F4S: Been asked about Biden's border crisis.

Friday, October 8, 2021

Been asked about Biden's border crisis.

When someone asks me about our responsibilities, because I'm pro not anti people/people-group I respond with three:

From the Old Testament immigrants (legal and illegal) are called strangers. Today we can wisely care for and with the gospel win some of them. How? Wisely serve, boldly, clearly tactfully share grace and truth. Seed sowing, tending, reaping.
1). You are to practically, spiritually assist them.
2). You are to accept them, (legally. Of course our government is responsible to vet all, and to protect innocent citizens from criminal strangers. What does God say? "Love ..always protects" See 1 Cor. 13 and the context.
You and I don't like religiously motivated surprise-bombs here yet it's not my duty to vet em--it's not the citizen's responsivity to, (but Americans and other Westerners now feel unprotected by those they elect and pay to protect us).
3). You properly assimilate them in legally. This is where our government leaders on both sides (the extremely corrupt DC Uniparty) for money etc keep failing us all.
We have in this country loved ourselves the most, and pleasure, and money and our own way more than God's way. We have done what is right in our own eyes like happened in the Old Testament days.

God has made us in his own image and we have returned the favor making God in our own image. We are for the most part our own gods these days (not all of us), and all good restraints have now been cast to the wind. And that's why we see so much tension back and forth. We believers can minister to the strangers, cuz that's the local church's calling. We have prayed for those on the mission fields of the world, and many missionaries haven't gone to tell the Gospel. So now God is allowing the mission fields of the world to come to our doorsteps.. literally.

The increase of intolerance and persecution is indeed increasing. Those of the world speak of being tolerant, but are tolerant of anyone not a born again believer.

Listen, when you are on-fire for Jesus, totally in love with God guess what.. a whole lot of people won't be in love with you!

What do we do? We follow, we walk fitfully in intercession, and in close relationship with Jesus. We are in the last of the last days and know persecution in our Land, the USA, we will see an increase in harsh treatment of believers, but we pray earnestly for our enemies, for a fifth great awakening and biblical revival in the church. And we keep pointing people to the ultimate Refuge, Jesus Christ.

God is good at showing up, his timing is perfect.. even in the darkest night. Looks like we're gettin' there. We now live in a very dark world where protections we used to enjoy have been removed by those elected and paid to protect us. We persevere point people to the Refuge. The Bible says we are to be ready to give an answer even at work. So if it's against the rules to witness, I say wait 'til they ask you there. Show that you love them at work.

Apathy is people without passion -- we are seeing far more of this now. Americans feel more apathetic, because they feel like there's nothing they can do ..not even votimg to beat the Dominion System and other DNC cheating. The GOP, the FBI, CIA, IRS, SCOTUS.. all our government agencies have let us all down. Apathy it's pathetic, God please give us your passion for Christ and the things that are of God. We see two words here pathos (passion) and A (meaning no or none). It can be sin to live without passionate purpose in God's will here. God we ask you for a clarity of vision and purpose. We pray that you can use us for Your Glory. So some of our friends, family members, and enemies can hear Your Gospel and come to know Jesus.

The world gives us no solution, no valid answers according to the protection of believers. The Lord is our stronghold of defense. So our hope is in heaven with Christ. Congress is supposed to deal with all the illegals flowing into our Land, but they have given it all over to the Supreme Court to deal with.. and they aren't supposed to speak in this area of policy setting on immigration, but they keep speaking anyways.

Some say there have been five great awakenings. When we as a nation were lower than low in the past God showed up in answer to repentance, faith and prayer.

It's when our country has been at it's lowest, then with God's people praying, and it always starts with faith and young people like in that hay stack prayer meeting (due to all the rain falling), they prayed and God did His work.

We've never before had so many unprecedented negative happening one after another in close succession than we have had these days.

For one.. think about the so called resurrection of Russia, we thought they were gone, but they are now back. You've got to reread 2 chapters in Ezekiel -- chapters 38-39. Russia is called the king of the north and they play a big role in the last days along with China. Think about how hated Israel is now and keep an eye on the Jews. Live pragmatic and show love towards the Jews -- God will bless you as He has promised.