv. 19–20), or pay back those who may have hurt you (vv. 28–29).
What does the wise person labor for? They have entered that great rest with God spiritually and yet they continue to seek, to better know, and to worship God on His terms. But they also labor while there is opportunity to. It's a labor of love that as God directs each of them in. They're empowered to serve (v. 27). The wise person does not live for ease and pleasure (vv. 30–34; 6:6–11). Follow well the example of your Master (See John 9:4).
So why worry about tomorrow or be out tearing down. Be in God's family doing what He wants you to do. Why tear down when you can be busy building up (you, His Kingdom, and others too. Yes, via faith, prayer and God's Word). Yeah, why destroy? Why sow to the flesh, to the enemy, or to the world when you can be sowing to the Spirit? Some seem to sow aggressively to both. That's a mugwump, they've got their mug on one side of the fence and their wump on the other. Miserable!

They've got too much of the Kingdom in em to feel happy in the world, and too much of the world in em to be happy in the Kingdom. Why be (via your life, attitude and words) scattering people away from God and His church when you can be used of the Father and of His Spirit to gather them unto Christ as Lord, and into a healthy church? Choose to live in the now real close with Jesus Christ by the power of His Spirit. Yes, keep in Step with Him. One step, and one day at a time with our one God. Please know the wisest Person of all -- Jesus Christ. Just turn, trust and get real with God. Don't put it off. The devil says tomorrow, but God says today. Right here and now.

“One must wait until the evening to see how splendid the day has been.” ~ Sophocles

Photos by Randy Fath and Mikita Yo. Thanks!

How is gaining wisdom related to fearing the Lord?
Will God give me the spiritual gift that I ask for? Do some church folk ask for the gift of complaining or of griping. Hope not, there ain't one. Will God give me words of wisdom? Perhaps He will. Can God's Spirit tell you what to say in that important interview or when you're ministering to some saints or sinners? He can indeed do that. Ask for the right and fitting words with Scripture verses to edify them. He gladly guides us to make an impact -- even witnessing can be pure worship unto Him. 
What are the most commonly asked questions about the Book of Proverbs?
Should a Christian keep a journal? What sort of things should be recorded in a Christian life journal?
Does the Bible offer wisdom that could be applied to NFTs?
 Is there added benefit to studying the Bible with other people?
What is the importance and value of group prayer? Does God answer prayers based on how many people are praying?
What is the meaning of the phrase “unsearchable riches” in Ephesians 3:8-9?
What does the Bible say about scorn or being scorned? You know that some worldly people will mock you, or oppose you, or persecute you when you livin' it. When you are red-hot on-fire spiritually and serving Jesus Christ without any spiritual compromise. Lord Jesus, thanks for Your love. There are so many broken people with broken dreams. Please empower us. We each want to worship You alone, and do our respective part. Please help us be faithful to You and walk the talk. We need your fresh anointing today. Please send biblical revival and awakening to us and through us. Send these to our Land and help us each be a part of what You are doing in this world gone astray. Amen.   
What does the Bible say about scoffers? How should Christians respond to scoffers?
It basically says, don't think like, speak like, or be one. Don't hang out with them so much that they start to pull you down spiritually.. you know what I mean influence you into sinning or backsliding. It can easily happen to any of us if we are self confident. Depend on the Word and Spirit instead of on yourself. Be with them as long as your are influencing them towards the Lord, towards righteousness, and towards His church. Walk in God's wisdom boldly.