F4S: Here are some things to pause and earnestly pray about during these turbulent times in America. But after praying in faith.. go do more than praying.

Friday, May 29, 2020

Here are some things to pause and earnestly pray about during these turbulent times in America. But after praying in faith.. go do more than praying.

“Time spent in prayer will yield more than time given to work.. Prayer opens the way for God Himself to do His work in and through us.” ~ Andrew Murray

Go ahead and tweak some of these requests into your own words of faith as you like. The important thing is that we are praying to the Father in Jesus' name over these issues. 

Jesus said, “Therefore I say to you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or what you will drink; nor about your body, what you will put on. Is not life more than food and the body more than clothing? ..But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about its own things. Sufficient for the day [is] its own trouble.” Matthew 6:25-34
Would you pray something like this.. 

No worries here. Father, thank You for this Bible command and for the encouraging promise.

Lord, You are the Prince of Peace -- please cause the rioting in the USA to cease. Please expose all those people organizing it all and bring justice. Protect and guide Your people. Thanks Jesus. Help Your Church to be the church in the realms of business, education, schooling, sports, military and financial areas. God, You've seen how much full-on rioting has been going on in different cities related to what? They say it's due to that Former Minnesota Police Officer Derek Chauvin was arrested after the Death of George Floyd. It was a horrible situation there. But now it's clear that this nightly rioting has been coordinated and funded by Liberals and George Soros again along with their evil friends. Lord God Almighty, no matter who all is behind it in the different cities, please do bring it all to a stop so that zero more people get hurt or killed. 

In this time of pandemic impact, help us to keep our eyes on Jesus...
Bring your peace into all these liberal cities filled with people you care about. Help us in this time of uncertainty and change to set aside any burden slowing us down or sin tripping us up as we strive to run the race marked out for us. Help us to fix our eyes on Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith. (Psalm 89:8; Hebrews 12:1-2) Continue with personal prayer...

Help our government leaders and top U.S. leader to rise above politics as they make those decisions affecting millions...
We need You to be our sure foundation, for sometimes we feel we are living on shifting sand. So many decisions, so much confusion, so many changes from day to day. Help our government leaders to set aside politics and turn to You.... (Isaiah 28:16; Mathew 7:26-27) Continue on with personal prayer...

Help the church to be the church in the realms of business, education, schooling, sports, military and financial areas...
Let our new life in Christ help us to be salt and light in the world. Grant favor to Your people in leadership throughout society, so that others will listen to them when they seek Your wisdom. Raise up these kinds of future leaders. (Romans 6:4; Matthew 5:13-14; James 1:5-8) Continue with personal prayer...

Sustain the medical community and first responders with Your strength...
Lord, because You are clothed with majesty and armed with strength, we ask You to extend Your strength to those on the frontlines. Grant salvation to those among them who are lost. May they know You as their fortress, their place of safety. (Psalm 93:1; 29:11; 59:17) Continue with personal prayer...

Extend mercy, for the effect of the virus on individuals and families is devastating...
Because You are full of compassion and mercy, we call to You to heal those struck down by the virus, and hold close those who have lost loved ones. Help tests and vaccines to be developed and financial aid released to breathe life into the economy. (James 5:11) Continue with personal prayer...

Grant patience and self-control to those under stress they cannot handle...
Father, You are our Protector! Extend Your protection to those who are living with people under such stress that they are losing patience and control. Many are lashing out against those they love most. Help them instead to hold back and cry out to You. (Proverbs 2:8) Continue with personal prayer...

Bring biblical revival and an authentic spiritual awakening...
Lord, use this pandemic crisis for Your glory. Renew Your people with revival and a fresh determination to live close to You. Bring spiritual awakening to the lost, for You want all to be saved, and Jesus died once for all. (Isaiah 57:15; 1 Timothy 2:3-4; 1 Peter 3:18) Continue with personal prayer... In Jesus’ name, amen.