F4S: You, me, we can clearly see if we want. We can live hopeful, full of JOY, and even mourn at the same time. Have you suffered loss? You can still travel on purpose! I mean with the eternal purpose that God has for you. We can be winsome and win some. Not to you win, but to Jesus!

Wednesday, January 27, 2021

You, me, we can clearly see if we want. We can live hopeful, full of JOY, and even mourn at the same time. Have you suffered loss? You can still travel on purpose! I mean with the eternal purpose that God has for you. We can be winsome and win some. Not to you win, but to Jesus!

"There Are None So Blind As Those Who Will Not See." ~ John Heywood

Who Will Not See What Is Actually There To See.  Who Simply Opt Not To And Go With The Media Instead.  It's Easier Cuz Propaganda Worked And Works.

"Now hear this, O foolish people without heart, Who have eyes but do not see, Who have ears but do not hear." Jeremiah 5:21

You, my friend are living right before the days of a one world government as God has described. I’m not trying to scare anyone. Are you Harpazo (rapture) ready? You can be. Come to...come back to Christ today! Here and now, don’t put it off. 

Believer, ”..since we belong to the day, let us be sober, putting on the breastplate of faith and love, and the helmet of our hope of salvation. For God has not appointed us to suffer wrath, but to obtain salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ. He died for us so that, whether we are awake or asleep, we may live together with Him.” 1 Thessalonians 5:9

There are indeed better days ahead, believer. If you’re not one, please do fear. 


Have you been robbed lately? Have you suffered loss? Mourn the loss in Christ. He’s still our living hope. See and focus on Him.

Hey, the messenger's duty so to speak.. ain't that all believe. It's simply to deliver the Message clearly, in their respective language. Never take it personal when loved ones don’t believe you. That’s between them and God (as well as what they will contend with in the future). I’ve tried to do my best to warn and deliver the Message.  

Sure, be encouraged in the Lord. Recall Noah and Lot back in the day...out delivering the Message that warns.. that would save people. People have far more value than mere animals though God loves them as well. 

I say travel on purpose -- the eternal purpose that God has for you. Be winsome..and win some. Not to you, but Jesus!

Opt to be a worldchanger at the end of the world so to speak. Remember Noah and Lot both lived at the end of the world....each at the end of their world.. Easy to see around you..you’re living in the Last Days. You know it, at least in your last days. Bible prophecy will be fulfilled - 100% as God said. 

Think. Which bible character had hearers that refused to hear em and believe? I think of Jeremiah, Noah and Lot.  

The last two each lived at the end of their world if ya will.. right before a cataclysm arrived on earth. Noah built a big boat and he won his family over to faith in the one living God, but Lot got a couple daughters out of town, away from the danger zone. You remember how his wife turned and looked in longing for that worldly place and got judged. Man, Lots' relatives didn't want to listen to him or follow. Did they feel they had too much to lose there? Was it due to his lame example that Lot set that he couldn't even get his own wife to safety

"Then the Lord said to Noah, 'Come into the ark, you and all your household, because I have seen that you are righteous before Me in this generation.'" Gen. 7:1

Got questions? Does the Bible prophesy of a one-world government and a one-world currency in these end times?

Will bitcoin or some cryptocurrency be the one-world currency of the end times?

What is this last days Illuminati conspiracy? Is it even real?

What even is the New World Order?

Is this now popular Marxism, Socialism, and Communism even compatible with the Christian faith?

We love the Bible Trinity (God), but what is the unholy trinity in the end times? Mr. Lu-Cifer (Satan) is still such a liar and counterfeiter. He’s called the god of this age, the prince of the power of the air. Would evil rulers, liberal Big Tech heads, Social Media CEOs and the news media actually collude in lying to us over the airwaves? 

What does it mean that Satan is prince of the power of the air (Ephesians 2:2)?

Got more questions about Angels and the fallen ones - Demons? Or about Satan? Does he actually exist? Is he a spirit?

Does Satan ever have the power to control the end times weather?

How is Satan god of this world (2 Corinthians 4:4)?

Does the Bible say the United Nations will have a role in the end times?

What is this last days New Age movement all about?

What are some reasons for the animosity between Christians and (the now popular in this world Islam) Muslims?

Is there supposed to be only one legitimate Church with Christ as head?

In these end times how should a Christian view politics?

How do I get to heaven - and what are the ideas from the different religions on this?

Got more questions about the End Times?

How should a last days Christian gun owner respond to a government gun-grab, buy back or confiscation?

So many rich open border globalists these days, even in DC. How should Christians view all these so called refugees?

Should a Christian be opposed to globalization?

Christians in the Church should indeed unify around Christ and Essentials, but in this world are we all to do that? Our DC leaders are now crying out for UNITY, UNITY, UNITY as they act divisively. 

"Unity, unity! Biden can mouth the word ‘unity’ all he wants. It’s a lie. Democrats don’t want unity. They want to censor us, ban us, purge us, wipe away American history like it never happened, and then intimidate us into meekly going along with it all. They want us kneeling and saying ‘thank you’ while they destroy America and the American way of life. That’s what they mean by ‘unity.’ So, you can take your unity and shove..” ~ Wayne A. Root

Did Jesus come to bring peace on earth or come to bring division? Will the spiritual goats really be separated from spiritual sheep for eternity?

What does it mean that Jesus is the answer, or ultimate Solution for people?

What will it really be like in the end times, with the one-world religion?

What does it mean to gain the whole world but lose your soul? Should I trust in my big fat 401K or in my other financial investments..even though financial investments have totally failed in past history? #The40s

Don’t store up treasures here on earth, where moths eat them and rust destroys them, and where thieves break in and steal. Store your treasures in heaven, where moths and rust cannot destroy, and thieves do not break in and steal. Wherever your treasure is, there the desires of your heart will also be." Matthew 6:19-21 

Then I will say to myself, ‘You have plenty of good things laid up for many years. Take it easy. Eat, drink, and be merry!’ But God said to him, ‘You fool! This very night your life will be required of you. Then who will own what you have accumulated?’ This is how it will be for anyone who stores up treasure for himself but is not rich toward God.”  Luke 12:19-21

We don’t really see the USA in Bible prophecy. Perhaps we’re the young lions of Tarshish. Is the United States really a Christian nation?

Is there such a thing as absolute truth or universal truth in these end times?


USA in Bible prophecy? Naww, I can’t find us, but God still has a good plan for us.. for your life too. 

“The merchants of Tarshish and ‘the young lions (the colonies) thereof’ must include the Western nations of Europe and Americans, particularly the United States.” ~ Steuart McBirnie & David Allen Lewis  Fish4souls.orgFish4souls.org

We read in the Old Testament of “ships of Tarshish” which were large, oceangoing vessels (Ezk 27:25) that carried all sorts of precious cargo, especially metals such as silver and gold (I Kgs 10:22; 22:48; II Chr 9:21; Isa 60:9; Jer 10:9; Ezk 38:13) as well as iron, tin, and lead (Ezk 27:12).9. Some say “Tarshish is England, and some say it’s ancient Tartessus in the present-day nation of Spain.
