F4S: He or she who opts to regularly sow impudence will end up reaping a harvest of impudence. And who wants that? Let's start a study on this.

Tuesday, December 14, 2021

He or she who opts to regularly sow impudence will end up reaping a harvest of impudence. And who wants that? Let's start a study on this.

What does the Bible say about very disrespectful children?

What does the Bible say about disobedient children?

What does the Bible say about child abuse?

Ever been falsely blamed of this by a child who keeps gettin' caught doin' wrong at school or elsewhere?

Never be guilty of any kind of abuse anywhere with anyone.  

What are some Bible verses about fathers?

What does it mean to train up a child in the way he should go?

What does it mean to be chastened? How does God chasten us?

What does the Bible say about tough love?

What is disfellowshipping?

If Jesus paid the price for our sin, why do we still suffer the consequences of our sin?

Stick with the facts.  What is the meaning of “where two or three are gathered” in Matthew 18:20?

 What does the Bible say about being a good parent?

 What does the Bible say about shunning?

Is that ever right to do? When is shunning a person the right thing to do?

Show love in words, attitude, in deeds and have some smart house rules for your kids. Have a right human spirit cuz of the pure Holy Spirit livin' on the inside of you.  

Parents are to balance curtesy and control, love and discipline before a watching world.  We're to be authentic in private and in public. 

Yes, exhibit by the Spirit.. real truth and real grace in raising kids. Let's exhibit love for God's grace and truth in both our walk with Christ even out in the world. Is that even possible in our day? Yes in Christ.  

Should they have this same balance as empty nesters ..you know after the kids have moved out? Sure. Yes indeed, even though their duties have changed quite a bit.  

In Jesus, we see the perfect balance of grace and truth. He was never impudent or disrespectful to his earthly parents or towards his heavenly Father. Isn't Jesus' person, attitude, good character, teachings and fine example still the model we are to follow. Yes.  

"And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we beheld His glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth" John 1:14

When people were mean or patronizing or harsh and have sinned, Jesus gave grace. He was all about helping them learn and not do that again too.

Seems to me like God gave often grace to the humble and broken, and law to the proud, puffed up religious and seared in conscience. He loves us all, but his approach was different due to their attitudes and beliefs. 

Should we expect the behavior of sinners who are now adults to be respectful of others. Well, do you employ them? If so, then yes.. otherwise sinners will act and think like sinners. Rude, impudent, demanding, selfish, worldly, mean-spirited, indifferent and dismissive. For the most part those who are not yet repentant, believing, spiritually born again and in a relationship with God through Christ can not and will not act like Jesus did.

Sinners act like sinners because they are sinners. Democrats and GOP Rinos or Cinos act like they do because they are sinners. Many Conservatives are yet saved as well. Duh.

Our society today lacks the holy fear of God. Kids used to have a healthy fear aka respect of their dads, parents, grandparents. Where did it go? No kids know more and feel they are equal in authority to all adults around them. Where did the kid's ..even the adult kid's.. respect of elders go? It went out the window. The devil hates marriage, hates family and hates kids too.  

Got some adult sons and or daughters? My sons are raised, and raising them right was my responsibility, but now they're totally God's deal and not mine to deal with. May He have his way for their benefit. 

Do you want to live a long life? Is there anything other and smart exercise and eating right that you can do? 

What did Jesus mean when He instructed us to hate our father and mother (Luke 14:26)?

What does the Bible say about honor in general?

What does the Bible say about respecting your parents?

What does the Bible say about Christian fathers?

What does God have to say to single fathers?

 When, how, and why does the Lord God discipline us when we sin?

 How should Christians discipline their children? What does the Bible say?

What are some Bible verses about discipline?

 What does the Bible say about church discipline? 

 Does the Bible say anything about grandparents?

How should parents who are divorcing/separating deal with child custody issues?

What does the Bible say about how to handle a sibling rivalry?

Should Christian parents trust their children’s education to public schools?

What does the Bible say about step-parenting?

What does the Bible say about children’s rights?

 What does the Bible say about raising children?

Should a Christian continue spanking his/her children if it is illegal?

 How do I survive trying to raise a teenager?

What is Christian domestic discipline (CDD)?

What does the Bible say about self-discipline?

What does it mean to "spare the rod, spoil the child"?

 Does God punish us when we sin?

What are the spiritual disciplines?

Why are fathers told, “Do not provoke your children” (Colossians 3:21)?

Sup with children and the young once being the wise ones while parents are always portrayed as stupid? In Christ you can become wise while young -- I hope you do.

What does the Bible say about ageism?

What is chivalry? Does the Bible instruct men and fathers to become chivalrous?

Love is patient and kind -- it ain't rude.  

What does it really mean that love is patient? Always patient? 

What does it mean that love is not rude (1 Corinthians 13:5)?

Who is the head of the household according to the Bible?

What does the Bible say about disrespectful children?

How should Christian parents respond to their children when they are being disrespectful and impudent?

Why did Jesus entrust his earthly mom, Mary, to the apostle John instead of to His brothers?

What does it mean that love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth (1 Corinthians 13:6)?

What does it mean that love keeps no record of wrongs (1 Corinthians 13:5)?

What are the Ten Commandments? What is the Decalogue?

Does the Bible mention David’s mother?

What does it really mean that love is kind (1 Corinthians 13:4)? Always kind, that seems impossible? 

Got some questions about wise parenting?

What does it mean to love your neighbor as you love yourself?

What does God have to say to single fathers?

Are there any single fathers in the Bible?

Yeah... why does the Bible use gray hair as a symbol of wisdom?

What role did the seventy elders of Israel have?
Why did elders have such an important role in Old Testament times?
What does the Bible say about the form of church government? Does the New Testament teach a plurality of church leadership?
What does the Bible say about who is qualified to serve as an elder or deacon?
How specific is the Bible on the form church leadership should take?

Does the Bible really say that parents should have their rebellious children stoned?

How important is a Christian parent’s conduct. You know on how the unbelieving world sees Christ? In them, in their life, attitude, deeds and conversation? 

What does it mean to love Jesus?

How do I share the gospel with a lost parent or a lost son or daughter?

Why did elders have such an important role in Old Testament times?
What does it mean to be disrespectful?
How should Christian parents respond to their children when they are being disrespectful?
What does the Bible say about who is qualified to serve as an elder or deacon?
What even is an ageist? How should Christians respond to ageism?
Does the Bible say anything about grandparenting? What does the Bible say about being a grandfather or grandmother?
Why is honor so important? What does it mean to honor someone?

Does the Bible really say that parents should have their rebellious children stoned? isn’t the death penalty for a rebellious child brutally harsh?

The word "dwelt" as in the Word or Jesus dwelling among us has a history in the Old Testament. The word can be translated "tabernacled." Moses constructed the Ark of the Covenant and placed it in a tent so God dwelt among his people as they wandered in the desert.

Emile Wolfaardt puts it this way: "A little more than 2,000 years ago, God stepped onto our earth, pitched His tent and set up camp right in the middle of us all. That is what the word 'dwelled' can mean — to set a tent. In other words, the Word became flesh and pitched His tent among us. And when He did that, well men it was the most profound revelation of God man would ever know on this earth."

Theologian J.C. Ryle eloquently writes of the grace and truth that came together in the person of the Lord Jesus Christ: "This constant undivided union of two perfect natures in Christ's Person is exactly that which gives infinite value to His mediation and qualifies Him to be the very Mediator that sinners need. Our Mediator is One who can sympathize with us, because He is very MAN. And yet, at the same time, He is One who can deal with the Father for us on equal terms, because He is very GOD."

Ryle gives one of the best explanations ever placed in print of how grace and truth came together in the person of the Lord Jesus Christ. You may want to read it again.

When I think of grace, the words of the Lord Jesus on the cross come to mind: "Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they do" (Luke 23:34). Truth demands justice, but forgiveness is grace in action.

Has my read on conversation, has my take always been accurate? Sadly no.

Rather than saying something like basically take a hike dad you sent me conservative material after I told you multiple times I'm a conservative if you don't stop.. I'll block you. you'd rather you rather say I'm sorry I made you believe I was a conservative when I take in from liberal NPR AP and read it and can't stand your news sites because they're fake even though they're not.

somebody who believes in Jesus doesn't hate their parents and rebel.. they don't tell my mom and Ben's mom and Ben's dad and not tell their own parents that did the raising that they believe in Jesus.

When you sow impudence you will eventually reap impudence, and perhaps you already are with your child or with others. Who even needs that? 

My father and even my grandfathers on both sides were expected to come to the evening dinner table with a white shirt and tie on. they were taught to respect their elders meaning parents and relatives or any authority figure like a teacher or police-person or other city worker.

As far as kids went you could speak if you were spoken to and there was a bit of fear if you were even slightly impudent. That's a bit far but I do like how they showed respect to their authorities. I think we all should have a healthy fear of God who's our direct Authority and ultimate authority. What's lacking in our culture today is the fear of the god of the Bible. Reverence and holy fear is gone in many churches.

My dad and grandparents had certain chores to do around the house as if they worked on a ranch or farm though those days were gone. Me and my brothers also had to have our chores done before my dad arrived home.

About 30 years ago it seemed like all the sitcoms, movies and other TV shows portrayed parents ..especially fathers ..as the stupid ones in the family and the children as the wise ones the parents could learn from if they chose to. In real life that's often not the case with little children.

I've hear fathers sometimes remind their children who need help on a project.. of how many years of experience they've had in life before they try to help the young person like say on that project.

I won't say their name but this is so that their daughter or their son might start to show respect and listen up. Personally, unless they're very young this so-called training seems like a waste of time in our day.

But after 30 years of media repeatedly telling you that you are much wiser, child, than all the adults around you.. it's easy to see how many fools would believe that.

So today we have many rude, condescending, impudent, puffed up, cancel culture young people lacking all fear of God and they are ready to cancel or block or cut off their relatives, friends or even parents at the drop of a hat.. after speaking rudely yet not realizing it.

They wonder why they've estranged their grandfathers and have created tensions with other adults around them.

Why don't all their elders see and believe what their TV shows for decades have told them?

Doesn't this kind of seem like part of the devil's plan as we see the dissolving of the family, and the breakdown of society, and the dismantling of America. What we've been witnessing is the total collapse of our history and nation.

Impudence is discourteous. It's marked by callous indifference, lack of agape love and an immodesty. It's a contemptuous cocky over-boldness, a disregard of others. Impudent upstarts don't see when they are speaking or acting impudently.

It's an effrontery, an attitude and wrong human spirit kind of thing. When the shameless impudence goes on for decades it's pretty hard to take. When you try to sit down and discuss this because they attacked their mother, the fool rather than apologizing is up and stomping out the door.

They insist it's face to face grown up conversations they'll have with you, but that ain't going to happen unless you agree with them and tell em exactly what they want to hear from "stupid adults."

Many don't intend to act smugly with cold blooded hubristic attitude, or very offensive. They are blind to this in themselves.

I know of some very spoiled, coddled "wise in their own eyes" young parents who use their children to train their parents how to submit.. otherwise they're cut off. I have a sweet aunt who rarely gets to see her grandson due to her arrogant son and callously clueless daughter-in-law. I hurt for this aunt seeing her go to Al-Anon just to release these fools emotionally.

Fortunately I haven't had that with my third son.

I know some parents who have thrown up their hands into the air and have become like lickspittle slaves to whatever their spoiled grown up babies demand.. because they're too afraid to be canceled, or cut off. It might be pretty late for your son or daughter to learn proper respect, but please don't become like that.

Do you have a son or entitled daughter who has bailed on every church or Christian, who believes the opposite of you in almost everything because their college has brainwashed them into a fairly or fully liberal mindset? Do they say that you're listening to the fake news sites when they really are?

What can you do?

You can pray for them and lead them to Christ. You can respect their choices and let them go where they really want to go

You don't have to put up with their blatant disrespect and impudence.

Do you have young adult kids who couldn't abide by your few house rules so they ran away only to manipulate another gullible mother into giving them the support they feel they deserve? Let them, and let them love the fool more.

The sowing of rebellion and disrespect will have its own crop to reap.

"For they sow the wind, and they reap the whirlwind." Hosea 8:7

There is a cultural war heating up because there is fierce spiritual warfare also happening. The best way to overcome lies is to live it and tell the truth. Preach the word in season and out and right now it's out of season but not for you. .. we share the truth with our loved ones when and if they are open to hear it. let them hear the truth of the Gospel if they're open.. yes, in the power of the Spirit.  

During what we are now witnessing, this sad dismantling of our nation.. our whacked US government (with Liberals leading, helped by the Rinos, Cinos) has all kinds of non-laws for you to obey regarding your family. They want control over you, your kids, and your money. Listen you can’t comply your way out of tyranny people. Isn't it high time for some civil disobedience.

You don't unite with evil and lies, you defeat them with Christ and what's really so.  

Isn't it high time to say NO to the pompous rudeness, the conceited put-downs, and crazy demands from your spoiled grown-up children? When they come around give them the gospel. It's law to the proud and grace to the humble.

Do any of these terms sound familiar in your household?

Full of oneself, scornful, pompous with a superiority complex, sneering, pretentious, too big for ones boots, proud, pompous, egotistic, patronizing, condescending, scornful, scoffer, mocker, snooty, arrogant definition conceited, hubristic, self-important.

They're patronizing and condescending towards adults- apparently kind or helpful at times, but betraying a feeling of superiority. It's from a superiority complex.

They're intolerant and contemptuous of Christians, churches and of Conservatives, disdainful disrespectful insulting insolent full of contempt derisory derisive mocking sneering jeering scoffing taunting withering scathing snide condescending supercilious arrogant cavalier high and mighty imperious proud, on one's high horse contumelious.

Smug, that's having or showing an excessive pride in oneself or in one's so called achievements.

What does the Bible say about obeying parents?

What does the Bible say about children’s rights?

Sup with family relationships?

What does the Bible say about arrogance?

Are the Ten Commandments repeated in the New Testament?

What does the Bible say about caregiving?

According to the Bible, to whom are we to be submissive, and why?

Should a Christian have swag, you know a swagger about him or her?

Is swagger a sign of sinful pride? Is swag evidence of arrogance?

What does the Bible mean when it speaks against haughty eyes?

What is the value of letting another man praise you (Proverbs 27:2)?

What is the meaning of Proverbs 27:2?

Is there anything I can do to guarantee myself a long life?

How can it be?

Why are Christians sometimes so mean or disrespectful?

How do you balance leave and cleave with honoring your parents?

What does it mean to honor my father and mother?

Should the honor of your parents, relatives and elders end when you move out? Nope.

So, what responsibility do adult children have in regards to a relationship with their parents?

What does the Bible say about how men should treat women.. and children? We are to walk in the word, yes, in the power of the Holy Spirit. We are to walk in selfless agape love showing respect. Is it challenging to show respect to an impudent son or daughter? Are we to cower under that weird treatment or become subservient to the arrogant ones just to maintain the peace? Many parents do that, because they know their kids will use the grandkids (really long withholding) as tools to train their parents who have not acted inappropriately towards any.  

Was Jesus being rude to Mary when He referred to her as “woman” in John 2:4?

Why didn’t Jesus show more respect to His mother in John 2:4?

What does the Bible say about dealing with difficult people?

What does it mean to walk in love (Ephesians 5:2)?

What does it mean that God is love?

What are some other Bible verses about love?

Is God’s love reckless?

What does the Bible say about emotional abuse? Or about jealousy?

What does it mean that love is not proud (1 Corinthians 13:4)?

What does it mean that love is not self-seeking (1 Corinthians 13:5)? What does 'love is not self-seeking' mean in terms of how I show love to others.

What does it mean that love does not boast (1 Corinthians 13:4)?What does 'love does not boast' mean in terms of how I show love to others?

What does it mean that love is not easily angered (1 Corinthians 13:5)? 

What does 'love is not easily angered' mean in terms of how I show love to mean people? 

What does it mean that love does not envy (1 Corinthians 13:4)?

What does it mean to become all things to all people (1 Corinthians 9:22)?

What does it mean to have a holier-than-thou attitude?

Is there ever to be a place for that, or that know-it-all attitude. Nope.

What does the Bible say about coarse jesting and crude joking?

There's no place for that in any relationship. It's not edifying.

What does the Bible say about being mean-spirited?

What does the Bible say about etiquette and good manners?

How do we show honor to an abusive parent?

Is that really called for? What responsibility do adult children have in regards to a relationship with their parents?

An impudent upstart, what is that?

I say be careful to follow the Lord real close. He or she who opts to regularly sow impudence will end up reaping a harvest of impudence.

What is this? It’s a basic effrontery on, it’s an insolence, it's a lame conduct and inner attitude of impudent attitude that emerges in the language with a shamelessness. What's an effrontery on? It's an insolent or impertinent behavior. "Man, one juror had the effrontery to challenge the coroner's decision"

Well, it’s marked by a contemptuous or cocky boldness and disregard of others. It's lacking simple modesty (that quality or state of being unassuming and accurate in the estimation of one's abilities, gifting's, acumen.

i.e., "..with typical modesty he insisted on sharing the credit with others".

It's unlike humble self-effacement which is that quality of not pointing to self, or claiming attention for oneself.

If we don't pray, then we shouldn't even say. When the outlook doesn't look so great, try the up-look, Sport. Keep praying the price (knee-mail time). There's a lot at sake for this and the next generation. 

Photo above by Juliane Liebermann