F4S: Through the clouds, through the long feathery boughs and other tree limbs bending with leaves.. and through the thick white blinds...

Thursday, January 20, 2022

Through the clouds, through the long feathery boughs and other tree limbs bending with leaves.. and through the thick white blinds...

..also through these panes of glass and right onto my wooden floor. And on this wall, my lampshade, and on my pillow too. Such casual movement. I'm a child of the day. Hooray! 

So nice, so bright and right.. out of the night on into this Texas sunlight! And I love God's illumination the best!  

I want to shine bright, so others will want to get right (with Jesus). I want to be salty too--want all my conversation seasoned as with salt! Then they'll be thirsty for the truth like quaffing it down.. yes, thirsty for living water that quenches (not quenching or hindering the Spirit) and satisfies the soul. 

Am not at all talkin' 'bout some new age sorta light or "energy", but about pure Son light.  Yes, illumination from our pure Source!  Sure, this is what we are to love!  
So let’s walk in it and live well in the light of the Lord.  Even now.  Spiritually sick, and livin' in darkness is so overrated.  All asleep in the light is too. 

It's time to awaken out of darkness on into the light, cuz too many are falling asleep or even worse. 

My wife Liney really loves natural light, so some years ago we found and bought a house with lots of it shining on through. 

Personally, I like the morning light a whole lot.. shining through the swaying branches of the trees outside the home. I also like our home well lit outside and in through the night time too. Seems warm and inviting that way. 

You know how this world can get pretty dark out there -- seems a lot darker than it did before huh. Looks like we all be in the Last hours of the last days. 

We all need the light of the Lord today. Every day. Wanna let God’s light shine in and through me daily -- I want to reflect His ight to those in this lost world. I think you do too, right? The moon does that from the sun every day -- I like the moon's consistency. 

Liney and I both do, so we pray together and read the word too -- we want no darkness in either of us... everrrrr. Who needs any of that? None do. 

When people today tell you to embrace the light, simply ask them which light they are talking about? None of us need any from some counterfeit angel of light.  

Ever notice how crimes often happen out in the dark? Ever notice how shady persons love to hide out in the shadows? Let's not be like them. Let's grow in the Lord and become more like Him instead. 

Again Jesus spoke to them, saying, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life. ~ Jesus, in John 8:12

Who among you fears the LORD and obeys the voice of His Servant? Who among you walks in darkness and has no light? Let him trust in the name of the LORD; let him lean on his God.  Isaiah 50:10

For you were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Walk as children of light,  Ephesians 5:8

But all things that are exposed are made manifest by the light, for whatever makes manifest is light.  —Ephesians 5:13

When his candle shined upon my head, and when by his light I walked through darkness...  Job 29:3

When you lose something, you turn on the light to quickly find what was lost. That is smart! Lots of people are lost in the darkness and loving God is VERY INTERESTED IN THEM GETTING FOUND. 

One drunk man was down on his hands and knees under a streetlight looking for something. My So Cal friend told me about this guy. (Not sure if this really happened, but it does make a good point).

Then a stranger came up to him and asked what he was down there doing. 

He said, “I lost my wallet and I'm lookin' for it.”

“And you lost your wallet right over here?” ..the stranger asked him.

“Nope, not here,” the drunken man responded, “I lost it a couple blocks over there, but there is no light over there and it's nicer for lookin' right here.”

Yikes! Looking for something in the wrong place is not a good idea at all, is it? You need light, but you also need to look in the right place—like prayerfully in the Bible.  Are you lookin’ for truth, or to get right with the God of true light today? Where have you been looking for God? 

You might just let Him find you, because He has your address so to speak. He know where ya are, what you've done, why you did it, and loves you so much He can't take His eyes off of you. He can forgive any sin if you'll repent and believe.  

Have you looked to the Word? Have you looked for Him in a bright and healthy Bible teaching church? 

Hey, you need Him, we all do because we've all fallen short of his holy standards, and yet we can go to Him directly through Jesus. So what are you waiting for? 

Are you reborn spiritually (John 3:3)? Do you have a born again, spiritual church pastor yet? He can also help you with the basics as He points you to the Word and explains how to wisely apply what you read in the Bible. 

Jesus came to save, help, sanctify and guide you. 

The people walking in darkness have seen a great light; on those living in the land of the shadow of death, a light has dawned. Isaiah 9:2

On that day the remnant of Israel and the survivors of the house of Jacob will no longer depend on him who struck them, but they will truly rely on the LORD, the Holy One of Israel. Isaiah 10:20

There is mighty power in the name of Jesus (the living Word of God) and in the written Word of God! 

And the judgment is based on this fact: God's light came into the world, but people loved the darkness more than the light, for their actions were evil. ~  John 3:19

Why is it that people can become so triggered today when the subject of Jesus Christ comes up. I ain’t pushin’ him on anyone. Sometimes they choose to listen in on a conversation and they still get triggered enough to angrily inject themselves into it. Sup with that? 

Okay, so I do share Him and don’t mind when other eavesdrop, but I don’t try to be so loud to be rude or intrusive. 

You can be talking about anything, even politics, and they will be relatively nice—even considerate. But just mention Jesus Christ, and you will see veins pop out of the foreheads of otherwise rational and considerate people.

We wonder, What’s with this? It is a matter of light and darkness. It’s a different dynamic altogether when you talk about the things of God. There is something about the name of Jesus that arrests a person’s attention. Why else would people use it for effect when they take the Lord’s name in vain? There is power in that name. Even the unbeliever, in a warped sense, recognizes that.

Jesus said, “All who do evil hate the light and refuse to go near it for fear their sins will be exposed” (John 3:20). They hate the light for fear that it will expose their darkness. The same is true of the Bible like when you or I travel. They see that Book or App open and get uncomfortable. Turn, trust, come as you are and God will change you. He will forgive you if you ask Him to. 

Shines out from where? What is the meaning of John 1:5?
How does God’s Word light our path?
What does it mean for something to be spiritually dark?
In what ways is God like light?
Was it important for God to actually say the words, “Let there be light”?
What are all of the prophecies that fulfilled by Christ?
Hellen Keller couldn't see light with her eyes, but she still enjoyed God's light and challenges us. Here are four things to learn from her:
"To think clearly without hurry or (dark) confusion; to love everybody sincerely; to act in everything with the highest motives; to trust God unhesitatingly."
– Hellen Keller

If you like God's light then you will like His love letter to the Christian (the Bible). Q: But what if you don’t agree God's Word at this point, or with the principles found in the Bible.. you might ask.

Simple frank answer: Change your opinion, because the Bible is right and, if you don’t agree with it, then you are wrong. I've been there before.. back in the 70s. Didn't want to stay in error though.  

Remember, the books in the Bible were not written to you, but they were written for you. So learn what the author and book meant to the original hearers back in the day. See what part of that book in the Bible you're reading ..as far as practical applications goes.. is transferable to our time today. We don't have a king like they did in Israel, but we do have a president and very flawed government today. How is the Bible relevant today, what can I do with it. We can submit to direct and delegated authority short of sin. We don't need to obey any man if they tell us to go be stupid and sin. We prayerfully appeal and find another way to go. 

Get into some hermeneutics. That deals with the art and study on how to soundly interpret the Scriptures, and on how to apply God's Word today. Learn to like (love) this type of a study first, before you outright reject what ideas you hear. 

Some people have said faith, some have saving faith. Some are religious and lost, some are born again. Yep, people are either saved or lost for real. Real Christians can be luke-warm, carnally minded, worldly or on-fire for Jesus and growing in a relationship with Him. Make those who are on-fire for Jesus your best friends forever. Not the other ones until they quit messing around in the world and are willing to mature and grow spiritually. 

Remember, just because a person says they are a Christian counselor or "Reverend" doesn’t necessarily mean that they are giving out sound biblical counsel. Biblically, God alone is the One to be revered. 

I have at times heard advice from so called “Christian counselors” that is contradictory to what the Bible is really saying. 

It can happen. That's why we each need to prayerfully study the Bible on our own with God.. and let the Bible speak for itself instead of reading things into the text that are not there. 

The true counsel comes from the Bible and the illumination of this Scriptural truth coming from the Holy Spirit. You and I really want to read through all the counsels of God to grasp hold of all of it, yes, to understand and to fully obey God. I mean, let's constantly work through all 66 Bible books again and again. It's a life-study that nourishes better than healthy food does for us. The Father can counsel you directly from His Word if you come to Him on His terms. Love the light, walk in it, and be bright about praying in the name of Jesus!