F4S: See what kind of love the Father has for us!

Sunday, March 29, 2020

See what kind of love the Father has for us!

Believer, the shortest distance between here and the end of this nasty Coronavirus-period is the distance between your knees and the floor so to speak. Believing prayer to God the Father through Christ. 
No Time For Doubt Or Fear At All. Believe. I Mean Pray Smart – Yes, Earnestly, Wholehearted, Biblically! It’s A Beautiful Relationship Thing. Simply Obey Him, Follow Close By The Spirit, Worship Jesus. Be Practical Today.
Yesterday our Governor Abbott ordered that all abortion clinics be shut down and that’s happening in other states as well. How great is that!..these murders cease.

Make the most of it in the Lord. Him and others in mind. Yeah, we don’t always get the best, but we make the best of of what we get.  Man, don’t just sit there on your blessed assurance. Be “Redeeming the time, because the days are evil.” #Eph5:16 #InChristPray. No worries mate–no fear. Yup, when your knees get to knockin’ together, just kneel on em. 
Jesus said “Come unto me all..” As you are. Good idea. 
Need some Online Church Only? I do. Here’s a couple good ones: Harvest.org/live .. Prestonwood.live

Let’s pray for Pres. Trump, for our military soldiers, for our other local leaders and for our nation. Been looking at 1 Peter 4:7 in the Bible

Many foreigners in our country are still receiving more help like from the Government than those are who have long served our country in uniform. It's wrong! How is that even near rightly prioritizing? Let's show love to all people when we have the chance and let's give out the Gospel too. But we can give our financially help to sound churches and to those who really should be helped first. 

In the last days (as I think these are..), forgiven, born again (genuine) Christians should live with an attitude of serious prayer with the right address attached.

“But the end of all things is at hand; therefore be serious and watchful in your prayers.”

 —  The end of all things is at hand: If we really believe that we live in the last days, it is all the more appropriate that we give ourselves to earnest prayer (therefore be serious and watchful in your prayers. Accurate news can give you a prayer list).

“The assertion that the end of the age does indeed stands near and may break in at any time well represents the view of the early church.” ~ Hiebert

 —  Many Christians who believe that Jesus is coming soon based on Bible prophecy or man-made charts (from such) and on today’s political events.. often fail to wisely apply that belief in the proper way. They fail to apply themselves first to more diligent prayer. You can do better.
But seek ye first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness.. in Jesus. 
 —  Therefore be sober and serious… in your prayers: Pray without ceasing. We each must give ourselves to serious prayer. As we see the weight of eternity rushing in towards us, we dare not take the need for prayer lightly. Many lives are at stake. Many religious people think they are in the Kingdom by their works, and yet they are still out. The Holy Spirit can show them. 
 —  Therefore be… watchful in your prayers: We must give ourselves to watchful prayer, intercession, primarily having our hearts and minds watching out and ready for the return of Jesus Christ. Am so looking forward to the Rapture of the Church, but want lost people saved as well. 
This passage could also mean watching ourselves, judging ourselves, and watching this world do some of that they do (not the filthy stuff), measuring our readiness for Jesus’ coming.
The Bible teaches us (in 1Pe 4:8–11) that Christians in the last days, need to live with an attitude of no spiritual compromise and of love.

“See what kind of love the Father has given to us, that we should be called children of God; and so we are. The reason why the world does not know us is that it did not know him.” 1 John 3:1

 —  Above all things have real love — sincere love for one another: If these are the last days, then it is important for us to love those we are going to spend eternity with. Family members. Skin color doesn’t matter. In light of eternity, we must have fervent love for one another.
 —  For “love will cover a multitude of sins”: God’s kind of selfless love does cover a multitude of sins, both the sins of the one loving and the sins of the one who is being loved.

“Where love abounds in a (big, medium sized or large) fellowship of Christians, many small offences, and even some large ones, are readily overlooked and forgotten. But where love is lacking, every word is viewed with suspicion, every action is liable to misunderstanding, and conflicts about — to Satan’s perverse delight.” ~ Grudem

The end of all things is near..(we indeed know that these be your last days and mine, life here is short) so be vigilante for prayer daily. It’s gunna get kinda dicey and weird out in the world (it has for some time now), but hold on to your relationship with Jesus and don’t let your emotions take over in you. 
Stand in the faith, stay loyal to the Word and the Essentials, and walk in the Word with victory. Never forget to have fervent love for Jesus most and for one another, believer. Choose to be hospitable and upbeat with JOY instead of all gripey, negative and endlessly complaining.
Replace complaint with prayer first. Perhaps after that take it to the proper authorities. Love always protects, so if someone is in danger, then quickly act. 
Gird up the loins of your mind, don’t freak out with fear. Be ready for action — the appropriate actions. Ya never know.. you might just be entertaining angels unawares. Be and stay sober in spirit — yes, live sober. These are the last days. See vs 10.
Also recognize your God given gift, believer, and wisely employ it in serving others, believer. We opt to feed the flock rather than fleece the flock as the last days false teachers inside churches (and cultists in their spots) do. 
Use and keep on using your gift (cultivate and perfect the use of it) to bring joy and encouragement to others. Use those gifts and all have some.. to bring honor and glory to the Lord. Hospitality this week? Sure, choose during this period of time to bless another — perhaps by sending an edifying note of truth and love. 
“The Lord will cause your enemies who rise against you to be defeated before your face; they shall come out against you one way and flee before you seven ways.” Deuteronomy 28:7 You got this. @KurtwVs

What has you frightened or worried? In a couple months Covid-19 here will be in the history books and we must press on. Be smart. There will always be something that will freak out many. Birth pains aka labor pains will be felt again. But in these uncertain last days, we can take the time to count our blessings, spend time with our first love Jesus, and keep thanking God for his divine provision, guidance and protection. Be filled with, or refilled with the Holy Spirit. We don’t have to be filled with fear, anxiety and worry. Go tell.