F4S: Up, gaze and countenance up not down, butter cup!

Monday, July 27, 2020

Up, gaze and countenance up not down, butter cup!

Hey American, chin up, be encouraged in the Lord. He hasn’t fallen off the throne or been surprised.

Everything remains on track. He keeps all his promises and Bible prophecy will be fulfilled. So many have been with 100 percent accuracy. His plan will prevail despite the proclamations of pundits and the lying media. 

We live in the greatest nation on the face of the earth. We are the people of that nation, with boundless opportunities most of the world can only dream of.  Our opposition has nothing but false witness, fear and lies.  Push back on their lies, they are exposed as weak and shallow.

We are American believers, not better than, but better off and others here can be better off. 
Those evil and violent people who are working against our nation’s interests seem to ..at times.. be thriving in an atmosphere of despair and disenfranchisement. Do not give in to them, or live a spiritually compromised life. Walk with the Lord in victory today. 

Carry an optimistic upbeat spirit in his Holy Spirit, regardless of how challenging the circumstances now are. I cannot explain it, but that makes real success more certain. Stay more focused on the Blesser rather than on the blessings or distractions of life. No time for idols or excuses. 

Do not help sinners keep sinning like a codependent would do. Don’t fuel evil opposition with the power of fear. 

Think and talk clean...edifying. 

Stay if fellowship both upwards and with growing believers. There are healthy churches led by healthy pastors out there -- find your place and help em. Live strong like them, balanced, and finish strong too. Go the distance with Jesus, not out ahead of him in presumption, or lagging behind. With him is better..listening, gettin' honest with. He said he'd meet all your needs. Why look even half to the world or to the worldly people to meet your needs? No, you want to live on-fire with the proper passion inside!  

Be strong right now; choose to seek, to sow to the Spirit and to grow. Be joyous, yes, way happy with Jesus as Lord right now. He rejoices over you with singing! 

Take the appropriate action, you are greatly valued. Do not give in, do not give evil elements an inch of space within your heart.  Advance, take territory today. Let’s take back this country. Not as puffed up know-it-alls, but expect and demand real accountability. Do not worry about being perceived as a jerk about it.

“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.” Joshua 1:9

God said that and he will help you (let him), he can empower you, can equip you, can fully enable you to be doers of his word wisely.   

Fight like men.. men.. not in the flesh, but primarily on your knees in prayer. Act like men. 

“Be watchful, stand firm in the faith, act like men, be strong.“ 1 Corinthians 16:13

Quit listening to those who say “can’t” and “won’t” and simply do your part. You still have a part to play so to speak. Let’s grow and advance. 

“I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” Philippians 4:13

If some feel overly comfortable passively sitting in their socially distant box while only complaining about all things that are not right here, or might be not be right.. or, if they prefer to allow themselves to be overcome with dark imaginings simply because what cannot be done is more comfortable than the effort to oversee what needs to be done… well, that ain’t my business. 

They can do that if they choose. And when they are done doing that they’ll still be in the same place. 

Why go backwards, when we can go forwards in love? Give God all the glory, spend some time with him daily. We’ll trust and obey him well, if we know him well. If we spend time with Jesus. I challenge you if I may...

Be real, be a good example, some people are watching you. Witness biblically by life, by clear communication, by life, by deed and yes, with true words. Boldly.. tactfully too. Show respect to all people, be gentle, discerning and kind. 

Protect people out of love. Many won't. They just stand there and won't get involved. Brave Jesus can make us brave as our day calls for. 

Separate yourself from this world’s corrupt system and from those who keep pulling you down. Limit your time with the worldly, with the carnally minded, and with the lukewarm spiritually. That'll help more than just you. 

When they start to pull you on down, just politely get away from them. 

Live on the right side of history no matter how many choose to come down on the wrong side of history. Yes, in the will of God for you. He still loves you and has a good plan...for you. Yes you, he won't forget about you or forsake you. Bible truth cannot be avoided. Fish4souls.org