F4S: None of us can earn God's blessings, but please be blessed and stay blessable in the Word of God. Keep yourself in the will and love of God today!

Thursday, April 23, 2020

None of us can earn God's blessings, but please be blessed and stay blessable in the Word of God. Keep yourself in the will and love of God today!

Have you yet personally experienced the Lord of life and His biggest blessing? That's free forgiveness and salvation. 

Livin' in the will and Word of God is such a blessing! 

What a relief it is to be forgiven and daily walk with God according to His plan -- His way. Christ the One who blesses people with all good things to enjoy.. is the biggest blessing to me. I want to know and please Him more! Have you chosen His will and Word. Have you received the Blesser of all as your blessing, Savior, and Lord? See John 1:12-13.   

Ever wondered what it's all about..or what it means to “keep yourself in the love of God”? 

Do you feel loved by God or believe that you are? Ever asked about that love? But wait a minute Kurt, if God’s love is so wonderful and unconditional... then why does the Bible commanded us to keep ourselves in His love?

Is that a contradiction? Is that an inconsistency or some fickleness on His part?

Nope, it sure ain't. It’s just two sides of the same coin so to speak. Please understand something about God’s great, boundless and selfless love. It's not so easy to grasp how much God loves us -- we need His Spirit to help us. See the Book of Jude.

You Are Safe And Secure In Jesus Christ, Believer

All reborn believers (John 3:3) have good promises from God. Here is one that we each can claim: We are kept secure in Jesus Christ. Does that mean we won't be persecuted or martyred for our faith if we claim this? Nope. You or I will be mocked, persecuted and we might be killed for our faith. God will give us each His grace for what lies ahead. 

Recall how Jude addressed the first-century believers in his letter saying, “to all who have been called by God the Father, who loves you and keeps you safe in the care of Jesus Christ” (Jude 1 nlt).

"To those who are the called God’s chosen ones, the elect, dearly loved by God the Father, and kept secure and set apart for Jesus Christ." (amp)

"To those who have been called, who are loved in God the Father and kept for Jesus Christ: mercy, peace and love be yours in abundance." (niv)

Responsible believing parent, if you were to visit a public park with your elderly relatives or children today, you'd know exactly where they are during the day. You typically don’t leave that park having forgot them, because you have God's wisdom and protect those you really love.

Got an idea. How 'bout a sleep-over on the couch, self, and just cut back on your commute! Yeah, it’s now 7:30 AM or so and it's time to change into my daytime jammies now. Covid 19 crisis-days are so bizarre. It's a joke. #LvStellsMe2SkipCouch

But think about God and His love during any crisis. And He's SO there for you every day. Yes, how much truer it is with our patient heavenly Father—even when we’re feeling rattled a bit by some type of crisis.. and are feeling trapped in our daily circumstances we pray for protection and He meets our needs.

In the Bible's original language, the clear implication of Jude is, “You are continually kept by Jesus Christ.” Continually -- that's pretty encouraging huh!

I hope you are well and not sick today. Whatever your difficulties may be, God heals, restores, guides, and helps us. Should I wear a mask if the Authorities say I should? Yup, and I just found a cool snowboarder mask to wear. 

We all need to grasp that you and I are totally preserved in Jesus, and that He will take good care of us. He'll maintain His valued investment all your days. He has purchased you and me at a great cost -- think about Jesus leaving heaven to come here. Think about the cross and empty tomb! God will be patient to equip, to protect, to bless, to preserve, to watch over you like a good Shepherd would.. and to keep you. Wants you close to Him and His body. 

You Have Your Part To Play, And He Has His Part -- He Always Keeps His Word

Jude gives us this directive, “Keep yourselves in the love of God” (Jude 21 nkjv). So which is it? It’s both Buckeroo. God is responsible to keep you and me, but at the same time we need to walk with Him and keep ourselves in His beautiful love. He is Lord, daily let Him lead you. That's a choice.  

We can do nothing to merit God’s grace, forgiveness and love. None can earn their way into His favor or Kingdom. 

Jude basically says for us to keep ourselves in a place where God in His wisdom can actively bless us over and over again. Why opt to firmly and lovingly get disciplined by your Father so often? 

God delights to daily bless you because He loves you. Can't take His eyes off of you. 

Sure, think about God's holy nature. We are to keep ourselves away from all that is unlike Him, and those things that would drag us down spiritually. 

We don’t keep ourselves saved, but we keep ourselves safe in His will according to His word.

This includes denying ourselves often. This includes hearing His voice, obeying and embracing what God has for each of us.

You know how in the '70s the “self-esteem” movement came about. And we were told that all of the social ills of the day were due to our low self-esteem and that we all needed to learn to love ourselves more. But the Bible teaches the truth.. that you already love yourself, and we are to love others as we already love ourselves. 

The Bible offers a different view.

You want to find life, fulfillment, peace, purpose, and personal happiness? Then prayerfully say, “Lord, here's my one life. Here are my plans, my goals, my aspirations, my life-dreams—as well as my flaws, weaknesses, shortcomings, and personal sins. Your ideas and plans are far better than mine, in the long run. Help me today, I remain willing to be changed by You, Lord. Sanctify me through and through.”

What Keeps Us? God’s Love And Grace Keeps Us 

Spiritual attacks will land on our doorstep. Spiritual harassment certainly come our way from the enemy of our souls. It comes through fear, unbelief, temptations, testings and the doubts. Were it not for the preserving grace and love of God, who among us here would even make it? None. Clearly, we are protected and preserved by Him. 

Let’s make sure we walk in God's word and will. Progress with His generous provision and protection. Yes, with the covering of God’s love, putting it on like a garment—or body armor—every morning before our feet hit the floor. Put on the Lord Jesus Christ everyone. Put on the full armor of God and fight the good fight of faith. Run to win, fight to glorify Jesus.. not in the flesh. 


Covid-days or no Coronavirus trust Him. Turn and trust in the Lord -- trust that the same strong grace that saved you will be there to keep you. Become convinced inside that nothing will ever separate you from God’s perfect love. "Neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither our fears for today nor our worries about tomorrow—not even the powers of hell can separate us from God’s love. No power in the sky above or in the earth below—indeed, nothing in all creation will ever be able to separate us from the love of God that is revealed in Christ Jesus our Lord." Romans 8:38–39 nlt Facebook.com/shareJesus