F4S: Do you feel like you've had a bit too much "quality time with your loved ones" lately?

Sunday, May 10, 2020

Do you feel like you've had a bit too much "quality time with your loved ones" lately?

Been meetin’ some restless people who want to go outside. Yeah, they told me so. Can so relate, how about you? Go away Covid 19!

Feelin’ grateful and content here, but am not satisfied with where I am. Wanna grow more. Not wanting to look back, or go back. Why do that? Lot’s weird wife looked longingly back and then froze into a salt pillar – it really happened.

You and I don’t need that old life when there’s now new mercies, new grace, new worship, soul winning, discipleship opportunities.. and new life!

People are rattled, are feeling alarmed, are scared, and anxious inside. Some people who normally don’t believe we are in the end times have been thinking.. we are in the end times.. the last days.

Is it a wing or a weight..holding you down? Have you been hangin' out too close and too much with those really really into sin where they have been pulling you down.

My favorite psalm says, "Blessed is the man who walks not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor stands in the path of sinners, nor sits in the seat of the scornful; but his delight is in the law of the Lord, and in His law he meditates day and night." Psalm 1:1-2 (Read all the verses).

Is your person always in their path. Is your social feed filled with the counsel of the ungodly, the scornful, the wicked and it's been pulling you down? Walk not in it. Limit your time with carnal Christians and lost people not willing turn, trust and grow.

It often drives unbelievers crazy when your life actually backs up your Christian message. Some people actually want you to fail so it will make them feel better all convicted in their sin.

Listen, you have a golden moment so to speak.. where you can model your faith, cuz you are the Gospel some people will ever read.

I love that children's book addressing their fears.

The plot deals with a small rabbit who is feelin' restless. 

It’s the story of a baby bunny who says to his mother, “I am going to run away.” ..desired to split, to bail out and bail. But His mother tells him that "If you run away, I will run after you.”

Then comes.. I want to become a mountain. And the mother says “I will become a mountain climber and I will climb to where you are.”

God came down to this earth to rescue you and me. Became a man among sinful humans like you and me.

You are either for or against Jesus no in between. The Bible tells us this.

Are you gaining ground or losing ground spiritually today? Are you seeking Jesus during this time, or just distracted? Are you gathering with Him or scattering people away? Has your sin been forgiven. Heaven isn’t for good people really, it’s for forgiven people. Accknowledge it’s there, turn and trust. Yep, repent and believe, simple as that.

Be ready to come to Christ..to come back to Him. Be ready today to take ground in the Lord, instead lose ground

“For our sake he made him to be sin who knew no sin, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God.” ~ Paul, 2 Corinthians 5:21

What a transaction.. such a great transfer. Greater than great! Trade it in your sin for His cleansing. His righteousness for my unrighteousness -- free, no earning it!

“God cannot give us a happiness and peace apart from Himself, because it is not there. There is no such thing.” ~ C.S. Lewis