F4S: The Cross And Resurrection - Finished For You!

Saturday, April 23, 2011

The Cross And Resurrection - Finished For You!

It is finished and Jesus is risen! Can't add any good works or money or striving to it. Beyond cool huh.

Calvary's cross was Christ's goal while down here on earth ..from his birth and He reached it and then He conquered death.


Yes, the fact of an empty cross is not good news at all without the fact of the empty tomb—both go together so good! The writer of Hebrews 2:14 said, "Only by dying could He break the power of the devil, who had the power of death." You and I no longer have to be stuck under the power of sin like some weak and shackled slave. It's because of Christ's cross and empty tomb that the stronghold of Mr. Lu-Cifer has been snapped off of humanity like a used toothpick, but we all must apply this.

Jesus totally accomplished the Father's purpose at the cross not in Hades—"finished!" Now Christ's empty cross and tomb guarantees the believer's victory over sin, Satan, and death.

"He poured out His soul unto death, and He was numbered with the transgressors, and He bore the sin of many." ~ Isaiah 53:12

"When Jesus had tasted it, he said, 'It is finished!' Then he bowed his head and released his spirit." ~ John 19:30

"On the first Easter morning, the women who took spices to anoint the body of Jesus found the tomb empty and heard angels say, 'He is not here, but is risen!'" ~ Luke 24:6

What happen there? God's provision for sinners like you.. and me.. happened at Calvary!

Have you already been told this whole story before?

You know what I'm saying right.. how some 2,000 years ago, sinless Jesus Christ, God in the flesh.. was confronted, accused, unjustly arrested, mocked, beaten, whipped, and subsequently crucified to take away your sin. Have you applied this to your life? You can!

Man, just think about how His disciples must have felt when that played out. Were these guys torn up, broken hearted, and in despair? Sure they were. I would be.

These disciples had lost hope.. but not for long. Jesus had risen! All their sadness evaporated away when Christ came out of that tomb on Easter morning! It was a rolling stone that moved aside (Jn. 20:1).

Then Christ came and visited His friends Mary (vv.11-19) and His eleven followers who had gotten together in one place to exchange notes if you will. Man they were "overjoyed" (v.20, niv).

Perhaps something bad or traumatic, something big or smaller..  has happened in your life that has left you feelin' hopeless or even despondent?

Guess what! Jesus is alive today and He will be there to help you as well ..if you will let Him. Have your dreams been swept away? Have you lost your job, or spouse, or BFF or perhaps endured some other personal loss? I'm so sorry about that.

The Good News is that Christ's physical, bodily resurrection from the grave proves to us all that He rules over all problems, losses, and demonic obstacles. He can turn it all around for you—what's bad can work for the good in Him. He might not replace everything you lost, but He will provide all that you need for your life and ministry.

The resurrection is an historical fact and that demands a faith response from each of us.

Now God can literally turn any problem, trial, or difficulty into a great blessing and opportunity for you. Check it out again how God made it all a great blessing for the disciples after the cross—which was the greatest blessing there is—and He can do that for you, for you, for you! Will you turn, and let Christ into your life?

"He rose! And with Him hope arose, and life and light. Men said, 'Not Christ, but death, died.' And joy and truth and all things virtuous Rose when He rose!" ~ Anon.

"Their words seemed to the disciples like idle tales, and they did not believe them." ~ Luke 24:11

"Up from the grave He arose, with a mighty triumph o'er His foes; He arose a Victor from the dark domain, and He lives forever with His saints to reign." ~ Lowry

"You, being dead in your trespasses,.. He has made alive together with Him." ~ Colossians 2:13

I was just sharing this stuff about Jesus with a 25 year old man name Sundarsingh from India, and a 50 year old guy named Ed from Puerto Rico, and a hardworking, sweet-as-can-be 60 year old lady from Mexico named Rosa. You can pray for them if you like along with Lowana and Joe that I just met.

What a joy!

Yesterday I was witnessing to a very mixed up and perverted person who was real angry at God for all the things that went wrong that day.

How do I know he was that way, you might ask? Well, sometimes you can just tell these things by what clearly comes out of people's mouths.

Poor guy, bless his heart—that's my sincere prayer for him for he is into the Unity cult that teaches no one sins. He divulged all this to me, "Kurt, today it's Good Friday, and it's been anything but good."

And then he went on to tell me some of the details of what happened.. and about some home decorations that fell off a shelf onto his head. Ouch! Fortunately he was not injured, but what he was telling me reminded me of what came down onto Christ's head—a crown of thorns to make Him bleed and then the sins of the whole world came down on his head. This is what we were talking about and it cheered him up a bit.

Anyways, our conversation seemed to go pretty good as he listened intently to what I said, and he responded here and there too. Prayin' ..I will see him again tomorrow to carry this topic on further hopefully.

But maybe you've felt the same way? Would you like to receive the Gift that Jesus died to give? Please trust our risen Christ today! Read More on Easter...