F4S: Are we supposed to count it all joy even when in a storm, in times of testing, or in a hard-core trial? (See James 1:2)? Uhh yep, we must evaluate these difficulties in life with eyes of faith and see them in light of Christ’s good purpose for us.

Tuesday, November 14, 2023

Are we supposed to count it all joy even when in a storm, in times of testing, or in a hard-core trial? (See James 1:2)? Uhh yep, we must evaluate these difficulties in life with eyes of faith and see them in light of Christ’s good purpose for us.

1.) What are the protecting storms? That’s the kind of storm the disciples experienced on the Sea of Galilee (this time from a real storm out in nature).

Remember the time after Jesus performed His most popular miracle to date: Free lunch, the feeding of the five thousand. The people really loved that miracle. Raising people from the dead?--Jesus did that! So wonderfully-awesome. Restoring the sight and hearing to people?..Jesus also pulled those off to help people He deeply cared about (He still cares about us all). That indeed was very incredible. But free munchies at lunchtime? Wow, now we’re really talking! Why do we seem to like good grub so much?

Then the crowd wanted to make Jesus king by force. So Jesus said to His disciples, basically in effect, “Hey gang, go get into the boat. We’re headed out of here and just in time.”

He has a perfect time for everything, so Jesus delivered His disciples from what would have been a lot of adulation etc, which would have created a lot of problems for many. So they went through a protective storm--it was God's will for them.

2.) What are the correcting storms? They are used to correct us. Ever caused yourself some challenges by personal sin, or from say from forgetting something important, or from missing something imperative after you causally aimed for it? Forget not to pray for, and then act (do your part only) regarding what you need.

We basically bring these types of tough storms upon ourselves and reap the consequences of our actions. Jonah bailed out. Remember the great fish and the small worm? Jonah ran the other way from His calling. Perhaps you've run away from Jesus and what he has for you?

Jonah didn't like the people he was called to minister to because they were very cruel sinners. Many hated those killers. So he was in a corrective storm. It was his fault. He brought it upon himself.

God gave Jonah a second chance and then the greatest awakening of all history.

Please never try to run away from God and His specific will for you. He delights to use and bless you. Instead, sprint to Jesus. God is there for ya. And if you need a second chance cuz you fell flat on your face, then why don’t you simply ask for one. Ask for forgiveness and forgive people in your heart. God's grace is amazing!

3.) What are the perfecting storms that come from the tough trials of life? It can be from emotional hardships in life that come from other types of hardships ..cuz face it, this life here can get hard quick. I mean these are from tough trials and opposition that God allows in our way, for us to go through for growth and learning sake. Sometimes these events seem so random too, but they never are. God has a plan. He loves us too much to leave us the way we are. Father knows best and wants us all to grow up having balanced spiritual maturity.

Jesus said, “I will never leave you nor forsake you” (Hebrews 13:5 nkjv).

In Romans 8:28 the Bible says that “all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose” (nkjv).

A perfecting storm, Kurt, what's that one more time? This is when God allows hardships into our lives to make us stronger spiritually. We can profit from trials. Sometimes we do profit earlier and sometimes we foolishly opt to gain from them later if we are thick-headed and stubborn. Job went through a perfecting storm--he and others got SO blessed when he simply chose to go do what God told him to do.

The Bible says, “When your faith is tested, your endurance has a chance to grow. So let it grow, for when your endurance is fully developed, you will be perfect and complete, needing nothing” (James 1:3–4 nlt).

Photo by Vidar Nordli-Mathisen

"Then Jonah prayed to his God from the belly of the fish. He prayed: “In trouble, deep trouble, I prayed to GOD. He answered me. From the belly of the grave I cried, ‘Help!’ You heard my cry. You threw me into ocean’s depths, into a watery grave, With ocean waves, ocean breakers crashing over me. I said, ‘I’ve been thrown away, thrown out, out of your sight. I’ll never again lay eyes on your Holy Temple.’ Ocean gripped me by the throat. The ancient Abyss grabbed me and held tight. My head was all tangled in seaweed at the bottom of the sea where the mountains take root. I was as far down as a body can go, and the gates were slamming shut behind me forever—Yet you pulled me up from that grave alive, O GOD, my God! When my life was slipping away, I remembered GOD, And my prayer got through to you, made it all the way to your Holy Temple. Those who worship hollow gods, god-frauds, walk away from their only true love. But I’m worshiping you, GOD, calling out in thanksgiving! And I’ll do what I promised I’d do! Salvation belongs to GOD!” Jonah 2:1-9 msg

In Jonah chapter 2 the Bible says, “The Lord spoke to the fish, and it vomited Jonah onto dry land” (verse 10). The big fish hurled. It barfed the believer, launched its lunch, puked up the prophet. The whale basically cruised on up to the shoreline and regurgitated Jonah onto the sand and gravel. I've had that happen at Salt Creek beach before minus the whale.

"Then the Lord ordered the fish to spit Jonah out onto the beach." Jonah 2:10 nlt

God is compassionate and once again called out to Jonah to go bring His message to the people of Nineveh and it happened. This time Jonah obeyed. What has God asked you to go do? He's asked us all to be involved in His Great Commission. Do we keep His Greatest and 2nd Great Commandments?

Jonah finally got around to applying the Word of God.. to obeying the Lord in order to become a blessing for that people. Man, a little bit of obedience before the Lord sure can bring in a whole lot of blessing for others! He does that, and we willingly listen up.

Then probably the greatest spiritual awakening in all of human history took place there.

Jonah had been losing hope (see Jonah 2:7) but the God of hope helped him through.

We live in a collapsing culture today. I think a lot of people in our world are starting to lose hope. God's living word is His will for you--He's our living hope.

The lonely hopelessness all around us--this according to some experts is one of the reasons why the suicide rates have skyrocketed, but you and I in Jesus praying.. can become a part of the Solution instead of part of the problem.

Please don’t lose heart no matter the intensity of the storm or what swallows you up for a time. You will get through it if you just hold on to Christ. Cling to Him, never stop. Never give up. He's a only whispered prayer away!

Jonah was in a storm, and in a great fish for a time so he quoted some Scripture in his prayer reminding God of who He is (God already knew), and specifically, Jonah quoted from the God's Psalms. How comforting is that!

Storms, big fat trails, huge testings, weird temptations, times of tribulation--these things come and then they go. Yeah, they come into the lives of reborn Christians in the forms of a calamity, a tough circumstance at school or work, or say a hardship in private or out in public. It might be a medical issue, a marital problem, a big bill to pay from spending, a legal issue, a bully on the sidewalk, or say from something else. The list goes on and on and on. Life happens rough in this sin-cursed fallen world, but there are three kinds of storms a believer will face that they can overcome them by God's help.

God in the Bible promises us: “For our present troubles are small and won’t last very long. Yet they produce for us a glory that vastly outweighs them and will last forever! So we don’t look at the troubles we can see now; rather, we fix our gaze on things that cannot be seen. For the things we see now will soon be gone, but the things we cannot see will last forever” (2 Corinthians 4:17–18 nlt).

Come to Jesus.. or come back to Jesus today. Good idea! Now is good for that. Let Him calm your storm

“He stilled the storm to a whisper; the waves of the sea were hushed.” Psalm 107:29

If you and I opt to build on the solid rock of God's word instead of on the shifting sands in tides, then our lives can make it through any tough storms of this life.