F4S: Do you have integrity with godly character?

Monday, May 9, 2022

Do you have integrity with godly character?

 I really like honesty don’t you?  Do you like integrity with the right purpose? Who doesn't right?

But listen, integrity without the right character can spell trouble! Are you an honest person, and what kind of character do you have? 

What does a dictionary teach us about these words? 

Character: It’s that combination of qualities (from personal choices) that distinguishes one person, one group, or one thing from another. A distinguishing feature or attribute, as of an individual, group, or category.

Based on this description, you could think of character as one’s own moral, mental, spiritual and ethical code to follow. It is a combination of inside personal traits that determine their attitude and outward behaviors. 

Now let’s see a definition of integrity:

Integrity: A 100% honest, steadfast adherence to one’s strict moral or ethical code.

Do you follow the living Word (the Bible Jesus who is to be Savior and Lord) and some inner personal convictions that He’s given to you regarding essential and non-essential doctrines, hobbies or habits? Do you impose your non-essential views and personal convictions in gray-area issues onto others, or allow them to do that to you?

Now, when you combine the words “character” and “integrity” what exactly do you get?

Character is one’s moral and ethical code, and integrity means that one lives according to that code. Thus, someone who lives with integrity, carefully lives according to their own moral values (like in the case of a growing spiritual believer [rather than a nominal, worldly, dead-religious or carnal, or lukewarm Christian].. it's according the directives of the living Word of God. If Jesus isn't Lord of all in your life, He for you ain't Lord at all). 

Question: So encountering someone in your work-a-day-world, what moral values do they have–what’s the specific code–of that particular person? What will be the unintended consequences or fallout of their choices? 

Good to ponder huh, especially when it’s regarding your close friends. We all are influenced by our closest buds. How does one not become like them to a degree? 

How honest are they? One must first determine the moral values in order to ascertain whether or not that person is living with integrity huh. So, is it a good or bad thaaang they’ve got goin’ on in their life?

For example: If someone has chosen to become a funded, non-conservative rioter like those rioters we’ve so often been seeing out trashing the police and stores across the USA during the last couple years, then what is their moral code like? (Okay I admit, I’ve not yet personally seen any Conservate rioters out doin’ that sort of stuff). 

From what I have seen.. and from what we U.S. citizens have seen.. it’s a code that instructs them to go inflict all kinds of bricks and injuries upon a person of another religion, or race, or position of authority (i.e., on Cops, it’s sin) and if the rioter goes and does so then they are, by definition, living with full integrity. Kind of unsettling, isn’t it? Understatement! 

On the other hand, if an individual has a strong Christian moral and ethical code but then spiritually compromises what is biblical and right.. like when it serves the popular opinion of their worldly culture in that locale, or in order to achieve personal gain, then they are not living with integrity. Despite the quality of their character up to this point, their failure to live by their code creates significant behavioral problems.

What does your own integrity involve? What’s your personal code, character and consistency like? 

In Christ you can have godly character with integrity. Sure, His Holy Spirit indwells and empowers believers to adopt the truth of Scripture, and then practice what pleases our heavenly Father. He can gently lead you 2/7/365. Jesus Christ always practiced what pleased His heavenly Father and still does. He lived according to the scriptures and the lead of the Holy Spirit thus fulfilling His ministry here and prophecies. Who doesn’t want to personally know, follow and be like Him? Do you in the will of God want to fulfill the purpose, good plan, and reasons for which you are here for?

Do you want to build up people or tear them down? Do you want to help rescue the perishing (be used of the Lord to save them–He does the forgiving and saving..) or help them to perish sooner? 

I challenge you to prayerfully have:


Pride a.k.a. hubris has a blinding effect that makes you resistant to the correction that God and wise leaders could give you. Jesus lived here humble, so why live rebellious? 

Pride is an offense to a Holy God who deserves all the praise and glory who will not share his glory with anyone: “I am the LORD; that is my name; my glory I give to no other, nor my praise to carved idols” (Isaiah 42:8).

Too many bite the dust due to pride. Being gifted is not the same thing as having godly character. Being gifted will open up opportunities to serve, believer, but having godly character will set you up for a lifetime of fruitful ministry!

Remember Billy Graham? He was an impressive preacher, and yet that was only trumped by his godly character and humility in public and in private. A daily serious time of Bible reading and passionate prayer is essential for anyone hoping to live humble. Sure, for those desiring to used by God in seeing lives won and changed.


There is a need today for each of us to grow in our personal responsibility—to be diligent stewards of the gifts that God has entrusted to us. Let’s do whatever we can short of sinning to leverage our outward influence in advancing the Gospel.

Your inner fleshly nature and this corrupt world system will demand what’s wrong for you (for us) to do. Listen to the Word and your own conscience. It’s so important to honor the Lord Jesus even in “small or tiny things” of life including staying pure in our thought life and being on guard against greed. Too many ministers have stumbled or fallen due to the gold, the glory, or the girls! Say not to your flesh and to visiting those places (with persons) where you’d easily be tempted.  

Create a sustainable rhythm of clean ministry with seasons of pushing (not in the flesh) and seasons of rest too, that involve your spouse and family when you can. 

In our world today even a temporary lapse in judgment can result in serious consequences.

“One who is faithful in a very little is also faithful in much, and one who is dishonest in a very little is also dishonest in much” Luke 16:10

Be quick to listen and slow (even kind) to tweet. Tweet the Message and give an opportunity for them to prayerfully turn and trust Jesus, yes, to respond to the Father’s appeal and His only Solution for their sin. 


There’s a desperate need to go global with the Message–I mean to tactfully go share the Gospel with those around the world.

More people have access to high speed internet than clean water. That means this generation has the opportunity to share the gospel using technology to the most remote parts of the earth.

No matter the fierce attacks or tests or trials we face, our goal must be to use whatever means possible to honestly fulfill the Great Commission in our lifetime.. WITH INTEGRITY AND GODLY CHARACTER. 

Evangelist D. L. Moody was honest and he had godly character too. He once said, “If I take care of my character, God will take care of my reputation.” 

In addition to sharing the Gospel clearly, boldly, and broadly (worldwide) let’s keep growing in our prayer lives. We need a biblical revival (with Bible preaching on the Cross of Christ, the resurrection, on the blood, and on true repentance). Every revival that has spawned an awakening has that. We need a 5th great awakening! Every great awakening that spawns more revival in the church has been birthed by people confessing, repenting and praying urgently with passionate crying out to God.