F4S: Sincere thanks on up.. refilling, anointing, grace, comfort and answers on down, believer. Let's believe, pray and expect!

Sunday, June 28, 2020

Sincere thanks on up.. refilling, anointing, grace, comfort and answers on down, believer. Let's believe, pray and expect!

Need a prayer guide?

“The purpose of prayer is not to notify God but to express our trust, our faith, our expectation and our heart desire.” ~ Watchman Nee

Not harder than simply breathing in and out.. prayer is. Christ's yoke is easy. He said so. He can help us serve him as we trust. Our eyes are fixed upon him!

Forgiveness on in, encouragement in.. at no charge.. and praise out. Up to the Lord go our thanks and petitions.. not to self or to some so called saint from yesteryear. Why do that and waist your words?

Good choice. Intercede in faith.

Can’t really think of a better one for us to involve ourselves it. Let's opt to pray for your family and friends daily..and all through the day(s). And pray for our nation, churches and leaders during such confusion, chaos and turmoil and anger on the streets.
Christ is thee ultimate cure for a dead soul, for a broken heart, for a society long-adrift, for a wayward nation, and for a lost world. Got some hurt inside, some spiritual jaundice or cynicism.. some disillusionment or questions..basic or otherwise? Take heed. Humble repentance and prayer are how to go to him for you..over the people we love too, and over all these things that each of us daily need. 
“Trust in God at all times...for he is our refuge.” Psalm 62:8
Why should I ever instruct God on how to answer my prayers, or demand answers when I ask him questions? He needs none of that and he owes us sinners zip. Knows far better than me, but I will continue to ask and I’m grateful that he answers sometimes. When it’s good.

From the heart pray over all your needs and longings. Ask that God would give you wisdom, huge JOY, that he will give you a firm foundation in his word, and establish you for every good work and purpose, that he will guide, bless -- and that he will make you a big blessing for other people as well.

“And it is God who establishes us with you in Christ, and has anointed us, and who has also put his seal on us and given us his Spirit in our hearts as a guarantee.” 2 Corinthians 1:21–22
Father, we trust You as our refuge.
We trust you God for our nation -- it's in such confusion today, with much turmoil, but this is not too hard for you to address...
In these difficult times of rebellion we desperately need You to be our refuge, God. As COVID numbers rise, the death toll seems to be soar, and people are injured or killed on our streets. We pause, pray, and pour out our hearts to You! We ask for Your healing, comfort, protection and peace, Lord. (See Psalm 62:8; Isaiah 57:18; 2 Thessalonians 3:16). Continue on in personal prayer as the Holy Spirit leads you...
Raise up a host of intercessors in our church and throughout the nation in other sound churches...
Rouse our hearts to be fervent in prayer. Make it easier for each one to hit their knees. Increase our faith! Help us to pray to you and not give up. When we don’t know what to ask, may we trust our Helper in prayer—the Holy Spirit, who will intercede for us according to Your will. Thanks for your Spirit! (James 5:16; Luke 17:5; 18:1; Romans 8:26-27). Continue with personal prayer...
For leaders needing wisdom in carrying on with business, with education, with church and more...
Leaders are dealing with data that changes day to day. How can they know what to do? Please guide. Help them to seek you in making wise decisions. Raise up leaders who know their Shepherd’s voice and have courage to follow. Grant them..us favor, so that others will listen up to them as they teach the Bible. (2 Samuel 5:17-25; John 10:3-4). Continue on with personal prayer...
For those in the media to search out and share the truth (instead of fake news) in the midst of all the confusion and lies...
Because You are the gracious God of truth, we ask you to stop the half-truths flying at the people, stop the innuendos and lies that are causing fear, doubt, anger, mistrust and confusion..like on social media and TV. Enable responsible journalists to report the truth that will counter the lies of the devil..as they are. (Psalm 31:5; John 8:44). Continue with personal prayer...
Bring an end to the needless racism, reverse-racism and violence...
In some cities protesters are inciting senseless violence and being so destructive with fire etc.; lives have been lost. Restrain the evil one and his influence. Protect those who protect us and lead those suffering from loss and injury to cry out for You. Grant them the abundant life you came to give. Put your strong angels around your people. (See John 10:10). Continue on with personal prayer...
For protection and provision where the COVID is gaining strength in seven states..at a fairly alarming rate...
Provide for medical workers (some hospitals are full and others are pretty empty still)—give them protective gear and medications, physical and emotional strength. Keep them healthy as they care for those with critical needs. Protect us all from those who choose to ignore smart precautions. Like in eateries and stores while refusing to wear masks or to do that maintain social distancing we feel so tired of. (Psalm 20:1). Continue with personal prayer...
Let's pray for individuals and families that are struggling just to make ends meet...
For those facing loss of income, their stress must be magnified with other life questions—about school, childcare, personal relationships, mental and physical conditions and more. May they turn to you in their hour of need and find you faithful..as you always are. (See Psalm 145:13). Now continue on walking close with the Lord and with on-fire Christians, and continue with your personal prayer. Chin up, be blessed and a blessing in Jesus’ name, amen.
Lord Jesus, do intervene. Please do reive us believers in the USA. We need you. Make us consistent equippers and make us to become fishers of people. Skilled with hook, bait, nets and other up-to-day angler tools. Yes, make us faithful, effective and fruitful in you.

We thank you for hearing us. Thanks for President Trump who is seeking to protect your saints, and to preserve the American way of life..a way of life here that's decent and God-honoring. And not only that, but thanks for this leader who supports your church. Together we seek you, we give you thanks, and we trust you for a fresh biblical awakening! So need that in America now! Please help him more, Lord, cuz he often seems outnumbered in DC. And put strong leaders around him to give good counsel.