F4S: “No man can consider himself a success if his children are failures.” ~ Seneca

Thursday, October 7, 2021

“No man can consider himself a success if his children are failures.” ~ Seneca

Your good Father and mine says that...

"Children are a gift from the Lord; they are a reward from him." Psalm 127:3 nlt

They were given as gifts. So kind of God to create these kids in the womb, and yet they each grow up and make their own decisions that they are responsible for. A dad is responsible to raise em wisely according to the word -- we own that part of it. 

Liney wanted three. She didn’t get a girl as was hoped for, but we are happy. I received three gifts (even though they are God’s property, bought at a price like I was too cuz of the Cross). Will the kids always act like good gifts? Did you? Did I?

“Children are a gift from God; they are his reward.” “ tlb

"Behold, children are a heritage and gift from the Lord.." Psalm 127:3 amp


I wasn’t a perfect dad at times, and don’t have any excuses. So many things I learned later on.. and am still learning. Yo.. dads. Listen up. Up to God’s word. A father's life can cast a long Long LONG shadow. Choose to reflect the pure light of (God’s) agape love.. instead of some worldly lameness or negative shadow. We all need Jesus moment by moment more than we know, and a healthy grace church to help us out. They all flawed, but not all of them are spiritually sick. He'd sure go with that statement. 

So many boys, girls, men and women today have pain from fractured relationships with their dads. It hurts your Father too. 

Forgive people, forgive God (he’s done none any wrong). God is light and in Him there’s no darkness -- His love is totally loyal. 

Yes forgive, it’s a choice daily.. pray without ceasing .. in faith and more so than you’ve done before -- repeat until we see the results. Reach out again. Why wait, life is so short. So many see themselves through the eyes of their fathers, but they need to start receive forgiveness and see themselves through their Father’s eyes. He will embrace you tight, warmly and right. God loves you like no other will, and He sees what he made as exceedingly beautiful -- yep, He sees all the potential too. You are highly valued, cherished and prized!!!! No, far more than you can imagine. 

“Who can you go to when you have a crisis in your life? Dad was number 48 on the list (from a survey).” ~ Josh McDowell

Kids said: I can't go to my dad with it cuz he doesn't have the time and wouldn’t understand. 

I have friends who minister in prisons and when younger I used to weekly join them in this. They've asked: How many of you have had a good relationship with your dad at home? They've not at any time seen one hand, and I've not seen one hand raised. 

So many didn't have a dad at home. One inmate said his visiting dad (which happened rarely) told him this: "You are merely the product of a one night stand." Ouch!!!!

Start a relationship, dads. You do it. 

Start one with your dad if he won’t start one with you.. if you can. Let’s get this as right as possible -- God can help and guide you in this. Pour out your heart to your heavenly Father first. 

Sure, you're the law-giver in the home of course, dad's (I had a handful of simple house rules for keeping order in the house for our three boys and I made sure that my wife, Liney was in full agreement with them first. Like: No drugs, no secular lyrics in music that tears down, no porn or perverse gaming that tears down, no drinking, no fornication, no put-down to any, (healthy, not religious) church time with us on Sundays, no sneaking out the 2nd floor or any window after bed-time, no fist-fights or cussing out of people..). But give grace too! Duh! Let your home be a place of strong, steady, kind, consistent grace just like your heavenly Father gives out. 

Why let the gangs raise your kids and they will accept and be glad to if you don’t. Dads, we are responsible for living it, modeling the life of love. We are responsible for raising our kids as the Lord wants us to. See the Word. Live in the Word. When they are adults, we are not responsible for the choices they make, but now is the time to get started in helping them to make wise choices when they grow up. Lead them to Jesus now and to a healthy Bible teaching church.  

My dad is a best friend today. He was an alcoholic and I didn’t like him for years, but now he is IN Christ and God has changed him.. but he started changing me first..on my knees. You too can turn and trust Christ today, sure now is good!

I forgave my dad, Kim, and he also forgave me. Didn’t have to. If He didn’t.. no worries I already did forgive him because I love him. What does the Bible say on this? God says.... 


“Remember the law of My servant Moses, the statutes and ordinances I commanded him for all Israel at Horeb. Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and awesome Day of the LORD. 6\And he will turn the hearts of the fathers to their children, and the hearts of the children to their fathers. Otherwise, I will come and strike the land with a curse.” ~ Malachi 4:4-6


Had a group of teens back in the day for some years that I’d meet with a couple times a week to encourage. Yeah, had some basic house rules for them as well. 


“Look not every man on his own things, but every man also on the things of others” (Phil 2:4).

1. No diving over people onto the furniture, no trampoline-ing on the furniture either. When you take your place upon a couch or chair, don’t leap or plop down and break it.

2. No diving, no skateboard ollies (getting big air), or lounging upon the ping pong or other tables. 

3. No video games allowed on the big screen TVs (those are for edifying music-vids. Use good games (only that are approved), but only with the cheapo TVs) cuz the music seem to way better.

4. No wrestling, seductive skimpy clothing, karate kicks, profanity, cigs, chew, alcohol, guns, weapons, drugs (or selling of the like) and no dancing in the flesh. No throwing of food or hard items that make holes in the walls or windows. No super lame tiger-beat (type of) teen idol mags, porn or perverse and violent games. No secular music CDs, no inordinate PDA, no disrespect toward adults even if they act like dweebs. Obey short of sin, show respect, be kind and watch your heart attitude.

5. No one is allowed in the kitchen to eat all the food in one sitting (except for the youth leaders and those they designate to be helping them).

6. Don’t get rough with the sisters (spiritually born again girls).

7. Arise in the Spirit prayin' n seekin' the Lord early please, and then arrive wise. Yeah, come prayed-up and word-full. You know, attentive and ready to hear, grow, serve, edify, and encourage others.

8. No howling in the hallways (God is trying to minister to your parents in the main sanctuary).

9. No fun or breathing is allowed--fold your hands and act pious (come on! Lighten up, this one’s just a joke). 

10. If you scarf-down, munch, chow, just you clean up. Simple. Yes, if you bring food in the room, don’t just leave your trash laying around smellin’ all gross like McDonalds burgers, and please get the food out of the carpeting. Thanks. 

And why? Well, the senior pastor requested, “Let’s just make it our thoughtful policy and ongoing lifestyle to leave it nicer (if possible) for the next person who will use it.”

Much of the anguish in today’s families can be traced to fractured relationships between fathers and their children. Can we open those clenched fists and hearts, restoring both dialogue and love? Can we work to mend the broken ties with our fathers?

Win your kid’s hearts over, and then over to the Lord. 

Imitate communication -- connect. Keep the lines of communication open. Please please forgive me. Hypocrites demand others obey, not not themselves. Tactfully ask the right questions, and enter into their world short of sinning. Be yourself, not lame -- you don’t have to act or act like a teen. Say something helpful. Start it. Be the lawgiver but also the Big Grace giver! Model grace. 

God in Ezekiel 18:20 tells us, “The soul who sins is the one who will die. The son will not share the guilt of the father, nor will the father share the guilt of the son.”

The Bible mentions “generational curses” in places (like in Exodus 20:5; 34:7; Numbers 14:18; Deuteronomy 5:9). God warns that He is “a jealous God, punishing the children for the sin of the fathers to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me.” But the curse can be broken in forsaking the sin habits of your dad -- in can be broken in Christ

Exodus 20:5 says, “You shall not bow down to [idols] or worship them; for I, the LORD your God, am a jealous God, punishing the children for the sin of the fathers to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me.”

Jesus Christ, who came into the world to exchange His perfection for our sin. “God made him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God” (2 Corinthians 5:21). We’ve all blown it in sin. Jesus was punished for us, in my place, in your place. Fish4souls.org - blog


Yeah, today Lutzer says it's 20,000,000+ kids. 

That impacts a Land for decades to come!

I am thankful for my dad who could have chosen the bottle over his wife and four kids, but he didn't. Am also grateful to my Heavenly Father who helped my mom and dad get back together just weeks after their split due to their beloved bottle-habit.

What does the Bible say about breaking generational curses?

What does the Bible say about the shame and regrets of dads and kids?

They come, they go, and later comes another one. The storms do and some are loud. They visit every life. Kind of like trials for a Christian I guess

When things cleaned up a bit, my boys wanted to head off to the zoo. Hey dads, there’s a blessing in the storm or right afterwards. Hold your course.

Choose smart, instead of going along with what the whacko culture says to do. Wait ‘til marriage to have sex and then stay married. Always love the Lord most, then your spouse more than the kids, and then the kids more than your work and other things or people. What were common marriage customs in Bible times? What does God say on this?

Is it wrong for a couple to live together before marriage?

Premarital sex – why are Christians so strongly against it?

Is remarriage after divorce always adultery? Nope.

Is it a sin to elope? What does the Bible say about eloping? Nope, but first think about the feelings of your parents and grandparents. 

Making marriage last - what is the key? Am still learning as a guy should. : ) 

What does the Bible say about prenuptial agreements?

Are children punished for the sins of their parents? Nope. 


Sometimes at night I'd lie awake
Longing inside for my father's embrace
Sometimes at night
I'd wander downstairs
And pray he'd returned

But no one was there
Oh, how I cried
A child all alone
Waiting for him to come home

My father's chair sat in an empty room
My father's chair
Covered with sheets of gloom
My father's chair, through all the years
And all the tears I cried in vain
For no one was there
In my father's chair

Sometimes at night, I sit all alone
Drifting asleep in a chair of my own
When sweet, sleepy eyes
Peer down from the hall
Frightened by dreams they cannot recall
Holding them close, calming their fears
Praying they always will say...

"My father's chair sits in a loving room
My father's chair, no matter what I do
My father's chair, through all the years
And all the tears, I need not fear
Love's always there in my father's chair."

Sometimes at night, I dream of a throne
Of my loving God calling me home
And as I appear, he rises and smiles
Reaches with love to welcome his child
Never to cry, never to fear
In his arms; safe and secure

My father's chair sits in a royal room
My father's chair
Holds glory beyond the tomb
My father's chair, my God is there
And I am his eternal heir
Someday I'll share my father's chair
My father's chair ~ David Meece lyrics
