F4S: Deal faithfully. Be trustworthy, follow Jesus close - yeah, a daily choice for you and me.

Friday, January 22, 2021

Deal faithfully. Be trustworthy, follow Jesus close - yeah, a daily choice for you and me.

Might sound crazy or perhaps religious even, or at least it used to. 

Pre-rapture, at the end of the world I still want to be a world changer. God, please keep, fill, guide..please use me and my friends in some good way that glorifies You. 

So many people make the wrong choice(s) and turn corrupt. That's why we need to be filled with the word and Holy Spirit daily. You can repent of your sin, believe and be led by the Spirit today!

Opt to be a worldchanger at the end of the world if ya will, at least at the end of your world experience here. Noah was and he "found grace in the eyes of the Lord" (Gen. 6:8). He and Lot both lived before a cataclysm arrived. Noah built a big boat and he won his family over to faith in the one living God, but Lot got a couple daughters out of town, away from the danger zone. You remember how his wife turned and looked in longing for that worldly place and got judged. Man, Lots' relatives didn't want to listen to him or follow. Did they feel they had too much to lose there? Was it due to his lame example that Lot set that he couldn't even get his own wife to safety? 

Let's all be and live righteous before the Lord. We can in Jesus Christ! I've been thinking a lot about Noah lately, not a whole lot about Lot really. Both were real persons of course. Noah preached the truth for over 600 years. You know that door of his ark which was a type of Christ... stayed open a long time so anybody could go into it and be safe. Why didn't more go in? Only Noah's family went in and then later his son mocked his dad. Noah had gotten naked and drunk. Was Noah depressed or what? Man, why did he do that. I love how the Bible ain't like a movie, it's doesn't hide the flaws of it's heros, but says it like it happened. Do you think about Lot in the city some? He was a city person who also lived way back in the day. I can empathize. He sure had a hard time trying to even get his relatives to believe the truth about gettin' out of town for safety.

You researched it well but they say they have better sources with the news media. Yeah, perhaps you too have friends and family members that look at you like you're wearing a tin foil hat because you simply don't believe their media lies anymore. CNN NPR AP Fox News etc, they carry water for half-there corrupt Joe and Harris, the CCP-sock-puppets.

Sorry about that. Pray and preach the word in love anyways. Getting Christ's Gospel out in the power of His Spirit there's no greater use of your time. I wonder how fast things will head south when there's no more real voting or when the Rapture happens.