F4S: Homosexuality.. is living like that sinful? Yep. For real? Yes. Is being a womanizer sinful? Yes. Really? Sure, let's see what God in the Bible has to say. His words are the words that matter here.

Monday, December 13, 2021

Homosexuality.. is living like that sinful? Yep. For real? Yes. Is being a womanizer sinful? Yes. Really? Sure, let's see what God in the Bible has to say. His words are the words that matter here.

Q:  If the Old Testament Law in the Bible cannot exclusively be used to argue for homosexuality being sinful as some people say, then why do real Christians today believe that homosexuality is sinful? 

The answer is that the New Testament also clearly and explicitly states that homosexuality is both immoral and unnatural (See Romans 1:26-271 Corinthians 6:9). 

In fact, the New Testament in the Bible clearly confirms the Old Testament command against the sinful lifestyle of homosexuality. It explains why the command existed, and argues for why homosexuality should continue to be considered sinful today. 

On a personal note. I have a straight friend who is a father of three (I'll call him Darrel) who saw one of his daughters turn into a lesbian that now she hates him after he's given piles of money to help her, and he has one son who turned into a cross-dressing gay. 

Darrel (not his real name) rightfully wanted to show love towards all his kids over the years and he gave them all very much, but Darrel got real mad at me for not coming over to perform the gay wedding of his daughter to another lesbian (who has now ditched his daughter and others). 

I tried to explain to the dad that me as a Christian simply can not do the wedding because it would endorse what God is clearly opposed to.  Darrel didn't get it, doesn't get it, but sadly he is hated now.. not by me. I'm not even sure why he is so hated in that home. 

God in the Bible says He hates all sins because they hurt and destroy people that He created and loves. Sexual sins are particularly hurtful to God because biblical sex in a proper marriage greatly glorifies God. He thought it up and knows how it works best -- he can really bless your married sex. This is basic stuff here, sexual sinning is simply outside of His divine order and is seriously destructive according to the Bible. Prayerfully study through all of it. 

Yes, the Bible basically teaches that God hates homo sins, bi sins, tranny sins, and hetero sins, but he loves all sinners. Don't take my words or opinions on this, go read the 66 books of the Bible and see for yourself. It's really easy to see. Do you have honest questions? Seekers of truth are finders. Is that you?  
It's amazing to hear gays continue to twist the Scriptures to make their lifestyle acceptable. Heterosexuals do that too. It's wrong and guess what.. God the Judge won't be mocked. People will still reap what they sow. 

“Moreover thou shalt not lie carnally with thy neighbor's wife, to defile thyself with her. And thou shalt not let any of thy seed pass through the fire to Molech, neither shalt thou profane the name of thy God: I am the LORD. Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination. Neither shalt thou lie with any beast to defile thyself therewith: neither shall any woman stand before a beast to lie down thereto: it is confusion. Defile not ye yourselves in any of these things: for in all these the nations are defiled which I cast out before you: and the land is defiled: therefore I do visit the iniquity thereof upon it, and the land itself vomiteth out her inhabitants.” Lev. 18:20-25 kjv (See context. Also take the time to read Romans 1 through the end of the book.)

Why should people see the seriousness involved, and how destructive sins can be? There will be varying degrees of punishment in Hell and varying degrees of rewards in heaven. Not multi-level heaven, but God is a just Judge. 

Some sins are more destructive than other sins and can il-affect far more people made in God's image. Duh! We want to of course show Christ's love in practical ways to all kinds of sinners for the purpose of winning them to fight in Christ, but with this type of holy charity and ministry, with this noble goal I mean.. does it often become easy to endorse or condone their serious sinful lifestyle.. that destroys humans? 

Yes. So please be careful as you be a witness, and verbally give witness for Jesus Christ (as you live it and tell it--the Gospel) for God's glory. 

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Nope, not a real Christian, but you can repent and believe in Christ. You can become freely forgiven as much as any sinner can be.. in Jesus. Can a true Christian to be a practicing and unrepentant homosexual? Nope.