F4S: Though many in the world try to keep you away from koinonia fellowship these days, God really wants us enjoying uplifting community with his church family. Fellowship starts with Jesus.

Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Though many in the world try to keep you away from koinonia fellowship these days, God really wants us enjoying uplifting community with his church family. Fellowship starts with Jesus.

What’s not to love about real fellowship? 

I love and need that more than so many other good things here. 

Why? It's because I really love and need the Lord who blesses this fellowship...most. Yep, need him the most; far more than needing people. We are to be vert-dependent on him, yet righteously interdependent horizontally. I say let's obey him and fellowship together! The Bible says...

"And let us consider how to spur one another on to love and good deeds. Let us not neglect meeting together, as some have made a habit, but let us encourage one another, and all the more as you see the Day approaching." Hebrews 10:24-25

What's so different now in this regard in the USA? 

Never before have we seen a time like this here where Libs and local authority figures are openly protecting rioters out rioting, out looting, and out setting homes, churches, and businesses on fire (with gobs of funded lawyers standing in the wings to get these criminals out of jail so they quickly return to this). And they're also openly attacking churchgoers for trying to go to church to worship and enjoy fellowship. In our town have they allowed you to return for this fellowship that strengthens?  

Have you visited dead, cold or religious churches before and not experienced real fellowship? Sorry ‘bout that. Doesn’t have to be that way. God ain’t like that.  

What’s so cool is that no matter where you travel around this globe you can enjoy the same sweet fellowship cuz we are one body in Christ. One family building each other up in him. Perhaps your biological family has long been broken or whack and you feel this need inside.. lacking loving family life?

two men sitting and one man standing near cliff taken during golden hour

As believers it can be pretty easy to be a poser.. to fool other born again Christians into believing that our life is perfect (some are tempted to fake it like this), but behind closed doors we know that life is not that way.. not perfect. We really aren't and need to let others know that. 

For many it’s fairly easy to go to church fellowship and act like a Christian should act, but it's not so easy to act like a Christian all the time like at school, at work, or around friends. You know it’s been said, “Honesty is the best policy.” And it’s true because being caught in a lie is not a fun thing. A life of duplicity and hypocrisy ain't pleasant at all. Why continue to live a double life because you don’t really want others to know who you really are? 

Would you pray something like.. Jesus come in to be Lord, do forgive me and please make me real all the time. I long for fellowship with you and growing believers. Fill me with your Spirit-- keep and use me for your glory. 

"Being in a community with other followers of Jesus is something that we should desire in life. It keeps us from hiding behind the mask of positivity. In a Christian community you can learn to fight sin, to be encouraging, and to pray for the needs of other people. But before you can do all of that, you need to be honest about the things going on in your life.

Be Honest with God

Being honest with God is the first step in being in community with other believers. If you believe that your life is good, and that everything is put together accordingly, you won’t believe the truth that you have sin in your life. The Bible says that we all “fall short of the glory of God” (see Romans 3:23). If we have sin in our lives and aren’t able to meet God’s perfect standard, then we need to admit that to Him. When we can be honest with God, He will make us honest about everything else.

Be Honest with Each Other

Ephesians 4:25 says that we should speak the truth with our neighbors because we are members of the same family. The Scriptures teach us that we are brothers and sisters because God is our Father and we are His kids. We should be honest about what we do so that we can help other people when they are in need. God has gifted each one of us in unique ways that can help other people in their circumstances. Have you been honest about your life and the difficulties you face? We believe the Lord wants to use you through the darkest valley you have faced.

Be Honest with the World

It’s easier to be a light in this world when you are at church, but not so easy when you’re around friends who aren’t followers of Jesus. Let’s be honest, we all know that it’s more difficult to express our faith in Jesus Christ to others, but God has promised that when we face difficulties that He will be right there with us. The world needs to know that you are a follower of Jesus. For the sake of the world we must be different than the world. You need to stand out in order to make a difference and that might mean being ridiculed by others. Are you willing to sacrifice being comfortable in your faith rather than allowing someone you know to spend eternity separated from God? It’s a hard truth we need to grapple with, but when we believe that God has a purpose for us to shine His light into the world, He will bless us for taking that step of faith.

Trust that God has given you friends to encourage you and strengthen you when you need it most. He places people in our lives to share their experiences with us so that we can learn and link shields together for the sake of the gospel." ~ Brad Ormonde Jr. 

Fellowship is so important!  

Ask yourself these question and allow God to minister His encouragement to you:

  1. Have you been honest with God about the sin in your life? If you have never confessed your sins, do it now.
  2. Are you hiding behind a mask? What will it take for you to be honest with yourself and others who know you?
  3. When you’ve faced something difficult in life, who has been there for you and how can you be there for others during their difficulties? 
Though many in the world try to keep you away from koinonia fellowship these days, God the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit really want us enjoying uplifting community with his family. Fellowship starts with Jesus.
- But I tried fellowship and church before, but it didn’t work for me.

- But there are too many hypocrites in the church. So why should I become a 24/7 on-fire Christian now?

- When people say NO to Christ the whole way through their life and to this sweet fellowship.. how then can a loving God send those people to Hell?
People send themselves there. God honors our choices. 

Maybe before you die God catches his believers outta here. No fears! Why not take part in that? You will either get right or get left (the Rapture will soon happen)..and I don't mean politically. 

You were created to enjoy fellowship with God the Father in a meaningful friendship. Yes, in a personal way through the Son—yes, to biblically worship and have a relationship with Him through Jesus Christ.

Fellowship upwards and outwards with believers is so great and satisfying! And God doesn’t send anyone to miss it going to Hell. We basically send ourselves there if we choose. It was never God's design to send people he made to Hell. It breaks the heart of God to see people rebell. I mean folks he created in His image; those who don't want to be in heaven with God and make the deliberate choice to reject Christ. God won't force.. won't make any be with him and his family forever.

Hell was not made for people; it was made for rebellious fallen angelic beings, Satan and his crew, who wanted to usurp to gain worship and a higher position than God.

In Matthew 25:41, Jesus says that everlasting fire was prepared for Mr. Lu-Cifer and the other devils (fallen angels--a third of all the angels made).

Scripture also teaches, “[God] is not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance” (2 Peter 3:9).

That's why God sent Jesus to die on the cross in our place—to bridge the gap between sinful people and a Holy God. Listen, the gates of Hell are basically locked from the inside. No exit. In the future if you end up in Hell, you will have practically had to climb over Jesus to get there. We point to him -- God's only provision and ultimate Solution for our sin.

silhouette of person hand

Has the enemy and the world lured you into something perhaps fun at first to where you've gotten stuck? Has the world chewed you up and spit you out? Hate that! God understands.

Listen, it's forgiven sinners who go to heaven, not those who didn't need any pardon from God. None other go. Can't earn your way in.

Yes, Christians ain't superior to any other person. None, nada. We are saved sinners who seek to grow up and avoid sinning. A person who believes Jesus Christ is the only Son of God and proclaims that truth is basically just one beggar telling another beggar where to find bread and life. Start today! He waits with open arms. Will welcome you!