F4S: What is life if, full of earnest prayer, honest share, and compassionate care? Nice! We have no time to stand idly and stare.

Friday, December 1, 2023

What is life if, full of earnest prayer, honest share, and compassionate care? Nice! We have no time to stand idly and stare.

What is life if we never see God's kind of nurturing love here?

You and I can do some fervent prayer, honest share, and compassionate care.. with Jesus as Lord! In these end of days, there's no time to just stand by and idly stare.

"See what kind of love the Father has given to us, that we should be called children of God; and so we are. The reason why the world does not know us is that it did not know him." 1 John 3:1 esv

Not ever -- NEVER EVER:
"And never let ugly or hateful
words come from your mouth,
but instead let your words become
beautiful gifts that encourage
others; do this by speaking words
of grace to help them." Eph. 4:29 tpt

To obtain help from our kind Lord, let your trials or problems drive you to Him in prayer with overcoming faith. We are inclined to rely on ourselves too much or on different human techniques to resolve our problems. Prayer, often comes in as our last resort. But our problems should drive us deeper into experiencing “the unfathomable riches of Christ” (Eph. 3:8). No problem, NONE of em, is too big or too small to bring to Jesus. To obtain help from the Lord Jesus, let your problems humbly drive you to Him with overcoming faith. He cares about you.

D.L. Moody, the evangelist cared. He once said, “Winners of souls must first be weepers of souls.”

Evangelist George Whitfield really cared and said, “Lord, give me souls or take away my soul.” The idea is that we Christians must care starting with prayer.

- If your father was patient (a good listener), kind, generous (you know, sacrificially giving). If your father accepted you, you tend to see God accepting you regardless of what you do.

"A generous person will prosper; whoever refreshes others will be refreshed." —Proverbs 11:25 niv

- If your father was honest and protected you, you probably perceive God to be honest and your protector--under His care you rested in His security.

The LORD says, “Because he is devoted to me, I will deliver him; I will protect him, because he is loyal to me. When he calls out to me, I will answer him.
I will be with him when he is in trouble;
I will rescue him and bring him honor.” See Ps. 91:14-15, Ps. 102:1-2

- If your father was distant, impersonal and uncaring, and he wouldn’t intervene for you, you may see God as having the same characteristics. As a result, you feel that you are unworthy of God’s intervention in your life. You find it difficult to draw close to God because you see Him as disinterested in your needs and wants.

- If your father was overly critical of you and what you do, or if he didn’t believe in you or your capabilities and discouraged you from trying, you may perceive God in the same way. You don’t feel as if you’re worth God’s respect, advocacy, or care. You may even see yourself as a continual failure, deserving all the criticism you receive.

"As a father shows compassion to his children, so the Lord shows compassion to those who fear him." Psalm 103:13 esv

F4S source unknown
Pic Source Unknown. Sometimes we see a bit of God's kind of love in a family huh.

If you say you love your Father, then listen to His word with a heart to wisely apply the principles.

Remember, your image of your earthly father might ill-affect your perception of who God is, which in turn affects your self-image as well. Q: Do you have a misperception of who your Perfect loving Father is today?

- If your father was a pushy man who was inconsiderate of you, or who violated and used you, you may see God in the same way. You probably feel cheap or worthless in God’s eyes, and perhaps feel that you deserve to be taken advantage of by others. You may feel that God will force you—not ask you—to do things you don’t want to do.

- If your father was a drill sergeant type, demanding more and more from you with no expression of joy or satisfaction, or he was burning with anger toward you with no tolerance for mistakes, you may have cast God in your dad's image. You likely feel that God will not accept you unless you meet His demands, which seem so unattainable. This perception may have driven you to become a perfectionist.

- If your father was a weakling, and you couldn’t depend on him to help you or defend you, your image of God may be that of a weakling. You may feel that you are unworthy of God’s comfort and support, or that He is unable to help you." (Read H.N. Wright 989, Regal Books)

- If your father was callously harsh and constantly on your case about every little thing.. if he often came down on you roughly, unreasonably, unfairly you may perceive God the Father in the same way as that. I'm so sorry about that. You don’t feel as if you’re worth anything good from God right? You may even see yourself as a continual flop, disappointing to God. 

In stark contrast to the negative perceptions many people have about God, here are some positive character qualities of a father too. Notice how these qualities, if they existed in your father, have positively influenced your perception of God as you go to pray. Has it been easy for you to take time out to pray before your heavenly Father?

- If your father was patient, you are more likely to see God as patient and available for you. You feel that you are worth God’s time and concern. You feel important to God and that He is personally involved in every aspect of your life.

- If your father was your friendly advocate and kind, you probably see God acting kindly and graciously on your behalf. You feel that you are worth God’s help and intervention. You since God’s love for you deeply and you’re convinced that He wants to relate to you personally.

- If your father was a giving man, you may perceive God as someone who gives to you and supports you. You feel that you are worth God’s support and encouragement. You believe that God will give you what is best for you, and you respond by giving of yourself to others.

- If your father accepted you, you tend to see God accepting you regardless of what you do. His arms are open to receive you. God doesn’t dump on you or reject you when you struggle, but understands and encourages you. You are able to accept yourself even when you blow it or don’t perform up to your potential.

You Father God is very attentive. He gives of Himself gladly to His children, and so much more than that. He keep all His promises. Your Father God in love is SO responsive -- He delights to answer us when we call out to Him (knowing best, He says, Yes, No, or Wait..and sometimes it's Wait because He wants to give you so much more).

God’s word says, “Call to Me, and I will answer.” (Jer. 33:3). He says this multiple times, and in multiple ways! God is a responsive God. And it honors and glorifies Him when We are wisely responsive especially—to Him, and to others too. Nurture shares the same root word as nurse. One of the Old Testament names for God, El Shaddai.

El means “strong one,” and Shaddai is a form of the word for the breast. El Shaddai means “The strong breasted one." El Shaddai is a caring Person with a mother-like heart only far better than that. Please God the Father biblically as He is.

It’s actually from this Father that we receive a mother’s loving kind of heart. Some women today, (especially those who long to be mothers or be grandmothers and aren’t yet) need to grasp that the heart of a mother isn’t about having given birth so much. It’s more an attitude of the heart, a desire and willingness to nurture others righteously. Live in Christ His way.

El Shaddai longs to nurture and nurse..especially His kids. Please become his today! He nurtures us if we’ll allow Him do that, and He longs to draw us into an intimate embrace with Him and raise us up into spiritual maturity. You and I have seen God bring healing to the hearts and minds of many people as they through prayer lean into knowing Him, lean into His breast to receive nurture and comfort.. and their identity. His love is powerful enough to transform a heart. Might sound a bit strange, but do receive God's tender nursing-like care--His gentle nurturing. Yes, from the Strong Breasted One. God responds--He loves and provides for His kids. Thanks Lord, for the responsive, nurturing “Mother-like heart of God”!