F4S: You can do this.. walk closely with Jesus and be used of Him in doing web-ministry to bless people worldwide for God's glory!

Saturday, July 10, 2021

You can do this.. walk closely with Jesus and be used of Him in doing web-ministry to bless people worldwide for God's glory!

 It’s happened on "The Internet!"  It's been happening!  

And it's been factually said.. three billion people entered the global network for the first time, thanks in part to powerful new smart phones that made getting online pretty easy. It wasn’t like that mobile before.

Access to this vast store of human knowledge “Ya know it’s true if it’s on the web -- NOT” is now in our fingers.  

This leveled all playing fields so to speak, making the triumph of truth and the onward march of the real Gospel (the biblical Good News of Jesus Christ) and democracy inevitable until the time of the Rapture. Or so many of us have hoped in 2021. The year of the social media-enabled Arab Spring then happened.. among the really great stuff we saw happen where thousands came to faith in Christ due to believers faithfully, intelligently fishing on the web along with gifted pastors and evangelists too.. reaping a harvest of tens of thousands using social media excreta as well. It was glorious to see God move like with HarvestAmerica.com and harvest.org/live and other excellent sites. 

It was beyond wonderful to see God use his leaders, His people, His healthy churches.. any of us in this evangelism and discipleship that He loves. Yes, in watering, in tending, and in reaping willing people while so many decent people shared their love for people and faith in God.  

The internet had 2 billion users and optimism was in the air especially in the western world. Now, we're on the cusp of 5+ billion. 

And we know what happened in-between: The rise and radicalization of liberal and religious trolls. Massive harassment campaigns, particularly against Jews, Christians, and Conservatives. Big Tech leaders for the most part are dangerously Liberal and their algorithms have hindered decent people and has rewarded extreme hate content. It made 80+ people in the USA want to pray and vote to elect what many call an authoritarian populist

Widespread Liberal disinformation efforts happened more and more.. with almost all the Social Platforms and News Networks were weaponized. A genocide fomented on Facebook. And the so called “world's most dangerous Twitter user” President Trump kept informing the world with the truth of what was happening against the nation, and believers, and Conservatives. The Deep State unified with the Networks, Rinos (Decepticons) and Dems (the Uniparty) fought back, and now we have an installed fake president in the Oval Office in Trump’s place when the Donald actually won by millions.. by far more than the first time he won.

We have entered the era of good and bad things happening all over the web, and of many unintended consequences happening on the internet. And it's all just getting started cuz these are the last of the last days.

Much of this is not the fault of those 3 billion new users, of course. Nor is it entirely the fault of the tech companies who service cyberspace. Some are not openly acting dangerously biased with our elections etc. It's just that the echo chamber of the internet is so large now that any bugs in the system are instantly exploited and then amplified by worldly, deceived and really evil actors. It’s true. Alternate-reality armies with weird ploys can form overnight and then go attack, and loot stores with the masses. 

The world may add up to 3 billion more internet users in the next decade or so. The global population is growing fast, and demographers believe it will cross the 8 billion mark around 2023. What can we do? 

Let’s not give up because bad actors who have lied, deceived, hurt, and killed innocent people have used the web. 

Internet access is growing faster and faster, and is on course to hit 8 billion users around 2033. Given our recent US history where we got ripped off of an entire election (the Biden and Kamala installation was one of the biggest crimes in all of history--looks like she will soon be the Pres.), you'd be understood for feeling WAY queasy inside about what could happen when the echo chambers have grown to the size of the entire Earth.

Of course, we can't put the internet genie back in the bottle. Only the most repressive Communist regimes would want to do so. Access to the world's storehouse of data (all of it) should a basic human right for all nations. Please use your Bible to learn, to test, to prove, to sift out the wheat from the chaff, the good and true info from all the false and worthless data. Remember when the Apostle Paul put out a lot of allegedly true information to hearers and they quickly and prayerfully tested the info they heard against the Scriptures (that are still 100% true)? They tested it and it was true! Smart Bereans -- let’s follow their example! 

“Now these Jews were more noble than those in Thessalonica; they received the word with all eagerness, examining the Scriptures daily to see if these things were so.” Acts 17:11

Been privileged to serve with Global Media Outreach for several years now. Enjoy this! Listen, God can use you to spread the Message without any spiritual compromise via the latest tools available. I love the Lord, and to see Him bless and rescue people in need!

The digital divide is still largely based on income and think about it.. who are we to say that the world's poorest.. 3 billion people should not go online just because its wealthiest 5 billion made so many messes on the web? The poor, the middle class, the rich and the richest of the rich need Jesus and his Bible Message! 

Our time here is short before the Rapture happens. Live ready! 

Lord, please send another biblical revival here, and a fifth (authentic, world changing) Great Awakening.. to me and through me. To my Land, please! Make haste, Jesus. Pour out your Spirit again! 

I challenge you to seek the Lord daily. And to use the good web tools etc to spread the Good News of Jesus Christ. and of his love publicly demonstrated on Calvary’s cross for you, for (now forgiven) sinner-man me. 

Keep refusing to become bitter, or tainted with all the perverse web-pollution and keep spreading the Message. 

Listen, the time in-between hearing God's directive to you (that’s in agreement with, that’s from his Word).. and that time where you actually go wisely apply the Bible (obeying God).. I mean doing that clear directive from Him guess what ..that time belongs to the devil. 

Man, you could come up with good sounding reasons why you won't appropriately act. Be quick to obey! The world and your fleshly nature will always agree with those reasons why you shouldn’t do the word.. why you should “act so fanatical.” Obey Jesus quicker before you talk yourself out of it! 

I say know the Lord well biblcally, and make Him well known. 

There are no non-candidates for the Gospel. Be like Caleb who wasn't perfect, but he had a different spirit in him and by faith wholly followed the Lord.. even well into his 80s. He advanced, he progressed, He loved the Lord, the truth, and took ground for the Lord!  

Listen, that time in-between shows our personal spiritual maturity and growth. I say hear what’s preached, test what you hear.. against the Bible and then obey the word. Quickly, wisely and glorify the Lord. Ask God to make you winners, in your hearts, in your minds.. even those who win people to Jesus with the Gospel.  Fish4Souls.org