F4S: Am thinking about Heaven today, a very real place. Do you ever think about this destination?

Wednesday, March 6, 2024

Am thinking about Heaven today, a very real place. Do you ever think about this destination?

"And even when he reached the land God promised him, he lived there by faith—for he was like a foreigner, living in tents. And so did Isaac and Jacob, who inherited the same promise." Hebrews 11:9
There are gobs of things that just don’t make sense to us while here on earth, but we believers are looking forward to.. we are even longing for another place.
It's because of the Resurrection of Christ, we each can have a living hope in a relationship with Him (Jesus) -- we can enjoy the hope of Heaven!
Heaven and Hell are real places -- you've heard this and it's true. Believers, Heaven is waiting for us not cuz we earned it, but cuz Jesus took the judgment for our sins on the cross.
Heaven, this is the place old Abraham was searching for back in the day, and it’s really the place we are all searching for and longing for. Many don't know this is what they are really longing for.
The Bible tells us about this place. Hebrews 11:8–9 says that when Abraham reached the land God had promised to him, he lived there by faith, kind of like a stranger passing through.. like a foreigner living in a temporary tent.
Abe was constantly looking forward to a better city with eternal foundations designed and built by God Himself.
That’s what Heaven is about. It's the Home we look forward to. It is a city designed and built by the greatest Archatech -- God. In the final two chapters of Revelation, John used the word “city” eleven times in specific reference to Heaven.
Like Abraham, you and I are foreigners just passing through. We’re passing through this world, and everything we’re going through is actually preparing us for out home in Heaven. Remember, Jesus said to His disciples, “I go to prepare a place for you” (John 14:2 NKJV).

In the first chapters of the Bible, we see paradise lost when Adam and Eve ate the forbidden fruit. But in the final two chapters of the Bible, God describes the paradise that He has created for us in Heaven. What an exciting place -- what a wonderful place of loving-reunion! Come as you are.