F4S: Indifference Stinks During Any Season Of The Year.. Yes, At Christmas Time Too. Let's Live Fervently-Warmhearted (Prayerful), Attentively-Ardent.. Actually Authentic, And Conscientiously-Concerned For All People.

Saturday, December 23, 2023

Indifference Stinks During Any Season Of The Year.. Yes, At Christmas Time Too. Let's Live Fervently-Warmhearted (Prayerful), Attentively-Ardent.. Actually Authentic, And Conscientiously-Concerned For All People.

"And you, O Bethlehem in the land of Judah, are not least among the ruling cities of Judah, for a ruler will come from you who will be the shepherd for my people Israel." —Matthew 2:6

Remember how the theological experts of Jesus' day, were the so-called guardians of spiritual truth in Israel.

Remember how the religious leaders wouldn’t even bother to walk a few miles to Bethlehem to go check out if the Messiah had really been born.

When King Herod heard from the wise men about a “newborn king of the Jews” (Matthew 2:2 NLT), he summoned the chief priests and scribes and asked them where the Messiah was to be born. They told him, “In Bethlehem in Judea ..for this is what the prophet had written: ‘And you, O Bethlehem in the land of Judah, are not least among the ruling cities of Judah, for a ruler will come from you who will be the shepherd for my people Israel’” (see verses 5–6 NLT).

They knew the answer. In fact, from the text, it almost appears like they knew it right away. So why weren’t they looking for the Messiah in Bethlehem? It wasn't far away, their city of Jerusalem over to Bethlehem. They could have gone there, but they were indifferent inside.

Some foreign dignitaries came on the scene locally from the far East, claiming to have seen a star that led them to that very area, and the One they were seeking was called a "king.”

They had inquired.

The Bible says, "After Jesus was born in Bethlehem in Judea, during the time of King Herod, Magi from the east arrived in Jerusalem, asking, 'Where is the One who has been born King of the Jews? We saw His star in the east and have come to worship Him.'" Matthew 2:1-2

Did all that pique the religious leaders’ minds and curiosity? Did it cause wonder and inquiry? Nope. They didn’t have the time for that, so they didn't do anything. They simply told King Herod that Bethlehem was where the Messiah would be born.

It would appear that Herod feared Jesus’ authority. But what about these religious leaders? They already felt they knew better. They thought they knew all the answers from the Scriptures (it's certainly good to study to find out the answers), yet these folk did nothing in response. Was their studying leading them to wise applications of Scripture? Did it lead them to get right inside and have softened hearts? These men stayed cold, distracted, and indifferent. They simply stayed too busy with themselves and their Jewish hierarchy to feel concerned about Jesus and what the Father in Heaven was even doing.

After Jesus began His public ministry in the area, the spiritually dead religious Jewish leaders became His principal adversaries. Our sins (and we all have sinned) put Christ upon the Cross at Calvary. But think about how it played out. For all practical purposes on how that was carried out, these religious men were responsible for His execution. They must have felt that Jesus was a real threat to their religious structure on how they wanted things done there. How did this upstart quickly gain so much influence among the people!? These small "leaders" couldn't control Christ by fear or by anything in their world of spiritual manipulation.

What did they do with Him? They wanted to act shrewdly, practically, and politically so they sent Christ to Pilate. It was from envy they did this. They were jealous of His spiritual authority (no mere human had such authority as Christ's).

They were grumpy, grippy, too stiff, and crochety -- unflexable. God was doing a new thing in their midst according to old prophecies and they were at all not ready for this.

Most of them at least didn't even want to be. They liked things the way they were and got ticked off inside at the idea of change. Maybe not all of them were ticked, but many felt resentful about how the masses of people were excited and loved Jesus. They hung on His every word of truth taught. And the religious leaders were very jealous that He seemed to have an intimate (even blessed) relationship with God the Father that they totally lacked. What in this world is more important than having this first-hand relationship with God. NOTHING, null, nada, zero even comes close.

Q: Do you lack this intimacy with God during Christmas time? You don't have to. Do you need a second chance in this broken world when none else here feels you should have that?

Have you somehow grown cooler or lukewarm spiritually? Have you been burned by so-called Christians or leaders? Was there a time in the past when you walked closer to Jesus? Come close again! God can heal and strengthen you. Be refilled with His Spirit.

"Then Jesus said, 'Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you. Let me teach you, because I am humble and gentle at heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy to bear, and the burden I give you is light.'” Matthew 11:28-30 nlt

This Christmas season is all about a compassionate (non-indifferent kind of) God of second chances. There's only One God (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit).

The Son of God, Jesus came here in love for us. He was born to die in your place (and in my place) to pay the penalty for our sins. You've heard this--it's true!

God isn't stiff and religious--never has been. Has dead religion made you feel bored out of your gord? It did that to me (in the so-called Roman Church) for 17 years of my life. It wasn't about a healthy relationship with God, it was more a sick-controlling situation-ship.. that kept a far away Pope happy. Just sayin'.

Ditch it, run (don't walk) to Christ in humble repentance and faith. He will forgive, cleanse, sanctify in His Word, and gently lead you to a healthy local church with real believers who will lovingly edify you with what is so..

He is all for raising you up, and raising others up too. He cares about you and your friends.

Jesus wisely addressed these leaders later on, saying to them, “You hypocrites! Isaiah was right when he prophesied about you, for he wrote, ‘These people honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me’” (Mark 7:6 nlt).

These hard-hearted men had been sort of looking for a completely different type of Messiah. They were non-responsive, arrogant, and unrepentant. They had been looking for someone who would support their intricate, overly complicated, boring religious system and their preferred way of living. They wanted a more lux lifestyle and a Messiah who showed more respect towards their way of having all that. They desired to keep controlling the "ignorant commoners" of their day. They wanted a Messiah who would help them have it their way and would cater to their every vain or stupid whim.

There are a lot of people like this today. Sadly in some so-called churches. They want Jesus, but do they want the real Jesus of the Bible? They desire Christ but on their own terms. They want the kind of Christ whom they can control, the kind of Jesus who won’t challenge them or be Lord of all.

The religious leaders knew God the Father’s Scriptures (to a degree and were not humbly teachable). Yet they did not know His heart at all, and they did nothing to meet God the Father's living Savior walking before them. Please don’t completely miss the (Bible) Christ of Christmas this year, as those religious leaders did. Religion and ritual kept them from Jesus. It's really about relationships, not religion.

What is the significance of Laodicea in the Bible? What does the Bible say about the city of Laodicea?
What did Jesus mean when He said “Let the dead bury the dead” (Luke 9:60)? Are lost people really dead spiritually? Yes. Aren’t Jesus’ words “let the dead bury the dead” kind of harsh? Nope, we each have limited time to do what we are called to do, right? 
Why do I have trials and pains as I seek to walk with Jesus? 
According to the Center for the Study of Global Christianity at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, there have been more than 800,000 Christians killed in the 2010s. And that was significantly lower than the 1.6 million Christians killed in the 2000s, according to the center’s most recent report. It's been said that there have been documented cases of over 26 million Christian martyrs from AD 33 to 1900. That's a conservative number.

Photos by Daniel Seßler Unsplash
Have you been smeared firsthand (or perhaps secondhand), or dissed by the religious power-hungry? So sorry. Brush it off and go forward. Far worse happened to our Lord.

As this culture in these Western countries continues to colapse, much worse will happen to last-days Christians soon enough -- live ready. The Lord's grace will be sufficient.

"Be steadfast, unmovable always abounding, excelling in the work of the Lord for you know your labor in the Lord is not in vain." I Corinthians 15:58

“Whatever your state of mind is this Christmas, this abundant life is yours when you believe in Christ and place your faith in the God of peace—Jesus.” ~ Jack N. Graham

Please gain Christ today inside, onboard (He gets it, totally understands you. loves you and has a good plan. It happened to Him too), and He by His Spirit will give you helpful Bible knowledge, wise applications, and a heart for people as they come to Christ due to your caring influence. Don't plan on first cleaning up your life to come to God.. just come as you are willing to cooperate with His Spirit and Word.

This Fisher (Jesus) catches His fish so to speak and then He cleans them.

Here's a good Christmas report: We just saw 901 decisions made for Christ (individual professions of faith after the unique altar call)! Yes, this happened with excellence, glory to God! Worshipping Him acceptably, and boldly sharing His gospel is what this holiday is to be about!

"We never know who will walk through the doors for the Gift of Christmas (that's the name of the evangelistic production with over 1,000 volunteers in it that over 75,000 people come to experience each year..), but it’s always our prayer that they will hear the Gospel message and that by the Holy Spirit they will come to trust in the Lord. As we are celebrating with those who have made a decision, please pray for them as they begin a new life in Christ." ~Jack N. Graham