F4S: The Covid-crisis has caused an economic shockwave -- let's pray! Spiritual Christians cannot function well on the prayers of yesteryear. You know on those of past generations. That was then. Situations change a lot, but God can still meet every need today. (Want a loose prayer guide for unique days like these?)

Friday, September 11, 2020

The Covid-crisis has caused an economic shockwave -- let's pray! Spiritual Christians cannot function well on the prayers of yesteryear. You know on those of past generations. That was then. Situations change a lot, but God can still meet every need today. (Want a loose prayer guide for unique days like these?)

When prayer fails, the world system prevails. But when we simply pray to the Father in the name of the Son guess what.. the church prevails. You and I want that! 

Ask yourself.. What can happen here of positive lasting value other than via believing prayer? 

You know the answer.. Zip. But... a whole lot of good can happen in our world by importunate prayer. Yes, God (btw: there's only one) still answers us when by faith, we call out to him

man holding his hands on open book

Still so many fake-news-lies flyin' at us. So much hate, division and chaos out there in the USA still. So much injustice, rogue leadership, and misunderstanding. Please intervene to stop the corruption and all that violence on our streets, Lord. We trust you Prince of peace -- help us to be more like you are. 

"Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God." Matthew 5:9

God, you're the one who makes wars to cease -- please do that in our cities. Yes, bring order out of this mess. In so many areas of our nation we need the King of all kings to rule without rival. Let it be like that in our hearts. Am so glad that you have a good plan for us. 

A revival of real praying would produce a spiritual revolution.” E.M. Bounds

“Prayer is the helpless and needy child crying to the compassion of the Father’s heart and the bounty and power of a Father’s hand.” E.M. Bounds

“Part of the blame lies at our door. If we do our part, God will do His. Around us is a world lost in sin, above us is a God willing and able to save; it is ours to build the bridge that links heaven and earth, and prayer is the mighty instrument that does the work.” E.M. Bounds

“On his robe and on his thigh he has a name written, King of kings and Lord of lords.” Revelation 19:16

Our Lord and our King, we come as Your servants to ask that Your Kingdom come, Your will be done...

O Lord, the fire and hail, snow and clouds, wind and weather obey You..

Commander of the winds and clouds have mercy on our country. Hurricane Isaias, the Derecho winds, the raging fires have brought great loss. Protect our lives and those who protect us, comfort those who have lost much. Restore our land. (Psalm 148:8; Exodus 10:19; Isaiah 49:13; Psalm 85:1) 

The conditions of prayer are well ordered and clear—abiding in Christ; in His name.” E.M. Bounds 

“The possibilities of prayer run parallel with the promises of God.” E.M. Bounds (Start here)

God, I love your word, but want to love the living word more! Your Kingdom come, your will be done on earth here as it is done in heaven, Lord. (Use the Lord's prayer, and perhaps this too as a springboard. Sure, continue on here as the Spirit leads you with your own personal addendums of prayer...)

Prayer puts God in the matter with commanding force.” E.M. Bounds 

“The Gospel cannot live, fight, conquer without prayer—prayer unceasing, instant and ardent.” E.M. Bounds 

Ruler of all the kingdoms of this earth, no one can stand against you and win! No sickness or disease can either. 

The coronavirus continues to kill some people. It causes much heart ache, mourning and deep sorrow in our world. 

I feel glad that the numbers have gone down some. Individuals and families still struggle to deal with massive changes and uncertainties in life, work, and school. We are powerless against it, but we look to You for the help only You can give. Kids want to go back to school and politicians keep getting in their way. Please, stop the virus in our Land! (2 Chronicles 20:6; 12) 

“Prayer in its highest form and grandest success assumes the attitude of a wrestler with God.” E.M. Bounds

“Pray and never faint, is the motto Christ gives us for praying.” E.M. Bounds

“This is not a praying age; it is an age of great activity, of great movements, but one in which the tendency is very strong to stress the seen and the material and to neglect and discount the unseen and the spiritual.” E.M. Bounds

God of all grace and love, extend Your kind grace to the students and their families as they cope with the evolving guidelines...

Help parents to manage children at home with online classes, especially those with more than one child in different grades, and those with limited space. Enable parents working from home to find ways to manage these multiple responsibilities. (1 Peter 5:10) 

“Prayers outlive the lives of those who uttered them; outlive a generation, outlive an age, outlive a world.” E.M. Bounds

Ask of me is the one condition God puts in the very advance and triumph of His cause.” E.M. Bounds

“The secret of success in Christ’s Kingdom is the ability to pray.” E.M. Bounds

Lord of peace, bring an end to the criminal violence that continues to invade peaceful demonstrations...

Sadly suicide rates have risen. Murder rates also rise and police are quitting at a time when they are most needed—some in top positions. Conflict perseveres in many communities over defunding police while the need to maintain order grows. Bring Your peace to our communities. (2 Thessalonians 3:16) 

“Prayer is the one prime, eternal condition by which the Father is pledged to put the Son in possession of the world. Christ prays through His people.” E.M. Bounds

“Walking with God down the avenues of prayer we acquire something of His likeness, and unconsciously we become witnesses to others of His beauty and His grace.” E.M. Bounds

“The story of every great Christian achievement is the history of answered prayer.” E.M. Bounds

Faithful God, hear our prayer on behalf of many Americans and others who are out of work...

Though people want to work—need to work—because of this pandemic, millions have no job. Help them to find a way to support themselves and their families. May those who are hungry find food, and those facing eviction find a place to live. (2 Thessalonians 3:10; Psalm 90:17) 

How to Persevere in Prayer When You’re Really Stressed Out

- Here are 10 Hindrances to Effective Prayer

A Prayer for Those Battling Sin? Is that you? 

God our Savior, we come to You on behalf of the lost, of those far from You...

As we pray, we realize many who are facing these issues are lost, have not been born again. Because You have said You want all to be saved, we ask You to use everything in these troubled times to draw them to Jesus. Unless You draw them, they cannot come. (1 Timothy 2:3-4; John 6:44) 

“The [prayer] closet…is the battlefield of the Church; its citadel; the scene of heroic and unearthly conflicts.” E.M. Bounds

“The secret of prayer and its success lie in its urgency. We must press our prayers upon God.” E.M. Bounds

Some people here love to cheat and they've gotten good at it after lots of practice. O LORD, God of truth, protect our people, and our November election from interference, lies and fraud...

Because you delight in those who tell the truth, bless us with government leaders who are honest. Help us to be discerning and test everything that is said. Expose any lies and help our election to be fair and without fraud. (Psalm 31:5; 1 Thessalonians 5:21; Proverbs 12:22, 19).

“The first and last stages of holy living are crowned with praying. It is a life trade.” E.M. Bounds 

“Secret praying is the test, the gauge, the conserver of man’s relation to God.” E.M. Bounds 

"Be joyful always; pray continually; give thanks in all circumstances.." 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18

Father, despite the turmoil of these unsettled and turbulent times, we come with thankful hearts...

O God, our Savior, the hope of all the ends of the earth..

How can we not rejoice in You, knowing that You are our all-powerful God, able to bring everything under Your control. Whatever You have allowed in this world, You will use for Your purpose and Your glory. (Psalm 65:5; Jeremiah 32:18-19; Revelation 16:9; Psalm 33:11) 

“The most important lesson we can learn is how to pray.” E.M. Bounds

“The story of every great Christian achievement is the history of answered prayer.” E.M. Bounds

O God who hears our prayers voiced (outloud or not) in Jesus' mighty name..

Today, help us to pray without ceasing staying focused on you. Help us to live lives that totally abide in Christ with the confidence He will abide in us.
May this be so for Your people whose lives have been turned upside-down by this pandemic. Help them to abide more deeply than ever before. (Psalm 65:2; 1 Thessalonians 5:17; John 15:5)

“Prayer is our most formidable weapon, but the one in which we are the least skilled, the most averse to its use.” E.M. Bounds

“Prayer is not the foe to work, it does not paralyze activity.  It works mightily; prayer itself is the greatest work.” E.M. Bounds

Father, we give You thanks, for You are good and Your love endures forever..

Jesus intercedes, we can too! 

We give You thanks, Lord, that nothing can separate us from Your love. As this pandemic continues to rage and claim lives, we thank You for the millions that have not been ill. We are thankful for all who have been sick and have recovered. (Psalm 107:1; Romans 8:35-39) 

Lord, we are grateful that in You are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge..

Thank You for the vaccines being developed to prevent the virus. Thank You for helping our first responders to know what to do. Thank You for enabling teachers and parents to help children with online learning—and that online learning is even possible! (Colossians 2:2-3; Proverbs 2:6)

“Prayer is the greatest of all forces, because it honours God and brings Him into active aid.” E.M. Bounds

“God shapes the world by prayer.” E.M. Bounds

So holy and merciful -- I praise you. We need an outpouring here. Again, send authentic revival to your church and a biblical awakening in our Land! More massive than all former spiritual awakenings. God, we want to be a part of that with you, Lord. 

Jesus, You love righteousness and justice, and the earth is full of Your unfailing love...

Thank You for the real peaceful demonstrators who have not given in to violence, the daily theft, and destruction on our streets.

Thank You for those who have stood to protect people and property. Thank You for opening our eyes to the inequities so many have had to live with. (Psalm 33:5; 34:14) 

Am grateful to you for coming through for us. LORD, our good Provider, the Giver of every good and perfect gift...

It's so easy to get jaded or calloused when we see so many scammers on every corner holding up their signs. God, help us to feel for, and to care about the poor like you do. 

Thank You for Your creative provision: working through our government to provide supplemental checks and unemployment benefits (even if those multiple times come to an end as they do..), and through the food banks to feed the hungry people you care about, through individuals who have helped the financially distressed any way they could. (Genesis 22:14; James 1:17) 

Let's pray first, and then tactfully share the Gospel! 

O LORD, Your ways are not our ways, they are much higher than our ways...

How thankful we are that that is true! You are sovereign and You can do anything at any time, and we see how true that is today. In the midst of this global pandemic, You are drawing many to Christ, and we thank You for each one who has been given new life. (Isaiah 55:8-9; Romans 6:4). In Jesus’ name, amen.

Got some questions on this topic?

1. Why does the Bible teach us to pray for our enemies? What does it mean to pray for your enemies?

2. How to pray smart? Don't wanna ever be religious but what is the proper way to pray? Is there a certain method I should use to pray properly?

3. Does the Bible give us instructions on what to pray for? How can I know what to pray for?

4. Why is it important for us to pray for our leaders? How and why should we pray for our leaders?

5. How can I be sure on who we pray to? Does it matter to Whom we address our prayers? To whom are we to pray, the Father, the Son, or the Holy Spirit? 

6. Why did Jesus instruct the disciples to watch and pray, and what does that mean for us today? What does it mean to watch and pray?

7. Why is “Thy will be done” included as one of the things we should pray for in the Lord’s prayer? What does it mean to pray, “Thy will be done”?

8. How should I be praying for my unsaved/unbelieving friends and family members? What sort of prayers should we pray for unbelievers?

9. What is the point of prayer when God knows the future and is already in control of everything? If we cannot change God’s mind, why should we even pray to him? Why pray at all?

10. Is it wrong to pray written prayers? Will God still answer a prayer from us if it is first written down in a computer like in the cloud or on paper.. for if it's memorized?

11. Is the Lord’s Prayer a prayer we are supposed to memorize and recite? What is the Paternoster? What is the Lord’s prayer and should we pray it?

12. Why is “Thy kingdom come” included as one of the things we should pray for in the Lord’s prayer? What does it mean to pray, “Thy kingdom come”?

13. Why should we pray for the peace of Jerusalem? Why should we pray for the peace of Jerusalem?

14. What does the ACTS acronym stand for in regards to prayer? Is the ACTS formula for prayer a good way to pray?

15. How can I pray in public without praying to be seen by others? Is public prayer biblical? Is it okay to pray in public?

16. Should we only pray for something once and trust that God’s will be done? Is it acceptable to repeatedly pray for the same thing?

17. Got some more questions about prayer? Why pray at all? How can I get God to answer my prayers? What is praying in the Spirit?

18. How can you pray out loud without praying to be seen and heard by other people? If Jesus condemned the Pharisees for praying out loud, should we pray aloud?

19. Does 'give us this day our daily bread' refer to more than just bread? What does it mean to pray for our daily bread?

20. Does praying in Jesus’ name mean saying 'In Jesus’ name, Amen' at the end of a prayer? What does it mean to pray in Jesus’ name?

 21. Does the Bible teach us to pray for others? Why is praying for others important?

22. Does the Bible teach us to say a prayer before every meal? Why do we pray before eating meals?

23. Does praying without ceasing literally mean praying all of the time? What does it mean to pray without ceasing?

24. If Jesus and the Father are one, why did Jesus need to pray to the Father? If Jesus was God, how could He pray to God? Was Jesus praying to Himself?

25. Why does Jesus pray for us? What does Jesus pray for us? Does Jesus pray for us?

26. What does it mean to pray according to God’s will? How can I be sure I am praying according to the will of God?

27. Why do some people from the so called Roman church believe in the praying to the saints and to Mary? Reading the Bible I like the decisions she made, but she admitted to being a sinner. Is prayer to saints, like to Mary biblical?

28. What conditions must I meet before God will grant my prayer requests? Are there any conditions to answered prayer?

29. Does God tempt us to sin? Uh..no. Never. We need to learn to hate sin as much as he does, and love righteousness as much as he does. Otherwise there's room for growth.  Why did Jesus instruct us to pray 'lead us not into temptation' when God states that He does not tempt us?

30. Biblically speaking, what is the proper way to pray for those who are sick? What does the Bible say about prayer for the sick?

31. Is prayerlessness a sin? How can I overcome my lack of interest in praying? What does the Bible say about prayerlessness?

32. What is praying as you are led of the Lord to pray? What is praying in the Spirit?

33. There is petition, confession, etc. but no thanks..what? Why doesn’t the Lord’s Prayer include thanksgiving? shouldn’t all our prayers include expressions of thankfulness?

34. Is there value in quoting Scripture as you pray? Does praying Scripture have greater effectiveness than other prayers?

35. Does God call certain people to be prayer warriors? How can I become a prayer warrior?

37. What is the five-finger prayer? What does each finger stand for in the five-finger prayer?
38. What is prayer? Is prayer truly talking to God? How can I know that prayer is truly communicating with God?
39. Regarding prayer etc., what does it mean that the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak? Why did Jesus say that to the disciples in the Garden of Gethsemane?