F4S: My times are in Your hands, Lord. The course of our lives are in your power; rescue us as a people again.

Tuesday, March 17, 2020

My times are in Your hands, Lord. The course of our lives are in your power; rescue us as a people again.

We earnestly pray and want the best for all our friends ..and the nations too. 

Listen, your Grandparents were called off to a major war.   You’re being called to sit home on your sofa and do gaming, reading or marathon-binge-watchin’ of TV. 

Hey, you’ve got this babe.  

So, how are you feelin’? I hope you are healthy and safe today.  Just don’t be out licking things in public. 

Some idiots Participate in their NEW “Coronavirus Challenge” as They Are Licking Airplane Toilet Seats. Not Good (VIDEOS).

I know that, like it or not, your personal focus might be drawn over and over again to covid-19 as our Lib media keeps over-hyping it primarily for political reasons. 
It's all anyone is talking about, and sad that many on the Left are weaponizing it while lusting after a win. They’ve had hundreds of losses for years due to poor judgement. All politics aside.. I do hope you take heed to the warnings with hand washing etc. I was just meeting with five of my friends downtown in Dallas a few minutes ago, all having a good sense of humor. Do you think they’ make TP squares the new currency for buying things? We did some grocery shoppin’ on Amazon Prime and was informed some items arrive in a couple weeks. 
We all stood there seven feet away from each other to talk, joke and smile. Not even one fist-bump: )   
Remember, this is a mere moment in our lives and a forgettable, insignificant, a blink, a mere spec of time in relation to eternity. Pray and be ready for anything. Think about it (click here).. probably none of those who’ve recently passed from it expected they’d ever catch it or have that happen. 
Our God is not surprised or caught off guard. He’s still on the throne, hasn’t once fallen off of it. He’s not passive, lazy, or sitting idly by. He hears our prayers, He loves you more than you can fathom, and He is in absolute control of His universe and this planet.
“Let brotherly love continue. Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers, for thereby some have entertained angels unawares.” Hebrews 13:1-2    
“And He (God) made from one man every nation of mankind to live on the face of the earth, having determined their appointed times and the boundaries of their lands and territories. This was so that they would seek God, if perhaps they might grasp for Him and find Him, though He is not far from each one of us. For in Him we live and move and exist [that is, in Him we actually have our being], as even some of your own poets have said, ‘For we also are His children.’ So then, being God’s children, we should not think that the Divine Nature (deity) is like gold or silver or stone, an image formed by the art and imagination or skill of man. Therefore God overlooked and disregarded the former ages of ignorance; but now He commands all people everywhere to repent [that is, to change their old way of thinking, to regret their past sins, and to seek God’s purpose for their lives],” Acts 17:26-30 Facebook.com/shareJesus