F4S: Our nation is hungry for hope -- many are finding hope in Christ! He is the only way.

Sunday, September 13, 2020

Our nation is hungry for hope -- many are finding hope in Christ! He is the only way.

You too can turn and trust in the Lord and have that peaceful assurance inside.  Seems like gobs of sin here this Land, but even more to be seen is gobs of grace for the people that God loves! 

When you consider the lineup of liberal lawyers and the potential for mail-in-voting fraud and other types of cheating (even going on for weeks beyond November 3rd).. "our country is basically in trouble and our only hope is in God."

Let's pray and just stay in the move of God, in the will of God. He is working. Covid days got ya feelin’ down? Yeah, I say hold on and come all the way through, Sport, not even smellin' of smoke.
Good report for ya: Over Labor Day weekend, 1.8 million people tuned in to @GregLaurie's A Rush of Hope “cinematic crusade.” And more importantly, we saw 16,941 people say they turned and trusted making professions of faith in Christ. Yes, praise God for that!
"But the Law came to increase and expand the awareness of the trespass by defining and unmasking sin. But where sin increased, God’s remarkable, gracious gift of grace His unmerited favor has surpassed it and increased all the more.." See Romans 5:20 and the whole context.

Lots of people still zoom in.

“But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus, his Son, purifies us from all sin." 1 John 1:7

Have to. I do at times as well (try not to ..cuz it makes me fall asleep at times). You too? 

Young people are zoom-exhausted. Totally zoomed-out. Others too. It's fun to watch how adults recover from zoom-sleepin'.. like grabin for that pen, as if they were looking down in order to take notes. 

Some are still afraid even with their mask (I get it. You too can understand that), but it's time for many to turn off CNN and gather for fellowship with people.. if you can. You've noticed.. but many people these Covid-19 days are still feeling very isolated, lonely and forsaken. God hasn't ditched you. Our work ain't done, believers. It's regather time. Many people are too alone now, too socially distanced now, too lonely and hurting, but we can call. We can go visit em at home, or text to go meet with em ..say at a restaurant. (I think we're allow 6 people to a table right?)

For some it’s real smart still to fellowship via zoom. Are you now okay with gathering with believers at a beach or park table? Get locale-creative and pray together!

Together, we believers can enjoy meaningful fellowship in community (I know that word might sound kinda religious, but I can't really think of a better term right now). Yeah, fellowship with growing (genuine caring) believers.

We can prayerfully respond to needs. We can simply pray together in a casual way, and be loving towards each other in with earnestness. Let's remain vertically dependent, and horizontally interdependent in closer fellowship again. Fish4souls.org