F4S: What city needs more rioting? None of em. All cities, nations and people need our prayers. Let's pray for our police as well.

Sunday, June 14, 2020

What city needs more rioting? None of em. All cities, nations and people need our prayers. Let's pray for our police as well.

As believers in our Lord Jesus.. you must never treat people in different ways according to their outward appearance.” James 2:1

You know how racism begins with a lack of love and we are not to be lacking love, believer. You can love someone like Jesus does if you allow him to be Lord over you. Choose NOT to harbor prejudice in your heart today.. towards any person. Choose to love and pray for the police and other local and national leaders. We are to submit to their delegated authority. 

We must love everybody the way Jesus does... with him and his love inside our hearts.

Jesus gets very specific about this in John 15:12: “My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you” (NIV). How does Jesus love us?

Unconditionally, freely, completely, and continually. So how should you love other people—even those of other races? Unconditionally, freely, completely, and continually.

Love doesn’t mean we approve of everything someone else does. Jesus doesn’t approve of everything we do, but he still loves us.

The Bible says, “As believers in our Lord Jesus.. you must never treat people in different ways according to their outward appearance” (James 2:1 GNB). Although a person may look to be homeless, you should treat that person as you would a CEO, a king, a queen, or a wealthy person.

Love is very practical and caring towards all people. Pray for each by name. Here’s a prayer guide. 

1. We ain’t colorblind -- we can appreciate all types of people from anywhere. They like their color, God does too, so you don’t have to ignore it. Show love to people. Just don’t make decisions about them based upon their race or background.
2. Don’t tell people who’ve been treated unjustly that you understand. Many Cops have been mistreated too. You don’t understand like God does -- ask for understanding. Nobody knows the injustices others have faced, they know what it feels like. To say you do ..is simply being dismissive.
3. Remember that your history is not exactly the same as their history. Someone born in inner-city Chicago, Seattle, Atlanta or Los Angeles and a person born on a ranch in Gallup, or New Mexico, have different histories. And history matters.
4. Don’t ignore history or say, “Get over it.” People with pain matter, all people do. Do you pray for people wherever you go?
5. Fight all stereotypes, not the people. Our main enemy of course is the devil and the fallen angels (one third fell, they rebelled), people are not the main enemy. Everybody in this world feels stereotyped at times and they need prayer. But stereotypes are never true. Never true! Let’s commit to seeing each and every person as an individual with great value made in the image of God (not Gods, but deeply loved by him).. not someone stereotyped because of their skin color, background, creed, or nationality.
Believer, together when we love like Jesus does, we can eradicate racism. It’s God’s will to get rid of it as well as to back the blue (love and help the police -- most do a great job). If you don’t, just repent. Come to Jesus.. or come back to Jesus. Get right with God in the light before you are left here in the dark