F4S: Great Support.. do ya need some of that? Go to Jesus and to a healthy Bible teaching church. Not to become a troublemaker or sow discord. Not to sow to the flesh or to the world system, but to sow to the Spirit. Just thinkin' out loud.

Wednesday, June 8, 2022

Great Support.. do ya need some of that? Go to Jesus and to a healthy Bible teaching church. Not to become a troublemaker or sow discord. Not to sow to the flesh or to the world system, but to sow to the Spirit. Just thinkin' out loud.

Today, been lookin’ at John’s words on “support” in regards to doin’ church or bein at church...

“Therefore we ought to support such men, so that we may be fellow workers for the truth. I have written to the church about this, but Diotrephes, who loves to be first, will not accept our instruction. So if I come, I will call attention to his malicious slander against us. And unsatisfied with that, he refuses to welcome the brothers and forbids those who want to do so, even putting them out of the church.”  3 John 1:8-10 (see the whole context)

Those words here and Acts 20 (in all of the book of Acts really) inspire me! They make me wanna..

Live patient: When living as a witness who verbally gives witness, the uproars usually cease, (Acts 20) so be patient; but be sure to.. 

Live ready: for the next spiritual battle and the rapture (the battle ultimately is not against flesh and blood).

Paul was going to Jerusalem. Along the way, he met with dear friends, ministered the Word, and even enjoyed a quiet cruise-voyage and a refreshing walk (20:13). Live a quiet life: Sure, live it loud, and get loud with praises to Jesus etc at times, but God’s servants need to get away from people and have time alone to think, to read what’s so, to meditate on verses, and to earnestly pray. 

Live circumspectly: Are you aware of all that’s going on around you, and living spiritually awake, spiritually well and even alert in Christ? Paul was. He knew he was facing danger in Jerusalem (20:22–23), and he wanted to be prepared spiritually.

The Apostle Paul said, “See then that ye walk circumspectly, not as fools, but as wise,  16 Redeeming the time, because the days are evil. 17 Wherefore be ye not unwise, but understanding what the will of the Lord is. 18 And be not drunk with wine, wherein is excess; but be filled with the Spirit; 19 Speaking to yourselves in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord;  20 Giving thanks always for all things unto God and the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ;" Ephesians 5:15-20 kjv  

What does it really mean to walk circumspectly (Ephesians 5:15)?

Live vigilantly: In Paul’s farewell message to the elders, he reviewed his past ministry to encourage them (vv. 18–21), he shared his present concerns (vv. 22–24), and he revealed the future dangers (vv. 28–31). If you want to catch the heart of Paul, consider his statements: “Serving the Lord.. I kept back nothing.. that I may finish my race with joy.. It is more blessed to give than to receive.” Who doesn’t want live on the give instead on the take, to run the race to win and to finish with victory? I want to! 

Live in victory close to Jesus ..all the way home: One day, our life here will end, we might be afforded the luxury of a death bed (many are not afforded that), and we might need to give our farewell pep-talk to those around us. Can we look back without regret, can we look within and not see corruption, and look ahead without fear? In Christ our future is bright on any day of the week no matter what. No matter the aches and pains or circumstances surrounding us. Will we finish our race with joy by God’s grace even while others may be weeping?

Live wearing only the hats (so to speak) that God gives me to wear. You know we don’t earn or pay for God's blessings or for a leadership role. Duh! Thanks Jesus and a thank you to Martin Luther for the stands you each took for our freedom! We serve Christ in freedom, and his people and we  need Him and His grace daily. Yes, it’s sadly happened before in the Roman church. Perhaps elsewhere too. Me thinks.. one task done with excellence, and and one hat at a time is right for you and me? Amen? Sure, let’s take one step at a time following the Word all the way home, yes, living moment by moment in and with Jesus as our Lord. He knows how to lead and He knows the right church government for your congregation, pastor (see all the counsels of God in the Bible)!  

Simony: That's the act of selling church offices and leadership roles. It is named after Simon Magus, who is described in the Acts of the Apostles as having offered two disciples of Jesus a payment in exchange for their empowering him to impart the power of the Holy Spirit to anyone on whom he would place his hands (seems like it might make someone look great huh). The also term extends to other forms of trafficking for money in "spiritual things."

What were Paul’s different roles? As Paul reviewed his whole ministry in Acts 20:24–26, he saw himself as an honest accountant (“I count”), as a runner (“I may finish my race”), as a steward (“the ministry which I received”), as a witness (“to testify” for the glory of Christ), as a herald (clearly “preaching the kingdom” for their understanding, decisions and wise application), and as a watchman (“innocent of the blood”). What a great responsibility it is to be a servant of God! It takes praying, waiting, and hard work.

May I ask? Have you perhaps seen one too many church fights, or power struggles where someone seeks to become a church-boss, or keeps trying to promote themselves over other leaders and people? Sorry about that -- it breaks Christ’s heart! He was humble, taught what was true, never sinned for He is the Son of God. He served well and gave His life on a Cross for sins like that. Then rose again from the dead. The way up in His Kingdom is to go down and serve, the way down is to put yourself up. Didn’t Mr. Lu-Cifer (now Satan together with 1/3rd of the rebellious angels) via pride and rebellion try to do that? Yep. He wanted to worship God deserves. He sought to make himself the top Boss and then he got cast out and down.    

Spiritual strongholds - what is the biblical view?

Who was Diotrephes in the Bible?

What is the primary purpose of church? 

What was the Great Schism?

What is ecclesiasticism? 

What is the cause of church splits? How can healing occur after a church split? 

What does it mean to walk circumspectly (Ephesians 5:15)? What even is the meaning of Ephesians 5:15?

What is the meaning of “redeeming the time” in Ephesians 5:16?

Do you desire to be a church boss instead of a servant of Christ the head of the Church? Why? 

Do you want to distract people away from worship of God, or from the teaching of Scripture? Do you want applause or to point a finger at yourself, or do you want to point people to Christ and having a meaningful relationship with Him? He's our ultimate solution for any problem. Have you encountered so called "control freaks" in a local church or elsewhere like at a company with lots of climbers who step on people to get up?

Do you self-promote yourself because you are afraid that someone of lesser ability or character will work their way in and grab that position you want first? 

An underling Germany church pastor from Augsburg where I used to pastor Christus Zentrum Augsburg once told me he felt this way and did that. He said a lot of Germans feel like doing that (Thought to myself, Germans have tried to take over the world a couple times.. and failed. Hey, I'm allowed to think, I'm of German heritage LOL). 

Personally, I hate any and all that opposes Christ, opposes His good Message and His holy purpose.. cuz that is only right to hate that! BUT I NEVER WANT TO HATE THE TROUBLEMAKER CUZ I USED TO BE A RASCAL BEFORE MEETING JESUS. 

Worldliness does that, it is anti-Christ, it opposes Him and His purpose. Hate that, not worldly people! Witness to them and win them to Christ. 

Yeah, I say reject what the world system, what demons say, what dead religious leaders demand, and what your old fleshly nature says you are to do. Love not the world or the things in it, but love Christ, His church and people instead. Love His children, the Bible and His local churches too.  

Nearing the finish line of life here, it sounded kind of sad for Paul though he had a great welcome into heaven. 

He said, "When you come, bring the cloak that I left with Carpus at Troas, and my scrolls, especially the parchments. Alexander the coppersmith did great harm to me. The Lord will repay him according to his deeds. You too should beware of him, for he has vigorously opposed our message.." 2 Timothy 4:13-15

"Alexander the metalworker did me [the Apostle Paul] a great deal of harm. The Lord will repay him for what he has done. You too should be on your guard against him, because he strongly opposed our message."

We've all heard or read about toxic pastors and priests, but what about toxic church members? 

Strangely enough, in our modern western culture we call controlling or domineering people strong when in fact they are very insecure and weak. Mature and genuinely strong people are never domineering or controlling of other people. Our top example is Jesus Christ. He always spoke with authority but was never some power hungry authoritarian (controlling) person.

Controlling or silencing others seeking to speak the truth—whether by a high and so called mighty hand or in an underhanded saccharine-sweet manipulative manner—is a major problem in our society today. It is a destroyer not only of churches, classes, or small groups, but also of marriages, families, and personal relationships.

The tragedy is that most self-promoting, controlling people never see or admit to who they are or what they are doing.

Would you pray something like: "Dear God, we’re all so flawed as sinners and need Your help, even us Christians. We (most of us want to) grow in spiritual maturity so that we / I will become more and more a loving, spiritually uncompromising, non-controlling as a leader and/or individual. Help me to become more and more like Jesus in every way possible. Thank You for hearing and answering my prayer. Be glorified through me and through Your Church. Gratefully, in Jesus's name, amen." See 1. 2 Timothy 4:14-15.

Factoids: Many churches never realize their potential because of church fights and internal power struggles.

Power struggles occur when people fail to realize that the church belongs to Jesus our top Boss, and not to people. Christians are His too, redeemed by Christ. Some people really long to be the church bosses.

The majority of power struggles within the church can be eliminated with biblical church structure and wise leadership.

Within the local church departments, boards, youth ministry, “committees”, men’s ministry, women’s ministry, children’s ministry, etc., are to stay biblical to get the job done. We want to be used of God to bring closure on the Great Commission via His Great Commandment.  

A bad power struggle occurs when someone or some group opposes the God-ordained biblical leadership of a local church. Christ is the Head of the Church and He uses a spiritual (born again and growing) man to pastor it, to feed the sheep, to lead that flock wisely and rightly using the Bible. He loves and protects the people. The local Body is to be a mature shepherd led church under One Shepherd Jesus, not a sheep-led church, not a committee led church, not a hireling led church, not a group of underling leaders led church.  

You know that any growing organism with two heads is called a freak or monster. In the church this simply doesn’t work long at all. Very odd to say the least: A two-headed creature is called bicephalic or dicephalic and three-headed creature is called tricephalic. 

In order to understand how to deal with and eliminate fleshly power struggles, please understand biblical principles and local church structure.


Democratic rule within a church is disastrous to the welfare and vision of the church.

You’ve heard the golden rule? He who has the most gold rules. Well, in the Christian church it’s not to be this way. Many power struggles within a local church are the result of democratic government. In a democratic government, people with the most influence often rule the flock. Is there influence always good? You know it often doesn’t take a title or a paid position for one to be the most influential in any group. Many pastors don’t know this, and some get put out the door by farmer John who has been the real leader of that group for decades. 

Hopefully we all reading this now.. want to positively influence others for Jesus Christ so they get saved, blessed and grow up. In the church we even more so want to at all times live righteously under His Direct and delegated authority. We can do that an be a positive influence out. Leadership is influence, make sure yours is righteous. 

Being a yes man doesn’t help, and being a rebel or a troublemaker really doesn’t help God’s church.    

When people are in control, God is not. When Christ is in control, people are not. The biblical oversight in a local church must biblically set the order in that church. Jesus must be the Head of the church; otherwise, you have only one of many religious organizations.

When setting order or dealing with problems, DO NOT attack the people causing the problems; teach them. Think, speak and act biblically–do not react in the flesh.

Many problems arise within a church because people are fleshly and ignorant of the Word of God. Before dealing with any problem, learn what the Bible says on that issue, and thoroughly teach the biblical solution.

When people hear the truth and rebel against it, it is the responsibility of the overseer to confront the problem in a Christ-like manner and to take appropriate action to resolve the problem.

Whenever possible, do salvage; whenever people are not salvageable so to speak because they refuse to repent of real sins, dismiss them. God’s will and purpose for the church must be accomplished His way with His timing. (Titus 3:10-11).

Clear communication from a heart of love is vital to the welfare of the local church. When a biblical vision so to speak and purpose are not properly communicated, people can tend to think the leader has a hidden agenda.

The constituency of the church is a team. The team cannot cooperate if it is not well informed from the Bible. Preach the word in season and out. Communicate to people can understand!

The overseer of the church is accountable for the entire operation of the church; therefore, he must properly deal with any struggles in the church.


Patience and a godly attitude are mandatory for resolving conflicts.

Always remember that what you say and do can and often will be used against you. Make accurate statements and conduct yourself in a godly manner.

Resolving conflicts begins with earnest humble prayer to the Father in the name of Jesus along with Scriptural instructions for the people.

Simply teach the Bible simply for God’s glory and human decisions; do not use the Bible or your oratory as a weapon for retaliation. Sometimes people can feel that you are using your message to point them out. Let the Holy Spirit do that if He chooses instead of you. You just teach or preach the next verse going through that Book.  

Present the Scriptures in proper context; do not misquote or distort the Scriptures. Let the Bible speak for itself, don’t water down the Message. Don’t put your words in there or take God’s out. Where it speaks, speak. Where it is silent don’t dogmatically speak your own opinions. Be silent where the Bible is silent on an issue.   

Present God’s viewpoint from the Bible, not your personal opinion. Context is important. 

Power struggles often originate from insecure people who crave power, a position, a title and or recognition.

Insecure people are usually defensive; therefore, the correct biblical approach is critical.

Accusations should be evaluated factually. Legitimate complaints must be recognized, admitted, and corrected with the word properly.

Do not defend yourself or position; simply state your position showing how it’s from the Bible, but let the Lord do the defending.

Please know that church problems will not go away on their own; they must be confronted with a biblically planned course of action.

When prayerfully confronting church conflicts, be extra certain that you are led by the Spirit of Jesus, and not by the flesh or by mean-spirited people. (The weapons of our warfare are not carnal.)

The purpose for confronting church conflicts is to resolve problems and to salvage people so they can grow and go on with the Lord as their Leader. Putting people out of a local church should be a very last resort that is ..directed toward rebellious people who refuse to repent and change. Personally I’m not a senior pastor in a church, so I always leave this between him and God together).

If conflicts arise over insignificant issues, do what is in the best interest of the church; however, never spiritually compromise God’s standards of structure!

Areas of potential conflict must be prayerfully and closely supervised.

Thanks for the photo S. Kat!

It’s harder to uninstall than to install, but follow the Lord. You can give a person an opportunity to use their gift and serve without being quick to give out a position or “title.” We flawed people so often recruit our own problems, but it doesn’t have to be that way. Never give authority or responsibility to potential “conflict people.” Be kind and know them well – the ones you work with.  

"Therefore encourage and build one another up, just as you are already doing. But we ask you, brothers, to acknowledge those who work diligently among you, who preside over you in the Lord and give you instruction. In love, hold them in highest regard because of their work. Live in peace with one another.." 1 Thessalonians 5:11-13

“And we ask you, brothers, to know those laboring among you and leading you in the LORD and admonishing you..” LSV Bible

The senior pastor needs to oversee the entire operation of the local church; otherwise, conflict is inevitable. 


Organization without clear biblical communication is futile. Inspiration without wise application leads to frustration -- or it can be like spiritual constipation. 

I love my church Prestonwood in Plano Texas -- lots of love, truth and unity there. All glory to God. Yes, to be honest I don’t see church fights there really, and haven’t seen one church fight in another local church for a real long time. Thanks Lord, and thanks to Pastor Jack Graham. I haven’t sat down with him to talk about sound church government, if I did I’d lean gobs. It’s been done right for decades. He’d say not perfect, but we teachers and people are WAY blessed in the Lord.   

All those in delegated roles of authority must clearly know where their authority begins and ends and to whom they are accountable to. It’s to God first and then to the senior pastor.. and who he appoints to minister over you as your leader. Quickly recognize real Authority (Direct or delegated) wherever God leads you and that will be good for you. Learn to prayerfully, wisely, submissively appeal to authority if you feel there is a better way to do it for God’s glory. Trust and Obey God, for there is no other way to be happy in Jesus.  

Overlapping of authority can be a real problem waiting to happen.

Communication can be accomplished through a clear and biblical policy and procedure manual of sorts, with job descriptions, and loving verbal interaction.

Many strongly encourage written communication with signatures even confirming that clear communication has occurred. The fact that good instructions have been given out does not ensure that the instructions were grasped, or well understood for wise application. Be certain that people know what you say and mean and that you too know what they say and mean. Correct me if I am wrong.. So what I hear you saying is ______? Beloved, is any correction on that needed here–I want to get it right? 

Always remember that the church belongs to Jesus, not the people. He alone is the Head of the church. He rules as Lord without rival. 

Jesus is responsible for building up His Church; we are responsible for hearing and obeying Him so that His Church can be built and win souls.

If you are in the word and will of God, the Holy Spirit might make you a leader in your local church, but do any of us deserve the blessings God gives us? Nope,  Listen to God’s word to wisely wait or do it.. His word is His will.. and you will do what is right for the people. His people, not yours. 

Departments, boards, ministries, whatever you want to call them etc., are all parts of the local church; do not allow them to become lone entities in a church (I mean too independent of the direction God has given for that church. When Jesus gives the direction for a local church in a certain geographical region doesn’t give that to the Senior pastor He has set in for leading and feeding.. instead of fleecing. Or did a spiritually dead Pope type person in another city like Rome put them in for some reason? Not saying I know the heart of every Pope type person here).

Structure the church according to God’s biblical pattern, not after man’s. Ultimately under Christ’s lead, it is the responsibility of the Senior Pastor to recognize and resolve fights, conflicts, strife and problems within a local church.

Many problems can be resolved through biblical structure, good communication, and ongoing loving bold expository Bible teaching. All people need to have the Scriptures properly explained to them so we all can well understand and live spiritual well. 

Church pastors and the underling leaders (not hirelings) are smart to hear what they people say to discern like the Bereans did, but they must lead the people biblically instead of following the majority of people or the people. Follow the Chief Shepherd, pastor. Ever seen a sheep or a group of sheep in the field wisely leading their shepherd? 

Problems do not go away; they must be faced, biblically addressed and resolved in the love of Christ.

Think and act wisely. Have a good attitude; do not react in the flesh. Resolve; not to defend yourself, but to defend your family, the church people, and other people too.

Setting order right in an existing local church is not as easy as rolling off of a log, but it is vital to the overall spiritual health and effectiveness of the local church.

Power struggles must not be tolerated; they must be rightly addressed and eliminated before they grow into something bigger or much worse than bigger.

Please hear me on this. Eliminating power struggles does not always mean getting rid of people; it means getting rid of the specific problem that can hurt people.

Proper structure and communication will eliminate most church fights or power struggles within a local church.

The church is like the physical body in a sense; it consists of many born again members (hopefully) each with their own gifts. When all the members are properly placed in their rightful place, the body is complete and can function well.

The individual Christians a.k.a. members of the Body in that local church, including the staff, must complete the others, not compete with others. If you want to compete, then compete with yourself or the way you were before you got saved. BTW Do you still need to get right with God? You can right now